[USA] Tyrone Game Master app

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): SkoinksSkoobs
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: 4 months / 973 hours
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Tyrone - Exec. ECA / "Skoobz" - Omega-1 SGT
Chaos name (include your rank): CI-G Bright
Civilian name: Tyrone Tiggle
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:525691612
Discord ID (name#0000): skoinksskoobs
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: USA
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Never made a GM app
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1X - MRDM ban (4 months old) 1X - Expired FailRP warn
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
- No
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- No
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- I can be on 3 - 9 hours daily
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- I wish to become a game master for the SCP-RP community, as I believe that I will be able to make small, or large enhancements to the general RP. I wish to make less known SCP's more well known to the SCP-RP community as a whole and I have several ideas that include both breachable SCP's, as well as passive SCP's. I wish to have more Lore Accurate RP involving the various Mobile Task forces that are not currently on the server, such as Zeta 9 Mole Rats. I am currently very active on the server and find myself getting bored often, when I have down time I would like to be assisting with RP enhancement so other players can enjoy new and unique RP opportunities.
would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
With my creativity I am positive that I will be a good fit for the Game Master team. With the rank of Game Master I will be able to enhance RP for those around me. I've noticed that Researchers are getting bored of doing the same tests over and over, and I know that I will be able to enhance these tests for the researchers. My goal as a Game Master will be to introduce new SCP's that are not very well known to the community, with the intent of spicing up RP. I currently have 1w 3d Vtime on the server, and I have time to assist those who require game masters for their tests.
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
SCP-083 "Duke"
SCP-083 being contained within the SCP Foundation Site-65/56 is currently being contained inside of the Heavy Containment Zone
SCP-083 designated Euclid SCP
Special Containment procedures are as Follows - SCP-083 must be given the blood of a virgin on a frequent basis (Every 12 hours) When not provided the blood of a virgin, SCP-083 grows highly aggressive, slaughtering until it finds a person whos blood fits its "criteria" After this rampage has been completed SCP-083 claims to have no memory of the event and gets hostile when questioned. Additional Notes - SCP-083's feeding schedule must be re centered around its rampages.

Event Details
The O5 council has decided that SCP-083 or "Duke" is too high of a risk to keep within the foundation. Termination orders for "Duke" are handed from the O5 down to Exec. Researchers, as well as Mobile Task Force Epsilon 11 - Nine Tailed Fox. The termination of "Duke" is to take top priority, as "Duke" has turned into a potential Keter class SCP. The O5 council agreed to a hire a man with experience in the termination of humanoid SCP objects, but his schedule was full. The Department Director of Research sees a loophole, and takes over as the terminations lead. The O5 Council realizes the loophole and agrees to let Department Director ------- take over as lead of this project. It will then be up to the Department Director of Research to work with Epsilon-11 to create a possible termination plan.

After Initial confrontation with the Department Director, "Duke" becomes enraged attempting to kill the department Director. Duke will then Breach Containment in a frantic chase after the department Director, killing anyone, or anything in its way. During this chase the Department Director will run past LCZ inanimate and find SCP-298 " the Blood Organ" resting in the CL2 room. The Department Director will proceed to grab SCP-298 and play it to drain SCP-083's blood, thats when the discovery is made that SCP-083 is NOT capable of regenerating its blood, but instead begins to fall on the floor frantic, and with a look of panic realizing what is currently happening to its body. After SCP-083's blood is completely extracted, SCP-083 will quickly decay and disappear.

During this event SCP-298 or "the Blood Organ" will be used as an effective countermeasure. SCP-083 is capable of regeneration, but cannot regenerate its blood. SCP-083 in this event will be used to drain SCP-083's blood, ending the termination trial.

SCP-2273 "Major Alexei Belitrov"
SCP-2273 is a Russian solder bearing heavy armor from a different reality of WW2. In this alternate reality Russia is nuked by the Americans and the surface becomes uninhabitable. Engineers of this reality create suits of armor that grow over ones body, but protect the host from the radiation creates by the nukes. This armor is placed on SCP-2273 from a young age, and grows over his body causing horrifying pain. Later in SCP-2273's life he joins the fight against America, but has suffered defeat and surrenders, at that moment, SCP-2273's men were all eliminated, and SCP-2273 was later found after the war by the SCP foundation, but he was not found in his own reality, but a reality where the nukes were never dropped and America and Russia is capable of working together to maintain peace.

