Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49540707
Discord name: @terry.a
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Appx ~ 12-13 Months (Joined end of 2023)
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Mountain
Character name(s): Terry (Terry the ###th)
What server are you applying for?: USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA Ambassador, ISD Inspector, and ISD Commissioner
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
I'm applying to the Director position because it feels to be the natural and organic step forward in my journey at the department that I've dedicated my entire time to here. I care deeply for this department and its people; it is what I have spent >90% of my time doing ever since I unlocked the IA Agent role many ages ago. I admire the direction that the directors have taken, and are currently taking, this department towards and I want to keep that same philosophy moving forward towards a brighter and improved future. I originally joined IA because it just seemed to be my fit, I have always enjoyed occupying positions that let me be involved in problem resolution efforts; since then I have entered leadership positions and enjoy the administrative bureaucratic roleplay that comes with it. It's just the niche thing that I enjoy.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
My experience and leadership philosophy is what makes me qualified for the director position. I have over a decade of 'experience abroad' involving "administrative, policy, leadership, and management work" that have keenly prepared me to deal with the many challenges, responsibilities, and questions that come with being any type of organizational leader. I am used to dealing with sensitive situations that require a degree of delicate and intelligent judgment to navigate.
For me, the fun is when I find myself engaged in conflict resolution between people and/or departments, employing discretion and smart judgment to make smart management decisions, and assisting my directors in day to day management work like policy-writing and document maintenance.
My leadership philosophy aligns closely with both our recently departed and our current director; I believe, as good leaders, we have what it takes to make good decisions, improve ourselves, learn from mistakes, acknowledge faults when necessary, provide a positive direction for our team, and establish a successful era for our department.
Though I may not be an expert on every SCP number, or know what every single chemical recipe does, I believe my broad knowledge on the site's operations and bureaucratic organization as a whole makes me a suitable candidate; one capable of measuring their decisions not just against their own wishes, but against those of people within my own and other departments, to maintain an adaptable, resilient, and focused approach to leadership.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
The Directors are responsible for setting the overall tone and direction of the department. The Directors will achieve the implementation of their broad management strategies and specific policy goals by delegating responsibility and disseminating their directives to their leadership team. Working closely with our clearance 4 leadership is something I have seen first hand to be extremely essential to the continued success of our department.
The directors must be a point of contact for internal leadership and are generally responsible for the department as a whole, we are also the point of contact for any external issues that are high level and require management attention (ex. departmental relations).
We are the end of the road for escalations and need to make sure the right problems receive the proper amount of attention and focus to ensure our (and SI/EC/SC/SA/SD's) standards are maintained.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Once Terry arrived at Site 65, he began experiencing strange symptoms that nobody in the medical team could explain. Eventually one of the researchers labelled his condition "Likely Exposure to SCP-#Unknown" and no further documented update has occurred since. Terry is known to experience sudden and almost instantaneous reincarnation upon any form of 'medical death' he experiences, though the reincarnation process also leaves out the last few hours of his memory, often leaving him confused about how he 'died' and why he is back in his office or bed. One doctor hypothesized that this was likely a form of defense mechanism implemented by whatever curse or effect causes Terry to reincarnate, which effectively prevents him from ever remembering his cause of death or what led up to it. Terry has started keeping track of his death-count to help him better gauge his state. Personnel throughout the facility are often in awe of how his numbers keep rising. One person yesterday even remarked "Terry you gotta stop dying man" and Terry simply acknowledged and agreed.
Terry the 372nd continues to suffer from the curse (blessing?) which causes him to reincarnate and forget everything leading up to his "deaths." He hopes that one day his "condition" can be further studied by the Foundation, but for now he continues to persevere in his duties. Though he sometimes grows to miss his olden days of being at the CIA or the FBC, he has grown awfully fond of his new home at the Foundation and hopes it will remain as such for a long time to come; he has also grown as a person and has formed many new connections.
Terry's mission is very different now compared to when he first hit the front lines of D Block as a Cadet; now he's responsible for far more and often finds himself involved in important discussions and uniquely impactful situations which not only affect many Foundation staffers but also deeply resonate with himself. As a problem-solver and organizer at heart, Terry is enjoying his time here and believes that even if the Foundation may never understand and diagnose his condition, he can continue living in peace knowing he has a important role helping others and securing the Foundation's many mission objectives.
