[USA] Sid "Dictator" Sloth's Gensec Captain Application

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Oct 14, 2022
Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:0:487888516

Discord name:
- 100#1501

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- Around 600+ hours.

- 14 (almost 15)

In what country are you located?:

- America.

Time zone:

- New York/Eastern Time Zone. (i live in new york)

Character name(s):

- Sid "Dictator" Sloth, My CI character is El Juevos

Civilian name:
- Isle Khat

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI Operative.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Only warnings, i did some bad things but i learned from the bad thing i had done, so i learned not to do the things i did, i didn't get any warnings these 2 weeks so i'd say i wont be getting any warnings soon, im a new man!

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- To help out GENSEC and create programs and make sure RRT is still active, i just wanna help out GENSEC more efficiently, i am also applying because there are not that much GENSEC Captains and i feel asthough i will be a good help to GENSEC itself.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I am very good at creating documents, i have made programs for GENSEC in the past, i have been trying to help out GENSEC for a good amount of time aswell, i am also disciplined and extremely professional when im on the job, i am also very polite and respectful towards people in general.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- Gensec captains are responsible for the lawfullness and ethical behavior of all gensec and d-class, Captains also are able to deal with bad gensec that are not listening or doing what IA or higher ups are telling them to do. Captains also deal with bad d-class and riots.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Sid Sloth born in canada at right about 09/17/1996, found a job at a police station and answered a call that would change his life, it was around 9:30PM 13/02/2014, that night 9:45PM - 10:35PM there was 400+ bullets fired and 29 people killed, Sid was the only person who survived that night with the total of 10 confirmed kills to terrorists. Sid was appointed to a SWAT unit consisting of 12 people, the SWAT unit did extremely well, 'till the night of the 18th of march when the SWAT arrived on call and immediately got ambushed, getting shot at by 6 different houses in a whole 360* turn, wherever the team went, they got shot, and each shot could be death. With this in Sid's mind, Sid rushed to the non-lethal compartment of their truck and got around 16 canisters of pepper-balls and pepperspray, with these materials he could light up a house with pepperspray from the broken glass and slightly reduce the amound of shots fired from said house, so that is what Sid assign himself, one of the SWAT units started to call for backup, but then the radio got shot and said teamate got shot in the back of the head, he died instantly, with 9 un-injured people left in the unit, Sid put together a plan to march into one of the houses and clear said house out, and one by one the team started moving up and clearing said houses, until there was 3 people left in the squad that isn't dead, the last house was infront of them, Sid was the middleman, he was attacking from the front, Jack was the Flankerman, attacking from the left, Sidney was another Flankerman, attacking from the right side. Soon they were going to come from 3 angles into the house at once and take out this terrorist group that Sid was faced up against before (Sid indentified one of the bodies to the terrorist organization he fought before), Then at 0500, they went and took out all the enemies inside of the house, the bad news is that both of the Flankermen were heavily injured, with poorly made tourniquets they both lived for about 2 more hours even after getting patched up, Sid resigned from being a SWAT member and decided that it was time to join the military, but then Sid found out after the ASVAB that he had PTSD, struggling to find an answer Sid dedicated his life to show he did not have PTSD but then become so lonely that he stopped everything, then one day a letter came in the mail saying to call a number, at first Sid thought this was a prank but he called the number anyway, he had a job that was like the military but not the military, the next day he came in and *BLACKOUT* (Got amnesticized and forgot his previous life) Sid was given the code name "Dictator" for his leadership, and boom, Sid "Dictator" Sloth was in the SCP Foundation as a gensec personel, climbing up the ranks Sid has gotten both good friends and bad enemies, but it all worked out in the end, Sid started to help out or atleast try to help out GENSEC by giving the cadets the code of ethics and the legal codex so they dont mess up, then Sid decided he wanted to be a lot more of use to the GENSEC by becoming a GENSEC Captain. (and this is where the story ends.)
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Robin Trinket

Active member
Oct 13, 2022

Hello there,
This is Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket and I want to thank you for applying for this position.

I regret to inform you after your application has been Denied. As we do not feel that you are not currently ready for the position, you may re-apply in two weeks. We wish to see the continuation of your good efforts due to past behaviors.

From the desk of Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket and Dpt. Chief "Nexus One"
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