USA Staff Issues

*General Disclaimer : This is opinionated, and I am writing this to see the view of the community not to bash on any specific staff member or the staff team in general.
I wanted to address and discuss some of the reoccurring staff issues seen without making a formal complain to get the communities view on this. The current state of staff is very biased and faulty in the way that it works right now. I feel that recently staff has made a huge impact on the enjoyment and health of the general player base for many reasons.

I consistently see mods giving out warns and punishments off of rules that were made by a SSL member, but the mods are not to blame because of many of the "invisible rulings." In my eyes SSL need to be more on top of the rulings they decide even having them published on the forums, or it needs to be publicly announced that this is a new ruling to prevent misunderstandings from happening and lower ranking staff overturning decisions that were made by people higher then them. Invisible rulings in my opinion are completely bs as any SSL member can decide to on the spot create a ruling that is not stated anywhere causing users to be eligible to be warned and with the new 3 months expirations users can possibly face a ban. *Note there was a suggestion about removing Invisible Rulings which was concluded by saying if you disagree file a complaint
US UNGOC can bomb their own base when being raided!
Using shields to create pixel peeks is not allowed! (good one)
It is FailRP to instantly begin info breaching as CI or GOC after failing a Main Raid! (another good one)
Calling out a fake with the reason being there being more than ONE Commander or LTCOM is not Metagaming!
It is NOT metagaming to call out a Jr. Researcher disguised person that has a Sr. Researcher keycard! (if they have the same model)
CI can use dimensions to get into SCP-008 but cannot use dimensions to exfiltrate syringes out of the CC.
22415 cannot beam any SCP's unless there are combative doing the same nearby! (who did this?!?)
22415-3 cannot use his main ability to throw SCP's into teslas / turrets (the whitelist is usesless now)
22415's can not chase SCPs.
A TB can be cuffed when his hands are lowered
Rangers are to act as non combatives inside the foundation.

Another issue seen on the server as a whole is the strictness and biasness that persists within staff. The problem with this is that it is not consistent in how punishments are dealt. Punishments seem to be flexible depending on the staff member. Although in my opinion the root of the problem leads back to the punishment index. It is usually seen that TMods -> SMods highly follow the punishment index like it is the holy grail giving no wiggle room for players who have made an honest mistake due to staff member being scared to get in trouble for not giving the correct punishment, but from the rank of HMod and above that fear of making a mistake doesn't seem to apply which is good in some situations as when the player does not mean harm and receives a verbal but in others could lead to a power abuse / power tripping problem. There is also evident biasness in sits due to staff members mood, feelings towards a regiment, or harmful opinions about specific people which can cause misjudgments for punishments and the severity of punishments which could be rather unneeded.

I lastly wanted to address the severity of RDM warns. Recently in late May NL had decided to change the expiration date of basic offences from 1 month to 3 month expiration and change the RDM warning punishment from Class A -> Class D meaning that if you make two mistakeful RDM's within a 3 month period you are eligible to be banned which is horrible, which could make you lose ranks or whitelists you have on the server.

As you can tell for a new player who is not as familiar with the rulings it is very easy to receive a ban nowadays which stays on your record forever for any application you make. I understand the good intentions on trying to make the server less mingy, but all I have seen is driving more and more committed players who love this server away. I have been here for almost two years, and I am slowly watching this server decline more due to the staffing truly ruining it and making the game unenjoyable at times. I wish the best for staff trying to resolve this issue, but at this point in time its something hopefully many people can agree on needs to be fixed.
Jul 20, 2021
bro mighta not read
Jul 20, 2021
bro mighta not read
I will say that staff should be handing out verbals for stuff that isn't clearly obvious on the forum rules, as most staff do. If you feel staff are not issuing punishments appropriately, I would contact SL. If you think the issue is with SL allowing this behaviour, CS do take reports of that nature seriously if there is evidence to back them up
you post it like they are kept up to date
Aug 22, 2022
As you can tell for a new player who is not as familiar with the rulings it is very easy to receive a ban
i invited my friend to the server and he was chilling and multiple dclass were jumping him and he stabbed them all and got banned for 2 weeks when he literally just defended himself ingame against the dclass who attacked him and the Mod or Admin who banned him didnt even give him a warning or chance to understand what he did was wrong


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Hello @Ogre

Thank you for writing out your thoughts on the staff team, it is appreciated to see feedback from the player base that isn't just name-calling etc.

"Invisible" Rulings

In relation to the "invisible" rulings, I will be making a concerted effort to ensure things that are needed, are placed in the rulings thread as there is an importance for transparency on this to allow people to read rules, HOWEVER I do have to point out an excerpt on the staff ruling section.

Anything listed on this page has been confirmed to be against the rules by two or more Super Admins, or a member of the Network Leadership team. It is not an exhaustive list of what is against the rules, but serves as a way for common misconceptions to be cleared up by the staff team.

We always aim to place nuanced rules on there, however we do have to allow some rulings to fall under common sense, i.e. if a Foundation staff member says he doesn't like you because researchers are nerds and you shoot him, then its RDM, However it is important to know that the Rulings are for COMMON misconceptions and not everything.


In the beginning of the thread, you do mention that the Staff Team are very biased? I would be interested to understand how and why, as right now, this is just an allegation without substance and makes his hard for me to direct time to make changes.

Change of punishments

The change of the punishment guidelines was not intended to punish those who made genuine mistakes, this was made to ensure stricter punishments given to those who wilfully flout and abuse the system, i.e. get to Class C RDM warning, leave for a month, come back and do it again.

Staff are encouraged to make the decisions based on the sit in front of them, the Punishment Guidelines state;

• You may use your own discretion to modify a punishment, but may be asked for justification if you repeatedly ignore the guidelines

• Verbal warnings may be issued at your discretion if the following circumstances are met:

- They are apologetic and were not rude during the sit
- No serious harm caused to other players: for instance, no-one lost items, or was seriously offended by the player

- Player demonstrated that they had no intention to break the rule, or that it was totally accidental

The changes in the punishments, unfortunately will not be walked back, however if its a culture change whereby the staff are afraid to use their discretion, then I will explore this with the Network and Server Leadership Teams

End Note

As I have recently moved up to Community Manager, I do want to ensure I can do right by the community, but at the same time I cannot put moderation or staffing at jeopardy, and will aim to be as fair as possible in relation to the circumstances, I am always available to listen to concerns if they cannot be resolved locally.

I appreciate the time you are all taking out of your day to put your thoughts across so we can better the network.

Kind Regards
Also have had instances where staff will use their power to screw me over, example being us taking syringes out, staff member teleported to us asked if there where 12 MTF on for 5 minutes straight even after I've given them a clip showing there were just so that MTF could come and kill us before we could leave 008 CC and then finally after we die, stops talking to us. was epic staff moment


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Also have had instances where staff will use their power to screw me over, example being us taking syringes out, staff member teleported to us asked if there where 12 MTF on for 5 minutes straight even after I've given them a clip showing there were just so that MTF could come and kill us before we could leave 008 CC and then finally after we die, stops talking to us. was epic staff moment

Hi Glazzing,

IF that is indeed true, that is understandably frustrating to have to deal with, however, could I direct you to our complaints section so it can be dealt with promptly by the appropriate person.