[USA] "The Artist" 05-4 Application

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Jul 28, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:634949053
Discord name: FamilyKirby/Assistant “Peebus”
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 315 hours
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: NA East
Character name(s): Peebus
Civilian name: Gakster
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
- yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 SPC
Security Captain
Overseer Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 warning for minor glitching. I was exploiting a glitch with the flare gun as a D-class to get infinite flares.
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

- I will be applying for overseer 05-4. I know that this role has recently opened up, and I believe that I could fill this position, and quickly take charge.
I am very passionate about this role and feel like I can fit this role perfectly.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

- I have great leadership skills. I can take charge whenever needed, and it has happened many times on this server. When there is no one else to do the job, I am there. When something goes wrong and nobody is there to fix it, I show up. I am also a great communicator. I can and will speak up about problems in otherwise silenced matters. Me and A-1 get along great together. We communicate with each other, and talk about issues. The things that go wrong, I am there to fix. I have been with this server for a long time in my opinion, and I believe that I can be very fit and suitable for this position. Some examples of me showing leadership and communication are:

As Security Captain, I have always been the one to take charge in D-block. I am always the person who has to set the radio frequency, and I regularly use comms to speak with everyone. On almost every code 2 there is, I am the one who takes charge in leading the Gensec team. There are almost no sweeps that have gone wrong when I have taken charge. But the main reason why this is like this, is because of communication. As many people know, sweeps go wrong all the time in D-block because of miscommunication. But when a strong leader is present, people tend to listen more, and take orders. That is how a sweep gets done correctly and properly

As E-11. I have been a great help with breaches, while also being very helpful at the checkpoint. I have always been the main guard whenever I am there, assisting in almost every test that comes through. Anyone who seems less informed, I will always help, never punish. I almost always take charge whenever there isn't anyone else to. I have helped turn E-11 from "The Hall Monitors" into a much more respected Mobile Task Force.

As Overseer Assistant. I have played an important and significant role in the foundation. Taking charge when no one else is doing so is my business. More often than not, no overseer’s are present on site. This is where I come in. I will take the lead, commanding ISD and being the beacon to others, answering questions when the timing is right. Even when there are overseers present, I will take the initiative, being the first to help and assist when needed.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

  • To lead and take charge of the facility
  • To keep the foundation to the highest standard possible
  • To keep the codes of conduct up to date around the facility
  • To make and finalize the most important decisions/rules

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

  • To be the lead roleplayer on the server, and set the standard
  • To make sure that the server runs smoothly

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
The lore will be a continuation of my previous application

June 11th, 2001. Sergeant “Peebus” was in the Green Beret Force. He and his buddies had a new mission, to gain intel on a hostile facility in northern Canada. It was supposed to be a simple mission, get in, grab some documents, get out. There were some rumors about this place. Monsters of unimaginable horrors, and unforetold creatures. But “Peebus” and his men were ready for anything to happen. They’ve been training for years to get to this point. They are officially the best of the best. The 1% of the 1%. As they are flying in, the facility starts coming over the horizon, barely visible through the snow. All they can hear are the chopper blades whirring, the snowflakes blinding their vision. They can feel the cold air rushing through the open doors. None of them are nervous. They are ready for anything.


Suddenly, a large rocket struck the helicopter, directly on the tail. This sends everyone rapidly down towards the ground, spinning faster and faster. As “Peebus” woke, he saw all of his friends around him, mangled and torn to shreds from the crash. He luckily survived, but with many cuts and bruises. As he was lying there, he slowly looks up to see a humanoid entity that is just a suit of riot armor, aiming a gun at him.
“Don’t move,” it says. It cuffs “Peebus” and brings him into the facility blindfolded. After what seems to be an eternity, the strange anomalous figure un-blindfolds him and reveals that he is in some sort of medical center.

“Where am I?” questioned Peebus. The figure just stared at him and gave no response. Suddenly, a man in a black suit came into the room. Many armed guards followed behind.
“Welcome to the foundation sir. It is a pleasure to have you here. Today, you have been given a new life. Here at the foundation, we will heal you up in no time.” As the man in the black suit says this, multiple doctors come into the room and pull out field kits and start attending to his wounds.

