[USA] "Second" Overseer Assistant Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85768677
Discord name: tsdksecond
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since September of 2022
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: Pacific Standard Time
Character name(s): "Second" (Nu-7), "Theiatena" (UNGOC), Charlie "CI" Conscript (CI), "Hecate" Reznor (DEA), "Trickster" (GENSEC), Mari "Vampire" Setogaya (General use), Timmy No-Thumbs (Tech Expert)
Civilian name: Saki "Metamorphosis" Yoshida
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" Command Sergeant
- United Nations Global Occult Coalition Major
- GENSEC Reserve Captain
- External Affairs Special Agent, BTAC-DC

- MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" Corporal
- MTF Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" Lieutenant Commander
- Executive Researcher
- Ethics Committee Assistant
- GENSEC Sr. Captain, Alef-6 Commander (Resigned from A-6, stepped down to Reserve to focus other WLs)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

1 warning for FearRP, drove away from CI as the mayor.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

- Experience: I have experience as a non-combative CL4, more specifically a Site Command Assistant. I have lots of CL4 experience in general, and know how to properly conduct myself in a position of that caliber.

- Professionalism: I am known to be a little silly at times, but when needed I can act serious and professional to uphold standards expected of me.

- Work Ethic: I put my mind to doing whatever I need to do, whether that be OOC or IC.

- Notability and Familiarity: I am quite familiar with most people in the Overseer Council and MTF Alpha-1, so it would be easy for me to familiarize myself with the OA environment.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

- Handling orders from the O5 Council.
- Authorizing Advanced Armory in the event of no Site Command/Site Administration.
- Leading MTF Alpha-1 in the absence of the O5 Council (Though, A-1 are not obligated to listen to OAs unless under orders from an O5 member themselves).
- Auditing/investigating departments as ordered by the Overseer Council.
- Approving research tests (within limits) on behalf of the Overseer Council.
- Upholding the Code of Conduct.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


█████ "Second" █████████ was brought into the SCP Foundation very early on in his life, starting off as a member of the General Security department. As he climbed the ranks, he always thrived for something more. He reached out to the local recruitment officer for MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" and enlisted under Commander Rui "Rudy" Mercer.

After countless days of pouring his blood, sweat, and tears into his MTF, he caught the attention of the once-prestigious MTF Omega-1. He was fighting an uphill battle, as he had to prove his worth. He also decided to, in his downtime, help the Ethics Committee as an Assistant. He mostly did paperwork and handled special tasks they needed done.

After 3 months serving for Omega-1, he was eventually promoted to Lieutenant Commander by the Ethics Committee, recognized for his service. He served as Lieutenant Commander for 4 months, where he gained the nickname of "The Law" around site. He was, later, removed from his position and discharged from the regiment. The Ethics Committee tried, and failed, to dispose of him. All of his encounters with ██-█ "███ ████████" got him used to surviving. He ran back, shrouded his identity, and hid amongst the ranks of MTF Nu-7 once again.


He is now the rank of Sergeant Major, working directly with Commander "Grover" to ensure that NCOs in Nu-7 are properly trained and organized. He grew to hate the Ethics Committee, and everything they stand for. The O5 knew him to be a valuable asset, so they capitalized and reached out to him with an opportunity to evolve beyond his current restrictions...
  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: Blu
Aug 8, 2022
I think that Second aka "Theiatena" aka Charlie "CI" Conscript aka "Hecate" Reznor aka "Trickster" aka Mari "Vampire" Setogaya aka Timmy No-Thumbs is suitable for the position of Overseer Assistant because they are good and have good abilities to be an overseer assistant and is cool and stuff.
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Reactions: McFlurry


Well-known Member
Nov 8, 2022
doesnt powertrip or minge super serious rough type guy I would watch what you say to him
  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: Second

Stick Defender

Active member
Apr 27, 2023
Huge -Support

All I have seen from him is minge on my time on US, You have terrible retaliations with departments like E-11 and you even bragged about "destroying E-11's CO team when you kept on recruiting E-11 CO's lol"



Civil Gamers Expert
May 19, 2022
the joke man himself, if you accept him he will make sure you oversleepers dont oversleep :fire
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