(USA) Sr. Exec Abdul Lanahan's [LRT-O/CRB-D/BoE-DD] Director of Research Application


Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:583714553
Discord name: alex22772277
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For about nine to ten months now.
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Sr.Executive Abdul Lanahan [LRT-O/CRB-D/BoE-DD]
Civilian name: Johnny Rico
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I currently hold Sr. Executive, Combat Medic, Internal Affairs Agent, and External Affairs Agent. I have held E-11 Specialist in the past.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received six warnings throughout my time here on site. All are for varying things as I never repeat the same mistake twice.
Why are you applying for Director of Research?: I believe I have what it takes to make research fun and appealing again. I would like to assist the Research Department even more than I already have. I have been directly involved within Research for quite some time only putting time into this department. I would like to help improve the elements of roleplay that the Research Department brings to the facility as a whole. Under my tenure I would take great efforts to improve the department just as I have with my subdivisions. I want to create a safe and encouraging environment within the Research Department. A place where all researchers can have fun while of course still following policies and rules. I would like to be closer to the process of growing the Research Department to bigger and better things. During my potential tenure I would make sure to ensure a corruption free environment.
What makes you suitable for Director of Research?: My experience alone is incomparable to other would be candidates. I am the Director of the Chemical Research Board, the Deputy Director of Board of Education, and the Owner of LRT. I helped created CRT as well with Corgeon Cornwall. I helped rebuild and launch the new Chemical Research Board. I spent a lot of time working out the issues that led to Chemical Research Board’s failure. We relaunched 9/14/2024 and I’m happy to say that it will do well. In my work with the Board of Education I have continued its function with minimum personnel. We have slowly been recruiting more members for Board Of Education and providing mentor opportunities. I’m confident that Board of Education will start to flourish in the next couple of weeks. My role within Lanahan’s Research Team has been as the owner of it. A private group that is not a subdivision that focuses on specialized research. Our greatest accomplishments have been working with the Global Occult’s Coalition’s Research Team. Lanahan’s Research Team has had a long-standing tradition of producing very successful research staff. We also helped Chemical Research Board by subcontracting orders that they could not fill. Overall, I have built LRT from the ground up, I have fixed CRB, and continuing to finish fixing BoE. I can do the same for the Research Department as a whole.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?: First and fourth most a director is the role model of their department. How they act directly impacts the department as a whole. They enforce the policies of the Research Department and The Foundation. They manage the research management team known as the Executive team. They are also the liaison for the Research Department and Site Command. They are also the liaison for the Research Department as a whole to other departments. The Department Director monitors the health of the department and works to keep the morale in the department up. The Department Director has an impact on deciding research policy and keeping the policies up to date. The Department Director also chooses who becomes an Executive Researcher. They will pin the application within discord for others to see. After a fair amount of time, they will decide to do an interview or not to do an interview. Overall, the Director leads Research Department and keeps the health of the department in check.
Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in: Abdul Lanahan’s journey would start within NATO’s 17th Armored regiment having done a tour in “Iraqistan”. After the military Abdul studied at Michigan Institute of Technology though was one month away from completing his studies before being recruited to The Foundation by “Professor, Redacted”. He really has a long destain for his wife and will voice this vocally when hurt/injured. Abdul Lanahan also practices Islam and will fast on occasion. Abdul worked in BoE as a Director and currently as a Deputy Director and also works in CRB as a Director. Abdul Lanahan has good relations with Global Occult Coalition and works well with them. Abdul is a really old guy who has been with the foundation for quite some time. Abdul is always willing to do what is “right” even if there are consequences for doing the right thing.


Active member
Feb 15, 2024
in my opinion Abdul is the most fit for the role of Director. Not only has he proven multiple times that he can lead groups of people for a goal but also that he can lift others up. Having worked with Abdul since beginning of the year. I can say that he has a mission. That is fixing Friedharts mess and what he did to the Research department


Active member
Jul 27, 2024
+ Major Support

Lanahan has been singlehandedly working his tail off for months. He's kept the Research Department alive and got LRT/CRB up and running.

This man has been keeping the department from dying out and has invested more dedication, effort, and time into it than any other Executive.


