Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179221471
Discord name: gamersoulz
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For the month with Vtime 3 days, in total several months.
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: AST
Character name(s): Arthur 'Overlord'
Civilian name: James Rodgers
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Previously Held: MTF A-1 SGT | MTF O-1 LT | Chief of Medicine (Old name for it, now renamed Consultant) | CI-D
Currently held: Nu-7 CSG
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2
Micspam: Playing music over telephone for D-Class
Mixing: Brand new to the server and didn't know it was a rule and was talking about discord.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I wish to help make the division more capable and a formidable fighting force not just based on numbers. Secondary reason is to help rid of minges and people who look to only cause trouble and break rules, I can be there much more often than other captains that I have seen.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I have previous level 4 experience and know how to behave and operate properly. I have done quite my fair share of leadership even before attaining sergeant while in any captains absence as a Riot Response. I even had been placed with direct authority over lower Gensec enlisted by Captain Timmy Bill as he seen my capabilities while he was away for a while as riot response.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- Over-watch D-Block and issue direct commands to gensec personnel when needed. Captains also watch sergeants closely and guide them so they're able to perform their duties correctly and efficiently. Captains can issue sweeps when necessary although it should be left to Sergeants to organise and plan.
Gensec Captains can also host license training's and when past the initial probationary period when newly promoted, can do Sergeant Tryouts without the need for supervision by senior captains or the chiefs.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
At the start of Ellis's career he was just a enlisted security member of Area-36, newly recruited and no idea what his job had in store for him. He got personally trained by the Chief of Security, he had shown him the ropes, gear, and what his job entailed, freshly trained Ellis was set to go perform his duty as apart of General Security. His job was all but simple, sure he had to only just take care of the Class-D personnel and most times the day went slow and uneventful, not much in the way of rioting or trouble-making, but when the site broke out into an all out war-zone due to 1 measly SCP breaching containment, he knew shit was about to hit the fan.
The site announcements were blaring over the loud intercoms, "Code Red initiated, all Security and containment teams mobilise and contain the breached SCP's." It took zero time for the whole site to fall into disarray, orders being issued but other transmissions being talked over preventing almost all coordination.
Ellis knew it was only a matter of time before it managed to get to him and his squads location he had to act quickly. Ellis had quickly ushered all his squad members outside of the D-Block control room and out onto the catwalk just outside of D-Block doors, guns drawn on the only door the SCP's could have come from, he quickly made an order for all nearby teams to D-Block to enter and hold down the position. Shortly after the call-out multiple teams of scared security and containment team members came flooding in and their gaze darting around the room looking for any leadership to take control of the situation.
Ellis had everyone position in specific locations in the large room to focus all fire on the only way in, they covered every angle no matter what they thought of a cadet issuing orders, they were out of options and he was the only one taking charge so they followed what he issued. Soon the horrific screaming and heavy stomps of something massive seemed to be approaching, the yells and final cries of people over the radio being slaughtered were not slowing down, everyone knew this was likely the end. Ellis seemed unwavering and dead-set focused on keeping everyone alive no matter what, the stomps approached closer until it was right on their location.
Everyone holding their breath and attempting to steel their nerves and prepare for what is to happen, the door gets tore down in what seemed like an instant, all the personnel began unloading their weaponry directly through the door annihilating the SCP that was unfortunate enough to break it down, war cries from all the security focusing fire was nearly deafening until it became silent from the doorway. Ellis issued everyone to hold fire, his eyes focused on the doorway to observe what they just laid waste to, it turned out to be a large lizard-like creature something of which he has never seen in his life nor in his training, it was un-moving completely riddled with multiple calibres and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
Ellis had signal'd to everyone to keep their weapons in a ready-safety position until something had occurred, he quickly ordered the containment unit to toss him some restraints which the unit was hesitant at first but quickly gave in as Ellis approached it closer. The once hulking beast now slowly shrinking before their eyes and the mass anomalously disappearing, Ellis knew this was his chance to contain this SCP so he tied it up restricting any movement and ordered a small team of 4 with him to help drag it back to its proper containment as the rest of the personnel slowly followed behind guns still in ready-safety.
