[USA] Speff's Chief of Security Application

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Jan 17, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:671290689
Discord name: speff.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since Nov. 2022, spent 1k+ hours on the server
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Speff
Civilian name: Spongy
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Security Captain (Holding)
MTF E-11 SGT (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
No bans/kicks, 7 RDM warns, 1 FailRP warns and 1 Toxicity warn

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
I am applying for Chief of Security due to the many issues that have become present within GSD, and I believe that I can help find solutions to fixing them. I want to go forward in GENSEC, and with that next step, help not only the Captains, but also the Sergeants, Officers, and yes even the Cadets too, run the site. I have always been interested, ever since I started playing GENSEC and especially when I got my Captain role, in helping the site maintain control and status. A majority of players start their foundation journey at GENSEC, and over my time as Captain, I have seen many people go through the department and become Site Administration, MTF COMs, etc. I want to continue to inspire people to do the same, and at the same time help others who seem lost in what to do. I am fully aware that with the Chief of Security role comes a lot of work and stress, but I am sure I am ready for it, and I am prepared to do what it takes to make General Security a better place.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:
I joined the server in November, and during my 1,115 hours of playtime, I have gained a lot of knowledge about the site. I have been a captain for 9 months now, much longer than all other current captains. I am very active on the server, spending around 3-7 hours per day on GSD Captain. I have also spent some time on IA, and know the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, and the Legal Codex very well. I was once an E-11 SGT, and although I definitely could have risen higher, I had to resign due to my IRL workload (although that has decreased a lot). Lastly, I have additionally spent a lot of time not in-game working for GSD, including helping rework many documents, producing new GSD Job ban guidelines, and assisting other captains with various questions.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
The Chief of Security handles all responsibilities of the captain and more. The responsibilities of the Chief of Security can include:
-Monitoring the entirety of GENSEC
-Monitoring all GSD Captains (Managing tryout quotas, strikes, discharges, duty positions, etc.)
-Handling status reports, requests, and issues from GENSEC to Site Administration
-Making and updating important GSD documents
-Managing interactions between GSD and other departments, and making sure relations stay good
-Responding to Captain applications
-Hosting weekly captain meetings
-Being a good role model to not only GENSEC but everybody
-Working well with the other Department Chief to accomplish all of the above

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Speff began as a security officer for a research organization, and his duty was to guard the chemicals and substances and control anything that might be created as a byproduct of the experiments. After a project had gone out of control, releasing a highly acidic chemical that killed more than 13 researchers and 7 security guards, Speff was able to "contain" the chemical and stop any more deaths from occurring. Unknown to him (or anybody else for that matter), this organization, named USRO (Unusual Substance Research Organization), had a close partnership with the SCP Foundation. When they heard of the incident, they took notice of Speff's work and asked if he would want to work for them. He happily agreed, and he was recruited as a cadet into the General Security department. There, he helped control D-block and helped escort many researchers to do their tests. As he became an officer, he participated in many sweeps and even helped contain some SCPs that had made their way into D-block. He got his RRT License in training and started helping areas outside of D-block as well, being a Riot Officer. When he finally became a sergeant, he was overjoyed. Speff assisted captains in controlling separate areas of D-block, and at times put in charge of D-block or led sweeps. He also earned his Heavy Weapons License and got promoted to Riot Sergeant. After a lot of time staying at Riot Sergeant, he finally got accepted for the role of Captain. Speff spent a lot of his next few months at D-block, managing all of GENSEC, especially the Cadets. They tended to be... a bit rowdy at times. Many Department Chiefs went through their role, and after around 5 Department Chiefs, he was called to discuss his rank within GSD...
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J P Bingus

Well-known Member
Dec 2, 2022

I was the chief that appointed Speff to become a captain. I saw in him a willingness to learn and to lead.

I can say with certainty in the short time I have been back since my extended absence Speff has grown considerably, to the point where I barely recognize him. I see him on constantly and he is always doing good for GSD and the site. I trust that Speff would be able to lead GSD to new heights with the amount of experience he has under his belt.

From his application it is clear he understands the role, and with his hour count he seems even over qualified for CoS. I believe that there would be no regrets in choosing Speff to become the leader of the people he clearly cares so much about.
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Active member
Jan 17, 2023
Hey Speff what happened to all those d class in the airlock 3 days ago?
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