[USA] Sledge's Second Ethics Committee Assistant Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:135552538
Discord name: s1peter (Ambassador Sledge on CN discord)
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3,582,240 seconds (JK, 995 hours according to achievement tab)
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: US EST
Character name(s): Sledge (F), Peter "smoke" (CI), Mikhail Ivanovich (Civi), Yana "Wolf" Volkov (GOC)
Civilian name: Mikhail Ivanovich
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF E-11 LCPL (Holding), IA Ambassador (Holding & Held), CI-A (Held), GOC CPL (Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-My most recent warn was for Metagaming which was about 2-3 weeks ago, I don't agree with the logic behind it but it is what it is, in total I've received 7 warnings, 5 of which were within my first month of playing since I was new to RP servers in general. No kicks/bans.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
-I am an Internal Affairs main who knows the FLC, CoE, and CoC pretty well. I routinely check up on the status of the site, asking if AA is authorized, giving people AA in an emergency, turning Tesla's on/off, closing bulkheads, etc. Being in IA, people often come to me with their issues and I try my best to solve them. I believe it is imperative to the assistant's job to be able to solve other people's problems.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
-Carry out the orders of the Ethics Committee, Authorize KOS passed airlock/AA when no one is available to do so, review departments and interview respective personnel and report their potential grievances/suggestions to site command. Enforce the CoE, FLC, and CoC and refer issues to Internal Affairs. Lastly, assist D-Class workers with getting permits and logging them accordingly.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Ever since Site Command learned of Sledge's condition, he's been monitored closely. Not only was his job on the line, but so was his life, his fiancé's life, everything that mattered to him. He was lucky to even continue working for the SCP Foundation as a whole, let alone not imprisoned and experimented on. Similar to that of Dr. Crow, or Dr. Bright, Sledge has to prove himself in order to give a reason for an exception to be made. Afterall, he said it himself "Cain is more trusted than me at this point.. and he's useless!"

After climbing back up the ladder in the Internal Affairs department and being reinstated to his Ambassador position, Sledge had obtained a desire to carry out the duties of The Ethics Committee further. Often working alongside Ethics already, he's gotten an idea second hand on what is required in order to adequately fulfill the position. He typed up his application on his terminal and printed it out, re-reading it before deciding to archive it in his personal file cabinet.

Despite Sledge enjoying his job in Internal Affairs, he was encouraged by his friends & his fiancé to take a more laid back and arguably less dangerous job. He sympathized and admitted he gets into too many dangerous situations than he wants to be in. Whilst still wanting to uphold the rules of the foundation and simultaneously not wanting to place himself in the line of fire, he stopped second guessing the decision, and retrieved his application from the file cabinet before handing it over to the Ethics Committee Offices.

Sledge returned to his office and then anxiety kicked in, his eyes turning a hint of orange. "I either get this position or I die... I prove my worth... or I get thrown into a cell next to 999. Ambassador isn't important enough for me to get by. I am at the mercy of the same people I call my friends & colleagues... seems to be the norm for me nowadays" Sledge takes a swig from his flask to calm his nerves before putting it back in his jacket's inner pocket.

Sledge thought of good things, like his mentors who left IA to pursue another opportunity at some other foundation site. He knew they'd be proud of him if he were to obtain such a position. He thought of the potential bright future, all the friends and relationships he's built with the other members in The Ethics Committee, and of course, all his colleagues and friends within Internal Affairs. His eyes slowly turn back to a sheen of red, and he gets a message "Tech Expert killed Jr Researcher in LCZ inanimate by dispensing liquid death... again". Sledge laughs to himself, before getting up from his chair, racking a round into his rifle and running out his office to pursue. "I love my job".


Well-known Member
May 5, 2023

I love sledge as a person and as an ambassador. Many people may not agree with me but I genuinely think he works hard but there are it’s ups and downs. Sledge is known to be too serious about situations, and yes I know roleplay scenarios and annoying people get often too noisy for you but sometimes I’ve seen you arrest people for petty things. I’m not saying you are the only one, nor do I know your or their story, but I feel like being an ambassador is good for you.

I love sledge as a person and as an ambassador. Many people may not agree with me but I genuinely think he works hard but there are it’s ups and downs. Sledge is known to be too serious about situations, and yes I know roleplay scenarios and annoying people get often too noisy for you but sometimes I’ve seen you arrest people for petty things. I’m not saying you are the only one, nor do I know your or their story, but I feel like being an ambassador is good for you.
I've definitely toned it down a bit. The problem is many people have different interpretations of certain laws. I like to joke about how Slander I is my favorite charge and everything but I definitely enforce it heavily. If you call someone a bitch or tell them to stfu, im arresting you for 5 minutes. The stories you've heard are likely true, just from the receiving end. I appreciate you leaving a reply though pickles.

IA/Ethics ontop, we do the job no one else wants to do.


Active member
Dec 19, 2023
+ massive support
• man knows the COE, COC and FLC BY HEART, he can be a little bit too serious at times, but he genuinely does his job as an ambassador really well and knows how to communicate especially in breaches
• I've hung around him a lot and he's really good at teaching. He's definitely one of my go-to people to ask when I have any questions regarding any of the Codexes
• He also really cares about D-Class Personnel getting their permits so he would be there in an instant to give them one
• LOVE the lore part
Overall, I would really love to see him as an ECA as he would definitely fit the role and he has the responsibility to do the tasks too!
From the Ethics Committee of Site-65
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Sledge's Ethics Committee Assistant Application.
Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the Committee agrees that you're not yet suited to become an Ethics Committee Assistant, please get in contact with me for further information.

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