[USA] SCP-RP Site Advisor Application from Jules Winnfield

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:46587451
Discord name: Bud Fox#6447
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly three weeks.
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: United States of America.
Time zone: Mountain Standard Time.
Character name(s): Mordechai de Escobar and Alex Rothstein.
Civilian name: Alex Rothstein.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA server.
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
My current whitelist role is in the riot response team.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have had one verbal warning on a civilian character for a job-related reason. Otherwise, no existing system warning.

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I enjoy role play and have been a part of role-playing servers for over a couple of years. Role play mostly has a loose term and can translate into different outlooks on servers and how the server implements it, sometimes mingy, semi-serious, or profound. Role play is about immersion and changing out of realities for leisure, and rightly so because relaxation is essential. I enjoy serious role play, and I want to be a part of the SCP community in that role play section, to be a serious person, immerse as a site advisor and radiate that feeling to other people who might enjoy it. From observation, people have different methods and views on role play on the server, which can conflict. Some people may want to be semi-serious while others want to be either severe or mingy. Nevertheless, compromises are what is paramount in the type of environment.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
It can be challenging to answer because it requires honesty and self-reflection. In lieu of my inherent flaws, I think I am suitable because of my role-play experience, outside experience, maturity, and an open mind to the role-play environment on the server. What exactly does that mean? People want to participate in a community consistently, which is my thinking: people always want to participate; it is inevitable human behavior. Bridging experiences with the player base requires understanding the low-level player relationship to the senior-level player relationship. For example, as a potential site advisor and site administration general, it can be from simply discussing with low-level research or guarding their jobs and changes they might like to see. To make people feel like they are working in a mysterious foundation hidden from the public sphere. Moreover, maybe solving simple conflicts and reaching resolutions among departments and staff. In addition, I am great at organizing and making documents along with research and studies or taking polls from staff for improvements.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Site Administration administrates a responsible location. The administration team deals with the site's safety, security, and comfort. Site administration deals with site affairs, such as conflicts between departments, maintaining department output in terms of productivity and work, and the well-being of all site personnel. In addition, the administration group has the authority to initiate lockdowns and practice protocols in the case of a breach, outside attack, interior struggles, and the like. As an advisor, it would be my responsibility to be a liaison for the site director and to advise what implements might be reasonable according to a department's needs and the like. The job also dictates being an affable person and determining steps to take for the site's best interest, including personnel and anomalies. Measures might include a recommendation for practice drills or to update a professional standard among all employees and alternate ways of doing a job.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Often but not always, ordinary men become legends, and to me, that is what my father was—a real American hero. His name was Tristan; although I only have vague childhood memories, he was stern and earnest. I guess that is what attracted my mother to him. My mother died young, and I hardly remember her, but she was beautiful. I was raised by my Uncle, Alfred. He served as a congressman for the state of Missouri. Something had happened to him to want to no longer participate in government affairs. After his political ending, he hesitantly continued to lobby until retirement. He was hoping that there would be some admirable transformation among government fellows. There were three brothers, my Uncle Alfred, my father Tristan, and another brother named Alex, which in fact, is my namesake. He was an honorable man, and I aim to live up to his name daily. Then there was grandpa David whose nickname "The Major" had earned him much respect among the folk living in Jefferson City. He served in the American Indian War as a Major in the U.S. Army. My grandmother departed from the family for unknown reasons to me. However, Uncle Alfred seemed to, now and then, mention subtle particulars and small canards about her. They grew up on a worthy-sized farm with the ranch and named Pete with his wife and daughter. My grandfather educated my three brothers with the help of tutors. Uncle Alfred and Uncle Alex went to university while my father, Tristan, pursued the adventurous life of the wild.
Back from university and around the time of the Second World War, the three brothers enlisted to fight. According to Uncle Alfred, Grandfather David was not fond of the decision and bickered them about the horrors of war and how it can ruin a man's spirit. Nevertheless, they did embark on a dangerous journey to Europe to bring back the Kaiser's helmet, a byproduct of notable propaganda. However, true patriots. The details are not precise as how Uncle Alex died because no one ever spoke about it to me. I suppose that is good, though, because it does not matter how a man dies, but what principles and reasons die with him. Coming back from the war Uncle Alfred and my father's life was not the same. As the Native Americans may say, my father had a haunting experience, and evil spirits tormented him. What he did during the war, no one knows. Only rumors. I think that every warrior hopes a good death will find him. Maybe my father was looking for death but never found it. I am not entirely sure what happened next, but it is said my father sailed across the globe, hunting flamboyant animals and experiencing many walks of life and cultures. No one is entirely sure why my father did this—but I think he was searching for his inner voice and call to the wild to help cope with the death of Uncle Alex. He was gone for seven years, and in those seven years, a lot happened. Grandfather David had injured his back and needed help to walk. He could no longer tend to his land as he once did. Uncle Alfred won elections as a congressman, and things were stirring around the corner.
Come the time of the sixties, almost two years after the Second World War. Uncle Alfred was a congressman who did approve of Mr. McCarthy—dealing with corrupt men and criminals. The stories are mysterious, but it is said that my father had justly killed three men. Why? Unfortunately, these were the men that had murdered my innocent and sweet mother. Fast forward, and my story begins. My father gave me away to my uncle for safety in the late sixties. My father was now an outlaw on the run and could no longer be responsible for me. I rarely see him. He hunts where there is an excellent hunt to find, away from industry and man. Alfred raised me well, very fancy. I had a good education, learning Hebrew and, surprisingly, of my Jewish ancestry. Uncle Alfred was able to pay my way through medical school, where I also learned Latin. I am now a psychiatrist working for the foundation, studying criminals and helping foundation staff with traumatizing events. My career for the foundation started in 2007.

"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness. And they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy... or they become legend."

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
Hello Jules,

I wanted to ask a question. Do you have any CL4 Experience? (Captain/Executive/Chief of medic/MTF LT+).

Man Manson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 17, 2021
While the only requirement for the application is total LVL 45, it is HIGHLY recommended that you gain some level of CL4 experience prior to attempting to take on this position. Site Admin deals with the direct supervision over the entire site and its many departments and its important to have some level of management experience in the foundation prior to taking on this role.
As a part of security, you could apply for a Security Captain role first if you have been taking on responsibilities as a sergeant. This could serve as an entry point into CL4 management and from there once you feel you've gotten enough experience, you could then more likely apply for this role. But I cannot in good conscious give a recommendation if you have no CL4 experience on site prior.

Because of the reasons above this gets a -support
While the only requirement for the application is total LVL 45, it is HIGHLY recommended that you gain some level of CL4 experience prior to attempting to take on this position. Site Admin deals with the direct supervision over the entire site and its many departments and its important to have some level of management experience in the foundation prior to taking on this role.
As a part of security, you could apply for a Security Captain role first if you have been taking on responsibilities as a sergeant. This could serve as an entry point into CL4 management and from there once you feel you've gotten enough experience, you could then more likely apply for this role. But I cannot in good conscious give a recommendation if you have no CL4 experience on site prior.

Because of the reasons above this gets a -support
All right, thank you for the honesty.
May 9, 2022

From the office of ████████

Application Denied
Thank you for taking the time to apply for Site Advisor. Unfortunately, The ████████ ███████ has decided that you are not fit for the position of Site Advisor due to your lack of experience as a Clearance Level 4 Personnel. You may reapply in 2 weeks.
Secure. Contain. Protect.
- ██-█​
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