The containment unit had stated the area of its containment was above his clearance but the other 3 had argued he should stay and help put it back in, reluctant, the containment person agreed and proceeded. They managed to bring the creature back to containment into a vat of acid which corroded and melted the creature when it was placed inside and the containment door closed behind them as they left. Shortly after re-containment, the site comms returned to normal and the site power fixed and back to operational condition. He breathed a sigh of relief along with the 4 others that accompanied him until he suddenly got contacted via radio, "Cadet Ellis, make your way to the Security Chiefs office ASAP" by an unknown voice. He replied informing them he was en route and his approximate ETA of 4 minutes, he had hauled ass to the location specified and knocked on the door leading to the office.
The door opened and a face he had never seen before was standing directly in front of him and ushered him inside closing the door behind him. He had a overwhelming sense of dread falling over him, was this due to him trespassing into an area above his clearance? Seeing something he wasn't meant to see? His mind darted to a million different questions until he was brought back to reality when the voice of the chief and saw 4 others stood beside him. The chief stated "You were the only one to step up during this potentially catastrophic event. I'm proud of you my boy, you've saved hundreds of personnel's lives today whether they know of it or not, and for that you have my respect along with these 4 gentlemen."
Ellis looked stunned but relieved and nodded then thanked him, but this wasn't the end of this encounter. The chief once more spoke "Cadet Ellis, you have an opportunity. You can stay within Foundation Area-36 or you may transfer to Site-65 a much bigger location with many more opportunities. I had contacted them moments ago as they were the closest site and they wish to take you as a member of their General Security department but as the rank of Captain." Ellis had looked at him shocked of what he had just been told. "I wish to be transferred to Site-65 sir" Ellis had spoke up amidst the silence that was awaiting his answer. "Very well, I'll file the paperwork needed for your transfer, I wish you only the best of luck in your new position and location, I can see you going far." said the Chief.
Ellis had saluted the Chief and promptly left the room in disbelief of what had occurred in that day. He waited impatiently outside of the door until it reopened, the 4 people who had stood in silence emerged and escorted Ellis to the tram system that lead off area, all he could do now is await his arrival to the new destination."
Discord name: gamersoulz
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For the month with Vtime 3 days, in total several months.
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: AST
Character name(s): Arthur 'Overlord'
Civilian name: James Rodgers
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Previously Held: MTF A-1 SGT | MTF O-1 LT | Chief of Medicine (Old name for it, now renamed Consultant) | CI-D
Currently held: Nu-7 CSG
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 2
Micspam: Playing music over telephone for D-Class
Mixing: Brand new to the server and didn't know it was a rule and was talking about discord.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I wish to help make the division more capable and a formidable fighting force not just based on numbers. Secondary reason is to help rid of minges and people who look to only cause trouble and break rules, I can be there much more often than other captains that I have seen.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I have previous level 4 experience and know how to behave and operate properly. I have done quite my fair share of leadership even before attaining sergeant while in any captains absence as a Riot Response. I even had been placed with direct authority over lower Gensec enlisted by Captain Timmy Bill as he seen my capabilities while he was away for a while as riot response.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- Over-watch D-Block and issue direct commands to gensec personnel when needed. Captains also watch sergeants closely and guide them so they're able to perform their duties correctly and efficiently. Captains can issue sweeps when necessary although it should be left to Sergeants to organise and plan.
Gensec Captains can also host license training's and when past the initial probationary period when newly promoted, can do Sergeant Tryouts without the need for supervision by senior captains or the chiefs.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
At the start of Ellis's career he was just a enlisted security member of Area-36, newly recruited and no idea what his job had in store for him. He got personally trained by the Chief of Security, he had shown him the ropes, gear, and what his job entailed, freshly trained Ellis was set to go perform his duty as apart of General Security. His job was all but simple, sure he had to only just take care of the Class-D personnel and most times the day went slow and uneventful, not much in the way of rioting or trouble-making, but when the site broke out into an all out war-zone due to 1 measly SCP breaching containment, he knew shit was about to hit the fan.
The site announcements were blaring over the loud intercoms, "Code Red initiated, all Security and containment teams mobilise and contain the breached SCP's." It took zero time for the whole site to fall into disarray, orders being issued but other transmissions being talked over preventing almost all coordination.
