[USA] SCP 22415 App

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Jan 27, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24100185
Discord name: shianji
For how long have you played on CN SCP: Since January of last year
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: MST
Character name(s): Edwin Richtofen, Sam Maxis (CI)
Civilian name: The Pinewood Swordsman
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USa
Do you have a mic?:
- yes
What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Former E-11 CPL and Nu-7 CPL, 096, and now Executive Researcher
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have 2 warns for FailRP but that is it.

What makes you suitable for SCP-22415?:
- I have a lot of experience playing as SCP's and I am a former member of E-11 so I have experience on both sides of the field. I am also someone who likes to help people when they need and deserve it and I am someone who likes to enhance RP whenever I can.

What is the usual behaviour of SCP-22415?:
- When it comes to 22415 the usual behavior is simple. The job is to help all those who are morally good at foundation, whether that be healing an MTF who is injured, helping a researcher escape a breached SCP using the dimension, and helping recontain SCP's by using the anomaly containment beam or the repel function once everyone else has been helped.

When there's a CI raid, you see MTF's combatting CI, you also see researchers running away from the fight. Who do you aid and why?
- When CI is raiding your first goal will be to do what is morally right and that is to help the researchers get away from the fight. Your main goal is not to combat CI but to help those who cannot combat get away from the fighting before they get hurt. The focus is not on helping with combat but to make it easier for the MTF to do their job and usually that involves in making sure non-combative are in the crossfire.

You are playing as SCP-22415-3, 076 is currently running towards you. There is a researcher behind 076 which he hasn't noticed. Should you repel 076 and why?
- I would not repel 076 as that would go against everything 22415 stands for as that would involve putting someone in harms way that does not need to be in harms way. Instead I just let 076 pass to help the researcher get somewhere safe and then go to help recontain 076.

You are playing as SCP-22415-1. A D-Class is proactively escaping D-block, he is low on health and demanding medical attention what do you do?
- I do nothing, D-Class are not morally good and I do not need to heal them. Instead I walk away from the D-Class or focus on finding someone who actually needs my healing and possibly tell MTF or GENSEC teams where I saw the D-Class and have them deal with it.
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