[USA] Strekel 'Sentinel' Kosnykov ECM Application

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Well-known Member
May 28, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26797805
Discord name: Ckettering
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 10 months, recently came of LOA
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: United States of America
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time
Character name(s): Strekel 'Sentinel' Kosnykov
Civilian name: Ivan 'Ghost' Kosnykov
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Director of Internal Security
Director of Internal Affairs
Internal Affairs Ambassador
Epsilon-11 SPC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-No i have never received and kicks/bans/warnings

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- Ethics Committee Member. I am applying for the role to further develop my character and the player base around me. Due to me being the acting Director of Internal Affairs, ive worked closely with the current ECM's for a extensive amount of time. I enjoy the RP the ECMS bring to the table and wish to be apart of this group that betters the site and works closely with ISD.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- I know i am the best candidate for the Ethics Committee due to the experience and variety of skills i have to offer the Committee. During my time as DoISD ive showcased my leadership skills and my drive to improve myself and all others around me. As the Director of ISD I'm constantly working with the legal system of site-65, This includes all aspects of the CoC and CoE. I've become a said matter expert in these situations and know that my knowledge will benefit the Ethics Committee. I also do have the IRL experience of being previous military, this has helped me along the way immensely, allowing me to take a step back and see everyone's views and how i can properly assist all sides while not being over bearing and destroying a environment, while also keeping good structure and discipline to keep the ball rolling. As Director of Internal Security, i oversaw with the help of my colleagues the massive transition for IA to ISD, This happened flawlessly and showcased to the community how a good working team operates. Throughout my time on Site-65 I've showed my love of creating RP and fun encounters for the player base, this includes tribunals, Legal RP for the surface, Operation SABLE, and much more. I know as ECM i continue to grow my knowledge of the server and make sure that i transfer the professionalism and qualities i have into the great team that is the Ethics Committee

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
Create unique, interesting, but tactful rp for the server
Deployment of O1 to administer the mission of the Ethics Committee
Work closely with ISD for enforcement of CoE and Investigations
Updating and maintaining Site-65 CoE
Appointment of ISD Director
Authorization of AA
Authorization of KOS
Insuring GOI Relations
Issuing tasks for ECA's
Authorization of higher echelon Ethical testing

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
Reviewing ECA applications
Reviewing DoISD applications
Attending and participation in Sr CL4 and SC meetings
Handling interdepartmental relations when needed

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Strekel Kosynkov was born alongside his brothers Maxim and Ivan. There father was never much in the picture always gone working military contracting jobs.
This caused Strekel to grow up rough and without many rules, starting a quick path to learning skills not admired by modern society.
By the age of 18 Strekel was given the choice prison or join the armed forces. Not wanting to set a bad example for his brother he signed the dotted line for a military contract. During his time, he quickly learned small unit tactics and leadership skills, rising in the ranks and becoming a section chief in the military provost office.
One day he was given a case to investigate, it was none other then his brother Maxim, It was said he was working with a unknown terror cell. Strekel in fear for his brothers life set off by himself, going AWOL to find him. This lead him to factory in the Ural mountains of Russia. He felt like he was being watched the entire time, slowly turning corners in the maze of the building. Eventually he reached a lead lined door in the basement of the factory. Upon opening it he was greeted by the sight of a pair of fatigues that had his last name. Suddenly Strekel was grabbed and stabbed in the neck with a syringe, making him woozy and his vision went black. When he woke up he was in a bright room with a masked man Infront of him, his uniform bearing a emblem of a unfamiliar organization. Strekel couldn't remember anything of his past, simply blank space in his mind. The man trained him day by day, never showing his identity. Only teaching about the SCP foundation. After months of training the man gave Strekel a job, assigning him as a general security cadet. Strekel knowing nothing but the foundation now, quickly caught on. Perfecting his job and noticing anything that wasn't taught to him. Due to his attention to detail, he was approached by IA Ambassador Raixin. This was the beginning of his current chapter in life. Strekel took the test and became a operative, after long hours and countless lectures, he was confident in his new job. So much so that Strekel was soon later promoted to the rank of Ambassador following his mentors footsteps, working side by side with other departments. He became obsessed with his position, always look to grow and improve. Constantly trying to better himself and climb to higher roles in the foundation.
Strekel Kosnykov has now been leading the Deparment of Internal Security for some time, growing his power and knowledge day by day. The news of the death of of his mentor has struck him deeply. Strekel can now be seen never alone, closely guarded by a group rumored to be named SABLE. Strekel now rules the department with a iron fist, never allowing anything through that doesn't grow his agenda and better then men besides him. It appears this has caught the attention of men far more powerful then himself. While sitting in his office he received a phone call from a man with a distorted voice. All that was said was the following "Youre family waits for you in EOC". Hearing this Strekel sprinted across the site, SABLE by his side ready for any and all threats. Upon entering the EOC Strekel was greated by a empty room, nobody in site but a strange taste in the air. The blasted doors closed behind him and his men, Sensing danger, Sable attempted to open back up the doors. The keypads no longer had power. Suddenly the room went black and Strekel skin felt like it was being boiled, then darkness took his mind. Strekel woke to blinding lights and him being bound to a chair, he saw men in suits approaching him. Instantly Strekel shouted SABLE get me out of this chair immediately, but when the men got closer Strekel understood he was in no position to make demands. The men approached and said in complete synchronization, "Are you ready for your interview?"
Oct 26, 2022

my feedback from your O5 application:
"Alright, coming back from the grave to drop this. IA/ISD simply does not translate to O5, the administrative level, RP decisions, and job description of the two roles simply does not compare. You need more experience before taking on an O5 role. I've also heard from a number of people, which I won't name, that you are purposely trying to inflate your application my advertising for +supports, and that you've done this before for both yourself and for friends. It is also to my understanding that you solicit -supports to potential rivals. The council I left behind can not, and will not be infected by this behavior. I would advise -1 and the others to steer clear of this one."

I believe that my message of warning still applies to this application, and that the ethics committee should keep this individual out of site command. The committee I left behind can not, and will not be infected by this behavior.

Recker, heed my words. Its been a moment before I've spoken to any of you, or commented on an application, but I would only take such a stance if it was absolutely necessary.


Well-known Member
May 28, 2024

my feedback from your O5 application:
"Alright, coming back from the grave to drop this. IA/ISD simply does not translate to O5, the administrative level, RP decisions, and job description of the two roles simply does not compare. You need more experience before taking on an O5 role. I've also heard from a number of people, which I won't name, that you are purposely trying to inflate your application my advertising for +supports, and that you've done this before for both yourself and for friends. It is also to my understanding that you solicit -supports to potential rivals. The council I left behind can not, and will not be infected by this behavior. I would advise -1 and the others to steer clear of this one."

I believe that my message of warning still applies to this application, and that the ethics committee should keep this individual out of site command. The committee I left behind can not, and will not be infected by this behavior.

Recker, heed my words. Its been a moment before I've spoken to any of you, or commented on an application, but I would only take such a stance if it was absolutely necessary.
I have already reported this to SL, but once again i will repeat my words. Do not post slanderous posts on peoples applications. I highly recommend you send any evidence to the staff team so i may be punished and banned if any of this is true, which i know its not. Youre a extremely old player so you may think im a different player, but im not just gonna have you sit and lie on my application

You seem power hungry in my opinion. You don’t just make an ECM application because you received some negative feedback on your O5 application. Even if that’s not the case, that’s how it looks to me. I’d rather someone in a SC position who is completely devoted to that specific position and doesn’t treat the ECM Site Command position as a second option.
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