USA site advisor app

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Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 6, 2023
Steam ID:76561199200232247
Discord name: Byoung
For how long have you played on CG SCP: around a year
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Central Standard time
Character name(s):Nooms
Civilian name: Nooms
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: O1 MTF e-11 Ci B
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?: no
Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I want to apply for site advisor to bring an aspect of roleplay to the site and help people have a better time for those on the more RP side of things give people new ways to explore RP and help out with the site directors managers and site inspectors requests that need to be done and I wish to progress higher through the site and hopefully get a shot going at getting site director and so on so forth
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
-I feel like I would be a good site advisor because I like to get tasks done that are given to me and I like to rp a lot I feel like that would help out the server's health and take some stress off of the site administration as a whole if you had someone else who is willing to put countless hours in to fulfill your requests
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?: doing a lot of RP with foundation members and gois
authorizing aa for mtf during code 5
authorizing department tests and seeing if it is fit for testing
authorizing mc d to come in and sell their products
Giving selected department reviews at the end of the month
issuing advice to the department if needed
leading and being a very professional character as I would represent SA as a whole
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in: Started this sight off of being brought from being in the CIA then they asked me if I wanted to join a secret place called Site 65 and of course I would say yes becasue it paid better and so I decided to take the job and IT took me about a year for them to finally take me in and I got a job as a security cadet and I worked my way up through the ranks now there where things in this facility I never have seen before they never told me that this was apart of the job these things where unspeakable monsters that I saw I wanted to leave but the contract stated one hired on you could never leave so I new i had to make something of myself here and I didnt want to be a security cadet for the rest of my time so I started try my hardest to get into e-11 and it took some time but I got it then after a few years of doing that i decided all this combat is making me tired as i get into my older age it is hard for me to keep up with the younger people so I wanted to get into more of site inspecting and making sure things are up to code and things are running how they should be so I went and talked to a site inspector about the job and I am hoping that he replies back because this combative stuff is taking a toll on me
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