After a little while, the man in the black suit comes back. “How are you feeling? Are you ready to join us?” asked the man in the black suit. Before “Peebus” could speak, the man in the black suit took “Peebus” out of the medical center and showed him around the facility. “Peebus” hasn’t seen anything like this in his years of training.
“You will now be a security cadet, a part of the Gensec team” exclaimed the man in the black suit. Scared, “Peebus” accepted this request, knowing he has no power in this situation, and did not want to cause more trouble in the situation..

Over time though, “Peebus” grew fondly of the foundation. He went up the ranks, even becoming a Gensec Captain, and an E-11 operative. He has made many friends, and has been a great help throughout the entire facility, being a great teacher and mentor to newer, lesser experienced people. Eventually, the man in the black suit came back to “Peebus” and pulled him aside. This time though, the man in the black suit did not have any guards with him. He finally revealed his true identity.

“I am an overseer. Me and six others run and oversee this entire facility, and I want you to be my assistant. Your combat experience, and your loyalty to the foundation are perfect for the role” He explained.

“Peebus” was ecstatic, as this was his dream role.

“Peebus” stayed in his role for a long time. He was helping as much as possible, assisting the overseers as much as he could. When no overseers were present, he would often be the one to take charge, leading Law Enforcement around with him. He emulated the behavior of the people he respected, and the ones he followed on a daily basis. He did this to the point where people were recommending him to join the council. A spot recently opened up, and he thought this would be the perfect way in.

“Peebus” spent weeks as an Overseer Assistant, but in his short time, he had done more than most. Putting in the work and dedication, he started to strive to be better. Eventually, he became better. He was an overseer with a clearance 4 key card. This didn’t go unnoticed though. The man in the black suit saw this.

One day, as “Peebus” was doing his normal duties, he felt a presence behind him. As he turned around, an A-1 SGT cuffed and blindfolded him. As “Peebus” was being dragged away, his mind was scrambling. He was wondering what he did wrong, why this would be happening to him. Suddenly, the blindfold was taken off, and “Peebus” was revealed to a large room. In this room was a large circular table with seven chairs. As “Peebus” was looking closer, he saw name tags on every chair. One tag though had his name on it.

“Peebus” was dumbfounded. What did this mean? Why was this happening? What was going on?
“Welcome, to the Overseer Council. After a long and hard consideration, we have accepted you for your dedication.” The Man in the Black suit exclaimed.
“Peebus” was astounded, and couldn’t say anything. His dream came true.


Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2022

Straight up, if there is one man or woman on this server I would select/want to be part of the 05-Council it would be him. He dedicates so much to this game, no, this server. 95% of his hours on gmod are this server. He is one of the most if not the most mature and outstanding individual i have ever had the pleasure of spending time with. There is nothing he has done that has been without great purpose. His perspicacity is unparalleled and his leadership skills are refined and immense. There is not 1 person I trust more than him. He led the Gen-Sec beautifully as a captain. And always maintained his composure. He was sophisticated and always ready for unfortunate circumstances as an E-11. And as an overseer assistant, from what I’ve heard, he was attentive and trustworthy. There isn’t one person on this planet who would be a better fit for this position than him.

James "Baker" | "Pilgrim"

Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
+MAJOR Support
+ Chill guy
+Good interactions
+Detail in his application
+Dedicated to lore and his character

Good luck!


Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022

While you have done excellent in the jobs you have I personally believe you should try and hold some higher level roles before applying for an Overseer job. You have only recently gotten your assistant role and would like to see you hold that role longer than just a week and a half.


Active member
Aug 6, 2022
+support I have done rp with you as CI a lot of times and I think your fit for overseer


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for ████████. The ███████ is in agreement that you are not suited for the position. We would like to see you further your experience, as your tenure as ████████ Assistant has been quite short. Please get in contact with ██-1 for further details.​
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