[USA] Speff's Captain Application (the comeback)

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:671290689
Discord name: speff.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since November 2022, spent 1.5k+ hours on the server
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Speff
Civilian name: spongeyman
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GENSEC Sergeant (Holding)
Chief of Security (Held)
Security Captain (Held)
MTF E-11 SGT (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 appealed ban for misconduct, 7 RDM warns, 1 FailRP warn, 1 Toxicity warn

Why are you applying for Security Captain?
Since I joined the server in November 2022, I have always taken an interest in combative roles, especially GENSEC. I wanted to help maintain order and security in D-Block and the site overall, and help GENSEC get ahead in their roles. I don't want to leave any cadet out of any job, and every time I see them get pushed aside is just a waste of their amazing cadet potential. I have been on the server many times since I got unbanned, and there is almost always less than 2 captains on the server. At one point in time, you could not find less than 3 captains on the server at any given time, so much so that GENSEC leadership was pushing for an increase in the slots. As I plan to be very active on the server, I hope that I can help out onsite when there might be few or even no captains online at all.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I have been playing GENSEC for over 2 years now, and during that time I have held the Security Captain role for over 15 months from December 2022 to March of 2024, longer than almost any other captain on the history of the server (this excludes the 6 months I was helping GENSEC while on reserve captain before reserves got deleted). During this time, I became Chief of Security, and held the role for 7 months. Both as Chief and as GENSEC I have played on the server for over 1,300 hours, and worked countless hours while not on the server. I have helped on entire GENSEC reworks, and reworked entire things such as the RRT and HWL license test, the GENSEC Handbook, the cadet test, and numerous site documents and rules, including multiple Code of Ethics/Code of Conduct rulings. I have helped teach many cadets, guards, and every GENSEC all the way up to captains. I can be very strict in D-block if need be, and I have spent numerous hours weeding out cadets who's only goal is to cause chaos, shown by my record for the most job bans ever delivered (64 total, including 2 blacklists before SL banned them). I plan to be very active on the server, and make sure that GENSEC is almost never seen without a captain online.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
The responsibilities of Security Captain all revolve around making sure order is kept within GENSEC and the site as a whole. They can include:
-Watching over D-block and GENSEC
-Issuing punishments to misbehaving GENSEC
-Helping new cadets and other members of GSD stay educated with rules and policies, and respond to questions asked by them
-Hosting RRT license, HWL license, and Sergeant tryouts
-Organizing sweeps when needed
-Acting as a speaker from GENSEC to SA+ when no Dpt. Chiefs are present
-Organizing patrols
-Assigning GENSEC to various tasks such as airlock, tower, escorting, or patrolling duty
-Helping D-class get work permits
-Authorizing SCUs to be in D-Block
-Relaying orders from the Chiefs to lower level GENSEC
-Helping train new captains
-Working together with other captains to handle all of the responsibilities above

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Speff began as a security officer for a research organization, and his duty was to guard the chemicals and substances and control anything that might be created as a byproduct of the experiments. After a project had gone out of control, releasing a highly acidic chemical that killed more than 13 researchers and 7 security guards, Speff was able to "contain" the chemical and stop any more deaths from occurring. Unknown to him (or anybody else for that matter), this organization, named USRO (Unusual Substance Research Organization), had a close partnership with the SCP Foundation. When they heard of the incident, they took notice of Speff's work and asked if he would want to work for them. He happily agreed, and he was recruited as a cadet into the General Security department. There, he helped control D-block and helped escort many researchers to do their tests. As he became an officer, he participated in many sweeps and even helped contain some SCPs that had made their way into D-block. He got his RRT License in training and started helping areas outside of D-block as well, being a Riot Officer. When he finally became a sergeant, he was overjoyed. Speff assisted captains in controlling separate areas of D-block, and at times put in charge of D-block or led sweeps. He also earned his Heavy Weapons License and got promoted to Riot Sergeant. After a lot of time staying at Riot Sergeant, he finally got accepted for the role of Captain. Speff spent a lot of his next few months at D-block, managing all of GENSEC, especially the Cadets. Many Department Chiefs went through their role, and after around numerous Department Chiefs, he applied and became the next Chief of Security. He worked tirelessly to help on multiple things, and spent the next many hours keeping order within GENSEC. In March, he resigned from the position, as he had many other things to deal with. However, he remained Captain to help out onsite. Little did he know that in September, he got hit by a matador shot, fired by a D-class trustee. He spent the next 2 months recovering, and is now reapplying to get his Captain position back and to get revenge on the evil D-class...
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