[USA] Walter Unrich's Chairman Application (The Opposition)

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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Jun 8, 2024
holy shit walter is gnna be waltering

I understand the crtisicm of walter being harsh, believe me I do, but its a lie to say he isnt effective at his job in helping fix departments and solving issues.

hes a rules based man and ethics is a rules based department

weather or not walter deserves ethics chairman or just be inside the committee for me personally is very little difference as I am not yet apart of Ethics but I do believe he should be in the committee

also both pawz and walter are great candidates, pawz for great RP and amazing events and walter for his very logic based problem solving just putting my thoughts here lol


Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 6, 2023
You should be an active ECM and shoot for a promotion to ECC, not just attempt to swoop in and try to take it from someone who has dedicated so much time to the role and worked tirelessly for it. Doesn't seem right to me.
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