Event Details

SCP-2273 has been Detected in the small town of Pinewood, and MTF NU-7 as well as members of DEA are sent to retrieve SCP-2273 and bring it inside Site 65/56. When captured SCP-2273 is to be placed inside of HCZ non spec, and given a bed, a couch, and a table all capable of sustaining SCP-2273's weight. During this time SCP-2273 is to be interviewed every 2-3 days (every 15 - 30 minutes) to gather information regarding where it came from, the purpose of its armor, and any intentions it may have. After deals have been struck with SCP-2273, it will be provided with reading material such as books, news papers, or may be provided with a television. SCP-2273 will be designated Euclid, but it is not hostile towards Foundation Employees.

SCP-2273 will later granted permissions similar to SCP-999 / SCP-912 / SCP-073, and will be given permissions to roam the site (AS A PASSIVE SCP). SCP-2273 will make friends with the anomalies including SCP-999 / SCP-912 / SCP-073. After a while SCP-2273 will get in contact with the research lead for his project, and will explain that he is having trouble sleeping at night due to a malfunction with his armor.

Begin Log

Doctor ------ Hello Alexi you requested to speak with me?
SCP-2273 - Yes Doctor, I am having issues being inside of containment
Doctor ------ Can you provide me with an example?
SCP=2273 - I am having Trouble sleeping
Doctor ------ Can you go into more detail
SCP-2273 - My armor is malfunctioning, showing me images of my dead brothers in arms.
Doctor ------ Are you sure its the armor?
SCP-2273 - That's the armors purpose, to show me objectives to take, Hazards on the land, and doesn't let me forget important memories that can help me in battle.
Doctor ------ How do you propose that we fix this?
SCP-2273 - Surely your reality must have engineers right? I would be most appreciative if you could remedy this issue.
Doctor - We don't have engineers with the capabilities you describe.
SCP=2273 - oh … I understand .... its Alright Ill learn to cope.

End Log

After this log SCP-2273 is noticeable deprived of sleep but does not wish to communicate further upon the topic.
SCP-2273 will later be allowed to roam up to garage, and will be allowed to assist researchers with their testing on other SCP objects.

SCP-610 "the Flesh that Hates" / Beta -7 "the Maz Hatters"

Event Details
During this event SCP-610 will be brought inside of the facility via the chaos insurgency entering through vents. The goal for the chaos insurgency is to cause a Code Black / detonation of the onsite warheads. During this raid the Chaos Insurgency will kidnap a trainee, and will infect them with SCP-610 causing a imminent biohazard threat to the facility. After the Chaos Insurgency finishes infecting the trainee they prepare to leave the facility to avoid their own deaths, when they will run into combative personnel and will be terminated. Unknown to the facility SCP-610 has breached and will start infecting multiple people around site, spreading far and wide onsite. After intensive battle the various combative personnel have been infected, and that's when MTF Beta 7 will be called onsite to clear the biohazard breach. When beta - 7 is called they will act as ERT, and it will be possible for Beta 7 to fail. If Beta 7 fails to contain the biohazard breach, then the onsite warheads will be activated.

MTF Beta - 7 "Maz Hatters"

MTF Beta 7 specializes in the acquisition and containment of anomalies exhibiting extreme biological, chemical, or radiological hazards as well as the rapid containment and cleanup of areas affected by such anomalies

SCP-610 "the Flesh that Hates"
SCP-610 is a highly contagious disease, causing mutations to the human body of the infected, which has overrun several townships in Russia. The object class given by the SCP Foundation is Keter. It spreads by direct physical contact with an infected individual.

Begin Event Log

Mysterious Interviewer - Hello, can you describe the events that have occurred with the SCP-610 outbreak on Site 65/56.
Unknown Beta-7 - According to our information, the Chaos Insurgency had entered through the facilities vents, and infected a medical Trainee with SCP-610.

Mysterious Interviewer - Can you tell me how they encountered this Trainee?
Unknown Beta-7 - *DATA EXPUNGED*

Mysterious Interviewer - I understand, please provide me with the events that occurred after the trainee was infected with SCP-610
Unknown Beta-7 - *DATA EXPUNGED*
Mysterious Interviewer - I understand.

