[USA] Thomas "Goldblood" Aurelius Ethics Committee Member Application.

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Jul 13, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51960950

Discord name: goldblood1

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since June 2023

Age: 27

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: CST

Character name(s): Thomas “Goldblood” Aurelius

Civilian name: Tim Silverson

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:
  • Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Former: Consultant, MTF Nu-7 LCPL, MTF O-1 LTCOM, CI-B, UNGOC SGT, UN Attache.
  • Current: SCP-096, SCP-22415.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • I have not received any kicks/bans and the last time I was warned was way back in August 2023
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
  • Ethics Committee Member. I am applying because I feel that the leadership skills I have attained during my time in O-1 can be applied skillfully in leading the site as part of the ethics committee and I have the capacity to bring great roleplay events to the server with some help. I would like to put my skills to use in leading Site 65 into its Golden age

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

I have spent significant time around the ethics committee since October 2023 learning the day to day operations and responsibilities of the ethics members, studying the Code of Ethics, how and where to apply it, keeping site operations efficient and professional, and sharpening my leadership skills during my time with MTF Omega-1. I am also very familiar with the individuals affiliated with the Ethics Committee and O-1 and feel I could assist greatly in helping Mr. Recker, Ms. Pawz, and Chairman Pavish in handling the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee as well as providing great leadership to O-1 once more. I am confident in my ability to set an example of professionalism and great ethicality to the whole of Site 65 as well as work well with the O5 council (all of whom I am friendly with) in joint operations.

I am also confident in my capacity to introduce great roleplay and events to the server as one of the RP leaders. I already have a few Ideas I would like to put to the test if I do happen to be accepted.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
  • The responsibilities of the Ethics Committee cover a wide range of crucial issues, they are responsible for approving research tests with ethical oversight, ensuring the safety of foundation personnel, upholding departmental adherence to the Code of Ethics. They are also able to issue orders to MTF Omega-1 and Ethics Assistants, make modifications to the Code of Ethics when necessary, look into and resolve any ethical issues that may arise on site. They, along with the O5 Council, form the Site Command positions and must cooperate with the O5 council to resolve any issues or conflicts that require the attention of Site Command.

Other general duties of the Ethics Committee include but are not limited to:

  • Overseeing and Conducting Tribunals for Cl4 personnel when the need arises
  • Approval of various experiments conducted by the Research department
  • Overseeing the operations of the D-class work program
  • Implementing amendments to the Code of Ethics when necessary
  • Ensuring Site-65 is run smoothly
  • Detonating the Nuclear Warhead in situations of out of control SCP containment breaches
  • Oversight of the Operations of Internal Affairs
  • Evaluating the Leadership of departments and conducting personnel interviews.
  • Handling interactions with GOIs such as the UNGOC and MC&D when the need arises.
  • Granting access to advanced armory when heavier weaponry is needed to contain a breach.
  • Cooperating with the O5 council to ensure that Site 65 is run smoothly.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

The responsibilities of an Ethics Committee Member outside of RP includes but is not limited to:

  • Deciding, along with other ECMs, applications for Director of Internal Affairs for approval.
  • Approving or denying applications for Ethics Assistants
  • Providing feedback to the Ethics Chairman in applications for Ethics Committee Member
  • Assisting those in the SCP-RP discord with questions or issues that may arise.
  • Any other miscellaneous tasks that require an ECM.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Big Iron

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Dec 20, 2023
neutral, I don't think you are a bad guy nor incompetent but you just came back to the server quite recently. good luck never the less.
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Reactions: Thomas Goldblood
Nov 17, 2022
From my experience as both DoM as his superior, and just generally seeing him around the site as the O-1 LTCOM I can say that Goldblood is a well fit individual for the position of Ethics Member. I can also say that he's great at following orders and carrying out his duties and generally providing a wonderful roleplay experience for those around him, he would be a wonderful pick for the committee.
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Reactions: Thomas Goldblood
Jul 13, 2023
Literally not in any position rn LOL

You wouldn't be a terrible ethics member but I'd like to see you get another CL4 again before going for a CL5.
I don't see how either of these takes are supposed to negate the fact that I have the experience needed. If I were to take up another Cl4 role, I would end up neglecting that position or the other as I only have time enough to dedicate to one higher level job. I do have a life outside the server.


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022

Welcome to ScipNET! You have received a mandated message from the SCP Foundation Ethics Committee.

Greetings Mr. Aurelius,

Unfortunately at this time, the Ethics Committee has decided to decline your application for the position of Ethics Member. Should you have any questions, please schedule an appointment with my assistant or contact me via the ScipNET messaging system (reckerxf).

Matthew Recker
Ethics Committee Chairman
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