Ellis knew it was only a matter of time before it managed to get to him and his squads location he had to act quickly. Ellis had quickly ushered all his squad members outside of the D-Block control room and out onto the catwalk just outside of D-Block doors, guns drawn on the only door the SCP's could have come from, he quickly made an order for all nearby teams to D-Block to enter and hold down the position. Shortly after the call-out multiple teams of scared security and containment team members came flooding in and their gaze darting around the room looking for any leadership to take control of the situation.
Ellis had everyone position in specific locations in the large room to focus all fire on the only way in, they covered every angle no matter what they thought of a cadet issuing orders, they were out of options and he was the only one taking charge so they followed what he issued. Soon the horrific screaming and heavy stomps of something massive seemed to be approaching, the yells and final cries of people over the radio being slaughtered were not slowing down, everyone knew this was likely the end. Ellis seemed unwavering and dead-set focused on keeping everyone alive no matter what, the stomps approached closer until it was right on their location.
Everyone holding their breath and attempting to steel their nerves and prepare for what is to happen, the door gets tore down in what seemed like an instant, all the personnel began unloading their weaponry directly through the door annihilating the SCP that was unfortunate enough to break it down, war cries from all the security focusing fire was nearly deafening until it became silent from the doorway. Ellis issued everyone to hold fire, his eyes focused on the doorway to observe what they just laid waste to, it turned out to be a large lizard-like creature something of which he has never seen in his life nor in his training, it was un-moving completely riddled with multiple calibres and hundreds of rounds of ammunition.
Ellis had signal'd to everyone to keep their weapons in a ready-safety position until something had occurred, he quickly ordered the containment unit to toss him some restraints which the unit was hesitant at first but quickly gave in as Ellis approached it closer. The once hulking beast now slowly shrinking before their eyes and the mass anomalously disappearing, Ellis knew this was his chance to contain this SCP so he tied it up restricting any movement and ordered a small team of 4 with him to help drag it back to its proper containment as the rest of the personnel slowly followed behind guns still in ready-safety.
The containment unit had stated the area of its containment was above his clearance but the other 3 had argued he should stay and help put it back in, reluctant, the containment person agreed and proceeded. They managed to bring the creature back to containment into a vat of acid which corroded and melted the creature when it was placed inside and the containment door closed behind them as they left. Shortly after re-containment, the site comms returned to normal and the site power fixed and back to operational condition. He breathed a sigh of relief along with the 4 others that accompanied him until he suddenly got contacted via radio, "Cadet Ellis, make your way to the Security Chiefs office ASAP" by an unknown voice. He replied informing them he was en route and his approximate ETA of 4 minutes, he had hauled ass to the location specified and knocked on the door leading to the office.
The door opened and a face he had never seen before was standing directly in front of him and ushered him inside closing the door behind him. He had a overwhelming sense of dread falling over him, was this due to him trespassing into an area above his clearance? Seeing something he wasn't meant to see? His mind darted to a million different questions until he was brought back to reality when the voice of the chief and saw 4 others stood beside him. The chief stated "You were the only one to step up during this potentially catastrophic event. I'm proud of you my boy, you've saved hundreds of personnel's lives today whether they know of it or not, and for that you have my respect along with these 4 gentlemen."
Ellis looked stunned but relieved and nodded then thanked him, but this wasn't the end of this encounter. The chief once more spoke "Cadet Ellis, you have an opportunity. You can stay within Foundation Area-36 or you may transfer to Site-65 a much bigger location with many more opportunities. I had contacted them moments ago as they were the closest site and they wish to take you as a member of their General Security department but as the rank of Captain." Ellis had looked at him shocked of what he had just been told. "I wish to be transferred to Site-65 sir" Ellis had spoke up amidst the silence that was awaiting his answer. "Very well, I'll file the paperwork needed for your transfer, I wish you only the best of luck in your new position and location, I can see you going far." said the Chief.
Ellis had saluted the Chief and promptly left the room in disbelief of what had occurred in that day. He waited impatiently outside of the door until it reopened, the 4 people who had stood in silence emerged and escorted Ellis to the tram system that lead off area, all he could do now is await his arrival to the new destination."