Event Log
Date - 10/9/2023
Time: 8:30 PM CST
Location: Site 65/56
The chaos insurgency made their way inside of the SCP foundations vents, making their way to SCP-914 and proceeding to get themselves disguises. After successfully getting disguises the Chaos Insurgency will kidnap a Medical Trainee, that has almost no knowledge of the SCP foundation and will inject them with SCP-610. *Panic Heard* Code 3 alarms blare in the background full site lockdown has been called to prevent the spread of SCP-610. The chaos Insurgency has accomplished their goals in entering the facility, and is actively attempting to escape, when a Alpha-1 confronted them, and kant checked them, as they were attempting to flee the facility, determining that they are fakes the Alpha - 1 terminates the Chaos Insurgency, but is soon after infected with SCP-610

After Epsilon 11, Hammer down, Laws Left hand, and Red Right Hand failed to contain the breach, they called one final MTF team in hops of not having to detonate the onsite warhead. the MTF they called is MTF- Beta 7 "the Maz Hatters" Experts when it comes to biohazard threats, such as SCP-008 / SCP-610, During the process after Beta - 7 entered site they quickly start taking action to prevent further chaos. With most of the site lost to SCP-610 Beta - 7 must move quickly to save the few remaining people.


Event #4
Special Containment Procedures: The entrance of SCP-2935 has been sealed with concrete, and access to SCP-2935 is forbidden.
SCP-2935 is a space-time anomaly existing within a limestone cave beneath a cemetery near Joppa, Indiana. The cemetery, whose last interred individual died in 1908, was discovered by Foundation personnel after radio signals were discovered emanating from SCP-2935

Event Log - SCP-2935 "O death"
Object Class - Keter

*A nearby distress call from the SCP Foundation is heard*
Operatives of the SCP foundation respond to the distress call, only to find a unexplored cave. When investigation starts a team of five foundation operatives enter what is now known as SCP-2935. Several Miles inside of the cave the exploration teams see light, even though it should be impossible when they're so deep inside a cave. When the exploration teams manage to get to the source of the light, they quickly realize they are back on the surface, but there is one very noticeable difference, everything is grey.
At this new location the exploration teams learn quickly that there are no signs of life, not a single bird in the sky, not a single insect roaming among the grass, which is now grey.
Upon further travel into SCP-2935 the exploration team comes upon a small town known as Pinewood. Upon entrance to the town the team spots no signs of life, no movement. The exploration team decides that it would be best to enter a house looking for supplies, when they find a family of four sitting at a table, all motionless, all dead. To determine when the events that had killed everyone happened, the exploration team attempted to turn on one of the families mobile phones, realizing that the batter is dead and telling the team that the family has been dead for a long time. Oddly enough, even though the family has been dead for a long time, there is so signs of decay on the corpses.
Further exploration of the home that the exploration team has entered, shows a news paper dating 10/01/2023 (8 days before the current date).
This finding makes the exploration team realize that the event that killed all of these people happened a while ago.
Further travel inside of SCP-2935 the team enters the facility that had the distress signal open. Entering the facility and upon further inspection, and checking of the containment chambers, the team realizes that even the contained anomalies have been terminated by the same event as the people of pinewood. When the idea struck, one of the CL4 personnel present have brought up SCP-682 and realized that the "Hard to Destroy Reptile" was on this site. When the exploration team visited SCP-682's containment chamber, they quickly realize that even the "Hard to Destroy Reptile" has been killed. The part of this trip that scares the team, is the fact that on the way down they see their own bodies, dead on the ground.

With the team freaked out they attempt to leave through the same cave they entered through, but little did they know the monstrosity they would unleash upon their own universe upon their return. Immediately after the final member of the exploration team left the cave, a wave of "death" rolled over the sky, killing everything unbiased. In the distance you see cars crashing into each other, birds falling out of the sky, and you witness your friends fall over dead.

*File Error*


Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

Event Log
File - the Rain before the Storm.

The citizens of pinewood notice a storm coming in from the west. According to local news programs the Storm is going to last 6 days. Rumors start flying around pinewood that the 6 day storm has something to do with the 6 days it took "God" to create the earth. Fearful the citizens of pinewood start taking shelter inside of their homes preparing for the worst.


After confirmation that the approaching storm is anomalous the UNGOC attempt to secure the near by town known as Pinewood, offering the citizens of this town shelter inside of their embassy, with the promise of fresh food, water, and shelter.

The chaos Insurgency after discovering of the storms power, will attempt to seize or control its after affect. The Chaos Insurgency realizes that this storm resembles the 6 days it took god to create the earth, and believe that after the storm there will be a artifact of great power on top of the mountain (hill house). Before the storm has the time to get to its full power, the Chaos Insurgency starts watching the Foundation collecting samples, in hopes of stealing their research into the new anomaly.