Well-known Member
Jan 16, 2024
+1 Support I have known Abdul for many months, my first encounter with Abdul was A pleasant one as I just joined the server as a D class he tested on me and inspired me to become A researcher after hitting level 5. After that, the next time I met him was months later when I guarded him as GSD (He was an exec btw). Then I quit the server and he brought me back by giving me an opportunity in LRT then he proceeded to transfer me to CRB as A manager I was honored to work with him to rebuild CRB from the ground up.

Overall A great man who deserves the title of Director Of Research. He will do great things with the Research Department just as he has done with CRB and LRT.
Sep 14, 2024
+ Support

The Most Administrative-Oriented Executive on the Team. He's a perfect Candidate for the DoR position and has the seniority, and experience, to prove it.

Krakow B.

Sep 12, 2024


Personally I think Abdul would make a great DOR. On one of my first days in the LRT I walked into the Executive Researcher's Office (as a Sr. Researcher) and was of course caught doing so. Unbeknownst to me, I wasn't supposed to pick up a document in an area higher than my clearance level without permission. Knowing I was a new member of LRT the peeps who caught me contacted Lanahan through discord who was off site at the time. I will forever be grateful for Abdul taking time out of his day to explain that I (most likely) just made a genuine mistake and was (while unspoken) actually that stupid. This was a situation he could've easily ignored, but he instead took time out of his day to save some stupid research assistant from punishment. I'm not horribly smart, but I don't think I need to be when I say that Lanahan genuinely enjoys helping people. Combined with his vast experience in this server leading teams, there is no doubt in my mind that he would be a patient, kind, and effective Director of Research. If this man is not considered worthy of this position, then no one is.
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Active member
Jun 22, 2024
+ support
this man has made the IA side of dealing with research team easy
and has gone out of his way to correct the actions of his research team without us having to arrest them.
so far he's been a terrifyingly confident executive. so if this man gets the director of research position it's going to be a great day for the entire site.


Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2024
+ Major Support

Lanahan has been singlehandedly working his tail off for months. He's kept the Research Department alive and got LRT/CRB up and running.

This man has been keeping the department from dying out and has invested more dedication, effort, and time into it than any other Executive.


I don't even have to say anything, everyone knows Abdul should be DoR. Single handedly revived the research department.

I appreciate your support in this endeavor and the very high praise. I must comment though to make sure that those who helped me get their praise as well. While it is true that I am a driving force within the Research Department. I must say that I could not have done it without the help of the Executive team, LRT, CRB, and BoE members. Great leadership is derived from delegating, respecting, and leading the team as a group. I could not have done half of what I've done without the critical team players I worked with in various matters. Thank you for your support and comment.


New Member
Sep 14, 2024

I met Lanahan Recently and he has made an amazing sub research division where we all get immersed into RP and other shit like that, he is massively respected
I fully and completely endorse Abdul Lanahan's application for the Director of Research for a great number of reasons, which I will hold the pleasure of speaking about today. Within his current position as an Executive Researcher, Abdul has demonstrated admirable and remarkable leadership skills. He has been actively proving that his ability to manage and oversee projects, as well as other important aspects of the department, is extremely fine-tuned. He has shown these leadership skills within the subdivisions of the Department of Research which have only seem to have grown under his supervision, including but not limited to the Board of Education and the Chemical Research Board. His incredible ability to foster the success of these departments is absolutely a key requirement of the position of the Director of Research, which I believe he has mastered. Abdul, in addition to his many professional qualities, holds a great understanding of Biochemistry, and has assisted countless researchers with their studies in Biological Chemistry. He has also, amazingly, been able to find time for researchers in times which he is busy which has allowed for growth within the research department. Abdul holds many other superb qualities, although I have become unfortunately busy and I must go.


Amazing work, Abdul. It was great working with you.


Well-known Member
Nov 12, 2023

+Major Support


a) Experience enough to be DoR
b) Huge contribution within RSD subdivision
c) Always maintain professionalism
d) Always be a nice guy



Active member
May 7, 2024

Abdul is a great researcher as a whole and very helpful when it comes to research projects. He is also understanding that certain situations may take place and is willing to hear people's ideas and their opinions on situations as a whole. Having worked with him as a member of GOC has been a pleasure and I always look forward to when he and I are able to work together on research projects. He would make a wonderful DoR and will do what he can to help those in the research department as a whole.