[USA] Strekel "Sentinel" Kosnykov DOIA Application

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Active member
May 28, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26797805
Discord name: Ckettering
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Months, 16 days of active play time
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: United States of America
Time zone: Hawaiian standard time (Will change to EST in 2 weeks due to military)
Character name(s): Strekel "Sentinel" Kosnykov
Civilian name: Ivan 'Ghost' Kosnykov
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Internal Affairs Ambassador-Holding
MTF E-11 SPC-Holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-No i have not received any kicks/bans/warnings
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
- I am applying for Director of IA to further pursue the mantle of leadership within the foundation. I wish to grow my characters storyline and importance.
DOIA is a important stepping stone for me, it will increase my drive to learn and guide others, which will directly help the department.
Furthermore, I feel the need to apply for this position so i can raise the standard of IA alongside Department Director Raixin.
There are many changes i feel can positively help the server and department, as the position of DOIA i can be that much more vocal and involved with these decisions.
While involved with this role i will continue to grow off of the already existing great foundation the previous DOIAs have laid for me.

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
- I believe i am suitable to take up the role of Director of Internal Affairs. This is because of my engaging play style and personality.
I have real experience of being a unit leader in the Marine Corps, which i can translate to leading the department alongside Department Director Raixin.
While being a Ambassador in Internal Affairs i have grow to love the department so much more. I find myself constantly teaching and training new members.
No matter what as DOIA i will always take input and listen to the department, this will help the already healthy environment we have. I believe the members of IA have a trust for my decision making and knowledge of IA and the foundation. I understand that I'm not the most experienced Ambassador, but i still believe I'm suitable for the role. So i will set my standard for myself even higher, and prove to the foundation, that they have made the right choice if I'm selected. At all times i will be available to be contacted for IA matters and guidance.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
- The Responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs are listed below
* Training new Ambassadors, Agents, and Operatives
* Upholding the Legal Codex, Code of Ethics, and Code of Conduct
* Working side by side with Director Raixin on the development of the department
* Supervising and guiding Internal Affairs
* Working with Ethics on investigations and tribunals
* Holding meetings and discussions with IA and other departments.
* Working with Foundation to update policys

Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Strekel Kosynkov was born alongside his brothers Maxim and Ivan. There father was never much in the picture always gone working military contracting jobs.
This caused Strekel to grow up rough and without many rules, starting a quick path to learning skills not admired by modern society.
By the age of 18 Strekel was given the choice prison or join the armed forces. Not wanting to set a bad example for his brother he signed the dotted line for a military contract. During his time, he quickly learned small unit tactics and leadership skills, rising in the ranks and becoming a section chief in the military provost office.
One day he was given a case to investigate, it was none other then his brother Maxim, It was said he was working with a unknown terror cell. Strekel in fear for his brothers life set off by himself, going AWOL to find him. This lead him to factory in the Ural mountains of Russia. He felt like he was being watched the entire time, slowly turning corners in the maze of the building. Eventually he reached a lead lined door in the basement of the factory. Upon opening it he was greeted by the sight of a pair of fatigues that had his last name. Suddenly Strekel was grabbed and stabbed in the neck with a syringe, making him woozy and his vision went black. When he woke up he was in a bright room with a masked man Infront of him, his uniform bearing a emblem of a unfamiliar organization. Strekel couldn't remember anything of his past, simply blank space in his mind. The man trained him day by day, never showing his identity. Only teaching about the SCP foundation. After months of training the man gave Strekel a job, assigning him as a general security cadet. Strekel knowing nothing but the foundation now, quickly caught on. Perfecting his job and noticing anything that wasn't taught to him. Due to his attention to detail, he was approached by IA Ambassador Raixin. This was the beginning of his current chapter in life. Strekel took the test and became a operative, after long hours and countless lectures, he was confident in his new job. So much so that Strekel was soon later promoted to the rank of Ambassador following his mentors footsteps, working side by side with other departments. He became obsessed with his position, always look to grow and improve. Constantly trying to better himself and climb to higher roles in the foundation. This had lead Strekel Kosnykov to present day, feeling ambitious and confident. He is now taking the step of following his mentor once again.
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Reactions: NightHawk468
May 29, 2024
Strekel is active on all fronts within the server. Admin, in character, etc... He's well knowledgeable of the rules of not only the server, but any role he plays as well. A majority of the time I see him on, it's either as Ambassador or Staff on Duty- and he is constantly ensuring any IA personnel are fulfilling their obligations appropriately, as well as ensuring their efforts towards good RP or fulfilled duties do not go unrecognized. I cannot recommend a promotion within IA more.

+Role-Plays well
+Keeps things fun/interesting for not only Internal Affairs, but everyone around him


Well-known Member
Jun 28, 2024
+ Support
Strekel is among some of, if not the most active IA Ambassador I have personally seen, He is knowledgeable, fair, and professional. not to mention an excellent addition to the staff. I would love to see him in the Director role, and I believe he would take IA to new heights and make the department better for all foundation members.

Tim Hardy

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Jun 26, 2024

Really good man has helped me through my time in IA and hes been there for me through alot. Is a good Ambassador and a good man to be around.
May 25, 2022
+Support This person is a well known person in SCP-RP USA. He is very active and has the other member supporting him from what I have seen as well he has been representing IA greatly and performing his duties well.
A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Strekel's Director of Internal Affairs Application
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Director of Internal Affairs, the Committee has decided to elevate your request to an interview. Reach out to any Ethics Committee Member to schedule your interview

A message has been received from the Site-65 Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Strekel's Director of Internal Affairs Application

Thank you for showing interest in the position of Director of Internal Affairs, I am pleased to let you know that your application has been accepted, reach out to any Ethics Committee Member to receive your training [Whitelist]

Yours Truly - Ethics Committee Chairman Tyrone "Skoobz" Tiggle
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