Discord name: @terry.a
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Appx ~ 12-13 Months (Joined end of 2023)
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Mountain
Character name(s): Terry (Terry the ###th)
What server are you applying for?: USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA Ambassador, ISD Inspector, and ISD Commissioner
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
I'm applying to the Director position because it feels to be the natural and organic step forward in my journey at the department that I've dedicated my entire time to here. I care deeply for this department and its people; it is what I have spent >90% of my time doing ever since I unlocked the IA Agent role many ages ago. I admire the direction that the directors have taken, and are currently taking, this department towards and I want to keep that same philosophy moving forward towards a brighter and improved future. I originally joined IA because it just seemed to be my fit, I have always enjoyed occupying positions that let me be involved in problem resolution efforts; since then I have entered leadership positions and enjoy the administrative bureaucratic roleplay that comes with it. It's just the niche thing that I enjoy.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
My experience and leadership philosophy is what makes me qualified for the director position. I have over a decade of 'experience abroad' involving "administrative, policy, leadership, and management work" that have keenly prepared me to deal with the many challenges, responsibilities, and questions that come with being any type of organizational leader. I am used to dealing with sensitive situations that require a degree of delicate and intelligent judgment to navigate.
For me, the fun is when I find myself engaged in conflict resolution between people and/or departments, employing discretion and smart judgment to make smart management decisions, and assisting my directors in day to day management work like policy-writing and document maintenance.
My leadership philosophy aligns closely with both our recently departed and our current director; I believe, as good leaders, we have what it takes to make good decisions, improve ourselves, learn from mistakes, acknowledge faults when necessary, provide a positive direction for our team, and establish a successful era for our department.
Though I may not be an expert on every SCP number, or know what every single chemical recipe does, I believe my broad knowledge on the site's operations and bureaucratic organization as a whole makes me a suitable candidate; one capable of measuring their decisions not just against their own wishes, but against those of people within my own and other departments, to maintain an adaptable, resilient, and focused approach to leadership.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
The Directors are responsible for setting the overall tone and direction of the department. The Directors will achieve the implementation of their broad management strategies and specific policy goals by delegating responsibility and disseminating their directives to their leadership team. Working closely with our clearance 4 leadership is something I have seen first hand to be extremely essential to the continued success of our department.
The directors must be a point of contact for internal leadership and are generally responsible for the department as a whole, we are also the point of contact for any external issues that are high level and require management attention (ex. departmental relations).
We are the end of the road for escalations and need to make sure the right problems receive the proper amount of attention and focus to ensure our (and SI/EC/SC/SA/SD's) standards are maintained.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Once Terry arrived at Site 65, he began experiencing strange symptoms that nobody in the medical team could explain. Eventually one of the researchers labelled his condition "Likely Exposure to SCP-#Unknown" and no further documented update has occurred since. Terry is known to experience sudden and almost instantaneous reincarnation upon any form of 'medical death' he experiences, though the reincarnation process also leaves out the last few hours of his memory, often leaving him confused about how he 'died' and why he is back in his office or bed. One doctor hypothesized that this was likely a form of defense mechanism implemented by whatever curse or effect causes Terry to reincarnate, which effectively prevents him from ever remembering his cause of death or what led up to it. Terry has started keeping track of his death-count to help him better gauge his state. Personnel throughout the facility are often in awe of how his numbers keep rising. One person yesterday even remarked "Terry you gotta stop dying man" and Terry simply acknowledged and agreed.
Terry the 372nd continues to suffer from the curse (blessing?) which causes him to reincarnate and forget everything leading up to his "deaths." He hopes that one day his "condition" can be further studied by the Foundation, but for now he continues to persevere in his duties. Though he sometimes grows to miss his olden days of being at the CIA or the FBC, he has grown awfully fond of his new home at the Foundation and hopes it will remain as such for a long time to come; he has also grown as a person and has formed many new connections.
Terry's mission is very different now compared to when he first hit the front lines of D Block as a Cadet; now he's responsible for far more and often finds himself involved in important discussions and uniquely impactful situations which not only affect many Foundation staffers but also deeply resonate with himself. As a problem-solver and organizer at heart, Terry is enjoying his time here and believes that even if the Foundation may never understand and diagnose his condition, he can continue living in peace knowing he has a important role helping others and securing the Foundation's many mission objectives.