[USA] Security Captain Application Martin Bartuckus

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Active member
Sep 23, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:577816677
Discord name: KLAW#7436
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 96 hours
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Martin Bartuckus
Civilian name: Kendrick LuMbar
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No kicks, No bans, No warnings.

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I am applying for Security Captain to maintain and improve the GENSEC experience while providing knowledge and support to other players. As a Security Captain I would be able to advise new players on the best way to play on the server. D-Block is the center for most new players and it is massively helpful to have someone to look towards for answers. I believe GENSEC Captain would be a perfect fit for me.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I have spent nearly all of my time on the server playing as GENSEC. I have a very good amount of time playing as a GENSEC Sergeant. I know most if not all the responsibilites and rules of GENSEC. I have been to and listened to the mandatory lectures provided to us. I am able to learn very quickly and will surely be able to understand and excecute what is asked of me as a Security Captain. I can provide great leadership to the GENSEC players. I have also succesfully led a sweep approved by Captain Jason Manson. Recently I have been working hard on Sergeant and have been helping out many players with their questions and goals.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
The responsibilities of a Security Captain are to manage GENSEC and command D-Block Sweeps. A Captain will also be able to hold RRT training to give more people access to the RRT positions. As a Captain we are also responsible for guiding new players around the server. Keeping the environment on the server positive is what I am most interested in.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in: Martin Bartuckus grew up on the shoreline of Iceland, catching fish and beating wolves into submission with his bare hands. By the age of 6 Martin forged his own rifle and practiced daily to improve his shooting. Martin took a great interest in the local police force. Martin became a beloved figure in the police force. While on a drug bust Martin saw an old class mate jump out of the 3rd story window into a soft pile of snow. Instead of sitting by and watching, Martin grabbed his LMG and sprinted at the man. His old classmate Jesse Whiteboy revealed his coat full of C4. Martin did not hesitate and Instantly mowed down Jesse and watched him drop to the floor. *BOOM BOOM BOOM* The coat of C4 exploded, and as a large, sharp piece of femur was flying towards Captain Hank, Martin grabbed it out of the air and threw it to the ground. Word of Martins abilites quickly spread. The SCP foundation took notice of Martin and arrived at his home to speak. He was requested to join the GENSEC force in the facility. Martin accepted this offer and was transported to the site where he would provide security for the most imporant organization in the world.
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Robin Trinket

Active member
Oct 13, 2022
+ Support
+ I work with Martin quite often and he is respectful and does his job well
+ no warnings
Sep 21, 2022
General Security Department

Hello there,

This is Dpt. Chief Anakin 'Vader' Groundwalker and I want to thank you for applying for this position.

However, I am sorry to say that your application has been denied at this time. You may reapply again in two weeks. Any questions are to be messaged to me or Larry directly.

From the desk of Dpt. Chiefs Anakin 'Vader' Groundrunner and Larry Hummer

You can re-apply in 2 weeks.
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