USA SCP-096 Application

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Well-known Member
May 10, 2022
Steam ID: 76561198247404684
Discord name: Fushi#2999
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4 Days 14 Hours Total Playtime
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Curtis Skeeter, Curtis Skooter, Curtis Booter
Civilian name: Curtis Skooter
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-Alpha
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No
What makes you suitable for SCP-096?:
- I would say I am suitable because I have the knowledge to play 096 and would say I have played and learned from the server for the amount of time I have been on.
What is the usual behavior of SCP-096 when pacified?:
- 096 will go and sit in a corner and cover his face.
When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?:
- He is allowed to go wherever the target that looked at his face is.
How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process:
- The steps consist of MTF putting a bucket on 096's head then letting him kill the rest of the people that looked at his face until he is calmed down then put him into restraints and take him back to his cell.
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Well-known Member
Feb 16, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi @Fushi,

Congratulations on having your 096 whitelist application get accepted.
Please contact and admin+ in-game to obtain the whitelist.​
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