The foundation discovers that the storm is anomalous and immediately sends a team of researchers to start the study of this potential SCP. After spending time collecting rain samples, the foundation notices the Chaos Insurgency watching them from a distance, and they prepare their weapons, when the chaos insurgency leaves. The Foundation doesn't know why the chaos insurgency is so interested in the storm but they know it cant be good.

When the storm has ended the Chaos Insurgency has located the artifact they were after from the start. This artifact has the power to create or destroy anything the user imagines but usage takes a heavy toll on the user, ending their lives after usage.

When the SCP foundation realizes the power of the chaos insurgencies new tool, the plan a raid with the Authorization of the action Site Director, and the O5 council. During the raid the foundation takes control of the Artifact and putting it inside of containment.
The artifact has since been designated as a Cl4 SCP.
BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL: No Contact is to be made with the Artifact unless there is a 2/3 majority Vote within the O5 council.

List an example mission for each of the following:
Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand" has been arrived on site to complete their evaluation of Site ---. When inspecting important members of devices, it is determined that the Site Director as well as high ranking members of the foundation such as Department Director has been kidnapping and using civilians for testing. Upon this discovery Omega-1 "Laws Left Hand" begins the demotion process , injecting the Site Director as well as anyone involved with class F to make them think they are class D personnel. After the High ranking members of foundation staff that were involved with the capture of civilians were injected with class F, and given the deal of being granted freedom after one month of service, the only task left was to get the civilians out of foundation and amtethicized so they can return to their usual lives without the trauma of being kidnapped and forced to test on monsters.

Alpha - 1 "Red Right Hand"
Members of the "Red Right Hand" have noticed the O5 member's sudden changes in behavior. During this time the O5 member has been avoiding contact with Alpha-1. Upon further inspection Alpha-1 Gets word that SCP-2006 has breaches containment and is capable of disguising itself as multiple different foundation personnel. This realization leads Alpha-1 to investigate the O5 member to determine if they are truly who they claim to be. During this investigation, many questions were asked about the O5 members past to determine if the SCP also had information about the O5 members past, when the SCP answered the questions incorrectly Alpha-1 Kant checked the O5 member, but their humes were off. The O5 member had humes above 120, with this realization that the O5 member was the escaped SCP-2006 they quickly enacted containment procedures and recontinued the escaped anomaly. The only problem that's left for Alpha-1 is to determine what happened to the O5 member in question.

Nu-7 "Hammer Down"
"MCND" has been selling their wares to the citizens of pinewood recently. Upon feeling the power of their new weapons the citizens of pinewood start to lose it, having too much power started to affect their mental state. It has gotten so bad that even the Mayor of pinewood is declaring war upon the "Canadian Military base" Leading to a war on the surface between MTF Nu-7 and Pinewood. Nu-7 "Hammer Downs" Goal for this event is to restore order to pinewood, and remove the source of these more powerful weapons.

Epsilon-11 "Nine Tailed Fox"
A researcher is approaching HCZ primary checkpoint, presenting Epsilon-11 with a document requesting a cross test between SCP-682, and SCP-008. During the testing process they bring SCP-682 to the Cross Testing chambers when when instructed inject SCP-008 into SCP-682. Minutes after injection SCP-682 has these things growing out of its body.

Upon release of class D personnel into the room with SCP-682 it was noted that SCP=682 was able to remove the spores from his body, or fire them like a gun with extreme force. When SCP-682 shot a spore across the room it left a big hole in the wall and left a SCP-008 spore on the ceiling in the hallway next to cross testing. By the time Epsilon-11 had cleaned up the spore it was too late. SCP-682 had hundreds of small spores on its body and was preparing to fire them in every direction. Epsilon-11 had to act fast to sedate SCP-682 before the spore could be unleashes in the nearby area.

