[USA] Steve "Driver" Schröder's Site Advisor Application.

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:530693319
Discord name: sstff
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 10 months.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Romania.
Time zone: GMT+2
Character name(s): "Driver" (Foundation) | "Contractor" A-1 | Inventor/Polar (past names)
Civilian name: Steve "Inventor" Schröder
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: [HELD] MTF E-11 LT, MTF Nu-7 CSG, MTF A-1 CPL, CI-Gamma [HOLDING] MTF A-1 SPC, DEA Special Agent, CI-B.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received in total only 3 warnings, 1 for NLR where I was very new to the server and didn't understand the rules, 1 for FearRP when I was still new to the server and pulled out a gun as CI on 10 A-1 and 1 recently for FailRP for closing the floor 3 doors on an SCP even though he was able to break them.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I am applying for Site Advisor because I wish to hold a Sr. CL4 position on foundation and also try different roles on the server as for now I mainly "Roleplay" as a combative and the most roleplay I get is on A-1 and Special Agent. I consider myself a good roleplayer as I have already taken part of different roleplay scenarios with the Council, Ethics Committee and even Department Leaderships such as DEA. Of course Site Advisor doesn't only rely on roleplay but also game knowledge which I'd say I have tons of. I am also applying for Site Advisor because I think that I can make a change in Site-65 through management and implementing new additions to it. I am also looking to show (and also improve) my leadership skills through different departments and MTF units.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I have different qualities that make me suitable for Site Administration:

Roleplay Skills

As I said before, I think that my roleplay skills are pretty good because as an A-1 and Special Agent I have to roleplay around other people and I already have a lot of experience with serious roleplay. Being a Special agent, I have to make documents almost all the time which in my opinion enhances the roleplay experience for everyone around.


Activity is another important factor for a member of Site Administration as they need to be active to, well, administrate the site. I consider myself quite active on the server even during school days playing around 3-4 hours every day and 6-7 hours or even more during the weekends. Since I am from Europe I am also active during "down times" of the site which could give other European/Australian players more roleplay opportunities with a Site Advisor on-site.

Dedication to both the server and the roles I hold is also important, I have held many roles in the past, them being MTF CO, ISD NCO and even Head Moderator at a point, shows my dedication to this server. Without my dedication I don't think I could have been an E-11 LT, Nu-7 CSG and even get recruited into A-1 twice, not to add my ex Head Moderator role which is given to trusted members of the staff team.

Leadership Skills

Leadership is also a core point to being a member of Site Administration. I'd say that I have this quality from back in E-11 when I was an LT and when I reached the rank of Head Moderator. Not only Site Leadership matters but also Roleplay Leadership as being a Sr. CL4 means that you are now supposed to lead roleplay which I think I can do with no obstacles.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?: The responsibilities of Site Administration in RP are:

-Making sure the departments are running well and at the highest performance.
-Interviewing department leaderships.
-Appointing commanders to E-11/Nu-7 and other department leaders.
-Authorize AA for breaches, KOS past airlock if necessary and Sweeps on D-Block.
-Dealing with internal (department health, site health, etc.) or external (relations with GOIs, etc.) problems.
-Helping personnel of the site with answers to certain questions.
-Give out work permits for D-Class.
-Making sure the Site overall runs well.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
It is another usual day and Special Agent Steve "Driver" Schröder is in compound giving an MC&D a sale permit when suddenly there is a sound coming from the radio. "Driver" grabs the radio from his belt. It's the Site Director. "Special Agent Driver, are you there?" He asks. Driver responds with a simple "Yes". He said something that was muffled, then heard "Please come to my office, we have to talk about something".
He thinks it's about a D-Class that he killed earlier with his sniper rifle. "Ah, ethics blaming me for killing another one." He said as this is not his first and definitely not his last interaction with the Ethics Committee.
He passes the MC&D to another DEA agent and makes his way down to the SA offices.
There were 4 A-1 guarding the door which surprised him since he was expecting O-1 to be there. He shows them his ID, they strip off his weapons and tell him to go inside. Inside the office was O5-2, the Site Director and Site Manager. They tell him to take a seat.
Site Manager: Hello Special Agent Driver, or shall I call you "Inventor"?
Silence takes over for a few seconds as he has not gone by that name for a long time.
Site Manager: It seems like you forgot about that name, lets move on, do you know why you are here?
Driver: I thought it's something related to ethics but since there is A-1 outside the door and the Site Inspector is here, I'm guessing it's about something else.
Site Manager: Indeed, we have been watching you for the past 2 months and we deemed you capable of holding the role of Site Advisor. Do you accept this offer?
Silence takes over the room again for a few seconds.
Driver: Yes, I accept this offer.
Site Manager: Great, we will hold an interview whenever you are ready.
Driver: Sure, we can do it right now.
*After the interview*
O5-2: Alright Driver, let me see.. *checks papers* hmm... this checks out... this aswell... Yeah, congratulations Driver, you have passed the interview, you will get your orientation done in a bit but for now, get yourself a new suit from the locker.
Site Director: Welcome to the team, Site Advisor Driver!
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Blacklisted Player
Oct 7, 2023
  • Wow
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what this guy said
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