[USA] Terry Black's External Affairs Director Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 24, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
About 3 months


In what country are you located?:
United States

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Terry Black, "Umbra", and "Oxium"

Civilian name:
Tarnqisha Demonte

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

DEA Agency Manager (Holding), MTF Alpha-1 Command Sergeant (Holding), Overseer Assistant (Holding)


MTF Nu-7 SPC (Held), MTF E-11 PVT (Held)

DEA Special Agent (Held), DEA Agency Manager (Held)

CI-A (Held)


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have no active warnings but if you wish to know DM me on Discord.

Why are you applying for Director of External Affairs?

I am applying for Director for External Affairs as I am interested in the position, I have a lot of experience throughout the site and know how day-to-day operations go. I have ideas I want to bring to the Department that I believe will be a lot of fun for others to experience. I also started in the Department so I believe I know everything that needs to be done.

What makes you suitable for Director of External Affairs?:

I am suitable for Department Director due to my experience in the department. I have been an Agency Manager before so I know how things run. I am also currently an Agency Manager, even though I became an Agency Manager recently I do know how to run things as well and I've been around as a Special Agent to help Directors and Agency Managers out when they need it as well as previous experience as an Agency Manager (Was "Oxium" changed my name if you are confused). I also know how things currently run in the Department. I have a very level head and know how to handle situations that will come to me as a Department Director, I like to see myself as a mature individual as well.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of External Affairs in RP?:

The responsibilities of the Director of External Affairs in Roleplay are to lead CI Raids and make sure Agents know what they are doing. They are also responsible for the department's Image and how they act judges the Department as a whole. They are also responsible for making sure their Leadership is actually able to lead their Department when they are not there. They will actually promote people to CL4 positions and make sure that they are actually fit for the position, this goes for positions such as Special Agent, Agency Manager, or Deputy Director. The Director of External Affairs is also responsible for Roleplaying with other Departments and the Site as a whole. As well as the responsibility for all of the roles below it.

Please give some lore about your Director of External Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Terry Black has always been someone who has wanted to be active. Before joining the Foundation he was an outdoorsman doing things such as running, working out, and playing sports. Terry Black found himself one day riding his bike around the neighborhood, he went over a bridge when a car ran into him knocking him off the bridge, and he fell into the water below the bridge. After a while of floating downstream 3 individuals from the Foundation saved him from the river offering him a job inside the foundation called the "Department of External Affairs" he joined the Department as an Operative and was sent out on many missions mostly involving handling the relations between the GOC and Civillians as well as handling various info breaches caused by the Civillians of Pinewood. Terry Black also gained a great amount of skill in combat, combatting the Chaos Insurgency. One day he was sent on a deep-cover operation to cause a feud between the Global Occult Coalition and the Chaos Insurgency, as an CI Member.
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Well-known Member
Jul 21, 2023
+support During my time in DEA Silent has constantly been around helping when and where he can and has proven his leadership capabilities in DEA. Would make a great Dpt. Director
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Oct 26, 2022
A message from the office of: O5-1 "████████"


Greetings, Terry.

In regards to your application for
DIRECTOR OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, after Council Vote; your application has been accepted.

Please contact the Chief Overseer at his email address for questions. (asomeJFK#7561)
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Reactions: Caboose. and Pupper
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