(USA) "The Ogre" Internal Affair Ambassador Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
3 months with over 200 hours
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Eastern Time Zone

Character name(s):
"The Ogre"
Civilian name:
"Thy Ogre"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-A (Holding) and E-11 (Held). I understand I have never had a CL4 Role, but we all have to have our first.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, so I have gotten warnings because of my previous behavior. I honestly was a bit of a minge and have gotten a couple failrp warns a couple weeks ago I have not been warned since and hope to not be warned in the future even saying I have corrected my actions.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
Honestly ever since I was introduced to some of my associates I've always wanted to stand up and take leadership in the department. I have seen the reputation of IA slowly get worse and worse because of some of our own that do not understand their job correctly and I want to help teach others, inspire others, and if needed to hold them accountable for their actions. I have Will Power, Motivation, Persuasion, and much more abilities that I feel could help teach others and guide them.

I want to strengthen IA and help others learn the real meaning of what being a member of this agency means. I know the responsibilities of Internal Affairs and the potential of greatness it can reach. I truly love IA because of how different it is from everyone else, but this difference is the reason the foundation is still standing. I love making sure everyone is doing the right thing and that means the agents too because when I first started I was a lost agent too, but my inspiration was Ambassador Bobby Clint and Ex Ambassador Weather who had shown me the ways of Internal Affairs and helped me become a well disciplined agent.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
-Starting off I understand what it feels like to be powerless and have no voice because through my life time I was always seen as a young kid and what I said could not be right because I could simply not be mature enough to understand or comprehend the meaning of such complex things, but simply enough I find myself even at my age a very mature and well rounded person. I have played on this server for much time and made many friends that are truly kind and respectable in general and I hope they could say the same about me. I am a honest, loyal, a leader, inspiring, creative, and a team player who see's others before himself.

Even being I know what it means to have fun and I truly am not always serious even when it may seem like it, but I like to have fun and I want to make Internal Affairs fun for everyone while also if needed to make it a learning stage for something bigger. I have seen many people come in and out of internal affairs and through their times here it looked to me as they have learned and used their time here to branch off to something else.

I truly feel I am suitable because of my leadership characteristics I bring to the table. Even with my short time at internal affairs I feel I have done so much already and hope to do much more and to the agents that make others not an enjoyable time I want to hold them accountable for their actions, but I also want them to learn not just to punish as this is how I have always thought because you can not punish someone and except them to learn you must also guide them like how I was guided.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I've written documents on many protocols for Internal Affairs for example a template document on allowing Agents to enter Heavy Containment, I have written Medical Documents on how to be professional and ethical doctor, I have also written incident reports on my arrests.

I feel a good document must be organized, simple but concise, and understandable. Truly nobody wants to spend much of their time reading over a document when it could of been shortened, but to remember for it to still have a meaning and be understandable to the reader and not leaving them confused or lost in your document.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
-The Job of a Internal Affairs Ambassador is to keep management of the Internal Affairs Operative and Agents. To make sure they do not break protocol that is outlined in the internal affairs handbook and investigate upon these matters if needed. They should also train new and incoming recruits to the agency and teach them the in's and outs of the job. As well they should still be maintaining professionalism, being ethical, and leadership and at no point believe they are "above" the rules. As well they should also be able to help with Clearance Level 4 Issues if needed.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in :
"The Ogre" This is a nickname giving to him by his friends back at home he is a 6'7 Russian Male with not much known about him. He was involved in the Soviet Union at a younger age and worked his ways up the ranks, but one day there was a bad accident which caused him to be paralyzed in both of his legs thus making him need to resign from the military. For the next couple years he had tried to do physical therapy, surgery, and more but even that did not help and it was looking impossible for him to ever walk again. Although one day he met a mysterious man who confronted him with a daring offer. This man was dressed in all black from head to toe and his face was not visible as it was hidden by a mask, and he had two bodyguards with him. The Ogre a man with no fear even was a bit scared because how powerful this man had looked as he was approached this mysterious man then asked "Would you like to walk again" This confused The Ogre as he throught he was going to be asked something much worse, but hereplied "Of course I would, but I have tried everything and nothing has worked" The man then replied "Well I have been working on this new testing site funded by the Government I call it "Site 56" and we do research on new anomalies that seem to be things only seen in the movies we call them "SCP's", and we have a certain one named SCP - 500 that could help make you walk again " The Ogre responded with "Well how can I trust this I don't even know your name and you are dressed like a thief" This mysterious man then said "Well I don't go out often and really don't do this often, but you can just call me "The Prodigy" and you?" The Ogre responded "Most just call me "The Ogre" and I hope you could tell why. After this incident The Ogre and The Prodigy had went to Site 56 and used SCP 500 and as said it worked The Ogre could walk again finally, and now The Ogre wanted to know more about these things, so he asked him "I want to be able to help you in this facility, but I want to make sure that these are not used wrongly because if in the wrong hands they could be dangerous" Then The Prodigy proceeded to train him on everything and this started the "Internal Affairs" The Ogre was a ambassador of it and made sure that the select few in it were properly doing their jobs with Ethical Standards to maintain safety and peace throughout Site 56.

Robin Trinket

Active member
Oct 13, 2022
Ogre used to be very mingy. However I have seen him on IA awhile since I've become captain. This man has helped me in many cases with Gensec and other law breakers. Everyone makes mistakes this guy has far made up for his. His character development is not overlooked, this is why your getting support from me. Also great application very in depth.
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Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
Used to be very mingey, but, recently has become a lot more mature and is someone who actually cares about the state of IA, has reported numerous agents who are not following protocol and minging, and is overall a nice person to be around.
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Ogre used to be very mingy. However I have seen him on IA awhile since I've become captain. This man has helped me in many cases with Gensec and other law breakers. Everyone makes mistakes this guy has far made up for his. His character development is not overlooked, this is why your getting support from me. Also great application very in depth.
Thank you!!


Well-known Member
Aug 6, 2022

After coming back to the IA department you have been doing great, this application has been accepted.
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