"the Chaos Insurgency" Comes into contact with a new artifact, granting those who use it the power to instantly teleport, upon its first use a very high ranking member of the insurgency teleports into the SCP foundation on accident, questioning his location. When the realization hits that he is inside of the SCP foundation, he must plan his escape. The first step of his plan was to kidnap a CL4 personnel, that was in Delta Wing. Luckily for the CI member there was an ambassador chasing a Jr Researcher in the area. The events of the chase were short but the Researcher pulled a gun on the ambassador and was unfortunately shot, but when the Ambassador was calling out the deceased researcher in communications after holstering their gun, the CI struck. Before the ambassador could think the CI had restrained the CI and stripped all of his belongings. The next action for the CI was to take his card then terminate the Ambassador. The CI had a chance with the CL4 card, and decided to use SCP-914 to get a disguise. Once activated combative from all around the Site ran to the containment Chamber of SCP-914. Once there they encountered the CI disguised as a Exec. Researcher and quickly ID and Kant checked him. Once he knew he was discovered he pulled out a PKM and started shooting the foundation members. When he got past the SCP-914 doors he was shoot, and then killed by members of Alpha=1 and Omega-1

SCP-096 has breached containment and is rapidly running towards pinewood. The SCP Foundation alerts the UNGOC to the situation, and the UNGOC prepare to head to pinewood and start gathering the citizens of pinewood to prevent them having a chance of seeing SCP-096's face as it runs through the town, destroying houses , cars, and businesses alike.

Foundation Staff:
What seems to be a normal day at the SCP Foundation quickly turns saddening, when someone adds a cola to SCP-999's diet. This caffeinated soda starts making SCP-999 "start bouncing off the walls". Once calmed down SCP-999 is reacting to the carbonation that it has consumed, and refused to leave its containment chamber, eat, or drink for the rest of the day.
Fortunately SCP-999 made a recovery from this event.
Last edited:
May 17, 2023

Almost all your events are things that are normal occurrences. It is important to remember that GM's are expected to enhance the RP experience of people and bring unique ideas to light. Pretty much every event you wrote though is just normal things that happen on a daily basis or occurred in the past.
- O-1 event is literally Crow's tribunal reason though might be fun
- A-1 event seems like a copy from Vibrants GM app
- Nu-7 event is just a normal 323 breach
- E11 event is just a triple breach queue
- CI event is just a 008 raid
- The foundation staff event is just a normal scp breach. This really isn't enhancing the roleplay experience of players, especially for non combatants who you are forcing into breach shelter to do nothing for the entire breach from how it reads.

Almost all your events are things that are normal occurrences. It is important to remember that GM's are expected to enhance the RP experience of people and bring unique ideas to light. Pretty much every event you wrote though is just normal things that happen on a daily basis or occurred in the past.
- O-1 event is literally Crow's tribunal reason though might be fun
- A-1 event seems like a copy from Vibrants GM app
- Nu-7 event is just a normal 323 breach
- E11 event is just a triple breach queue
- CI event is just a 008 raid
- The foundation staff event is just a normal scp breach. This really isn't enhancing the roleplay experience of players, especially for non combatants who you are forcing into breach shelter to do nothing for the entire breach from how it reads.

I agree with what Kenneth said. Switch up your events and I will change to a +Support.


Well-known Member
May 5, 2023
I am one of those lucky few to have been around you. You are extremely fun to be around when you are on executive or E-11. I wish you the best on this app because you would be a good addition for:

- Serious RP
- Good events
- Detailed Logging
- Hospitality
Jul 26, 2022
mainly same reason as blixer
good events
i feel you could be a good part of the GM team
feel you could be creative with
but do have the same problem mose apps have like mine did before i edited before posting is mtf events yes there mtf and like doing what they do but the event could conflict normal duties.

- W mans
-Good roleplayer
- the good kind of tiggle

-Put a bit more work on the MTF events
mainly same reason as blixer
good events
i feel you could be a good part of the GM team
feel you could be creative with
but do have the same problem mose apps have like mine did before i edited before posting is mtf events yes there mtf and like doing what they do but the event could conflict normal duties.
I updated the events and added more detail, dm me on discord @skoinksskoobs if I should change more
May 17, 2023
Changing to a +support due to the recent updates, but I will leave the original comment up there in case anyone reviewing the app was curious about the pre-editted version.

With that said, you've shown a lot of improvement just based off feedback you are receiving from people responding, let alone the feedback you'd get as a TGM from players, event team, and other GMs after running events, so I feel like that shows you'd be a good fit.

stee ven

Well-known Member
Aug 12, 2022
Application Accepted

Hi @Tyrone

On behalf of the Game Master Team, I would like to thank you for making an application for the position of Trial Game Master, this is to let you know that you have been accepted to conduct the next step of the application process.
Please contact an Event Team member for your next step.

Kind Regards,
Event Team Supervisor Stee Ven
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