[USA] Tommy "Schizo" Coolattas Security Captain Application

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Sep 11, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:75836345
Discord name: CloverCH
For how long have you played on CG SCP: In total about 2 months, My Vtime is at 6D at this time.
Age: 18 (born 10th of may 2005)
In what country are you located?: Switzerland
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Foundation: Tommy "Schizo" Coolatta, GOC: Tommy "Raptor" Coolatta
Civilian name: Tommy Coolatta
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I have a working Microphone.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I am currently holding MTF E11 PVT, and I'm Former Nu7 CPL, and CI-Gamma.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes, I have received some bans and warns, Back in 2022, I used to be a pretty big troll and get myself in trouble alot, but I'm trying to better myself.
Why are you applying for Security Captain? I'm Applying for the position of Gensec Captain, Because I want to do more in the Site, and have More Responsibilities, I am also applying because I want to help out GENSEC during low player counts, due to me being European this would be easy for me, I also feel like I would be a Great Help towards the Reputation of Gensec, and one of the other Main Reasons I'm applying is because I've seen GENSEC Captains struggling alone, So I want to make sure I can help them.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I am almost always Nice to everybody, No matter their Race, Sexuality, What they sound like or what they believe in, I try to be Unbiased all the time, I'm also very good at talking to people and explaining things as I have Experience as a GENSEC Command member from another Community that I shall not name, I am good at Keeping a Cool head under Stress Situations, I also have a good Sense of Humor. I believe my Sense of Honor and my General Attitude is a great perk to have, one that makes me Suitable for this Role.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: The Responsibilities of a Security Captain in RP are handling Gensec in Dblock, Taking Command over Dblock and having Full Authority over it, They are also tasked with maintaining Team Morale, Boosting The Efficiency of GENSEC, Teaching Cadets/Officers how to do the Job, and Helping out wherever they are Needed most, For the greater good of the SCP Foundation.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born in 2005, Tommy Coolatta's path into the world of the anomalous began when he was just a Young Boy. Raised by his Grandpa, a retired Foundation agent, Tommy grew up surrounded by stories of strange Entities and enigmatic artifacts. His grandfather's tales inspired a passion for understanding and confronting the unknown, and it was no surprise that Tommy's Fate would lead him to join the SCP Foundation.

As a Newly Trained recruit, Tommy showed exceptional skills in Situational awareness, strategy, and an innate ability to adapt to the ever-changing nature of anomalous entities. His natural leadership qualities and unwavering sense of duty quickly caught the attention of his superiors, propelling him through the ranks of the Security Department.

Over the span of 5 years, Captain Coolatta's experience grew, and he became an indispensable asset to the Foundation's Goals and Operations. Time and again, he helped the Mobile Task Force teams in containing dangerous SCP objects, facing horrors that would make most quiver with Terror. The respect he earned from his fellow Security Department Members, was only matched by the Fear instilled in the very entities he sought to control.

One of his most renowned exploits involved containing an extradimensional entity capable of manipulating reality itself. It was an intense and protracted struggle, but Tommy's strategic thinking and unwavering resolve eventually secured a victory for the Foundation. He received numerous Commendations and Some Medals for his actions and was promoted to the rank of Security Captain.

Despite the Commendations, Medals and Accolades, Captain Coolatta remained humble and stoic, often brushing aside Praise from his Superiors, as he was driven by a sense of responsibility and Justice. He knew that the line between order and chaos was a delicate one and that his Sole Purpose was essential to maintain balance and protect the world from utter annihilation and Despair.


Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
Rarely see you on gensec and just witnessed some toxicity in ooc today :l
Sep 11, 2022
Rarely see you on gensec and just witnessed some toxicity in ooc today

Ah, About that, I dont mean to come over as Toxic, I sometimes just sound or seem like it, Because I say something in a confusing tone or with a weird attitude, And I'm also usually active during european times, so late nights for americans and early mornings for americans. Nonetheless Thanks for your response!


I don’t recall ever being toxic or just straight up hostile, sure I may joke around and insult people in jest every now and then but that’s usually within context and is all in good fun, I never use destructive language as a means to make someone feel bad or degrade them, as to my activity I agree I should be on more during American times, nevertheless thanks for the critique
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