[USA] Weebe San Executive Researcher application

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Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024

Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I’ve been playing since July 2023 on and off but I recently got back into the server during the summer. So far as of writing this have 678,360 seconds or 7.8 days/188.4 hours on this server



In what country are you located?:

United States (Texas)

Time zone:

Central Standard Time (CST)

Character name(s):

Foundation: Weebe San
CI: Weebe ‘Chaos’
Civilian name: Weebe ‘Citizen’

Civilian name:

Weebe ‘Citizen’

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

CI-B (Holding)
CI-R&D EN (Holding)
Medical License

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

My reasons for wanting to apply for Executive researcher are in-game and irl reasons which are
  • The in-game reason I’m applying is the responsibility but also the freedom that comes with a CL4 card such as being able to attend tribunals, helping during certain codes, and approving tests. While those reasons may seem small, they mean a lot to me, I like being part of the roleplay around the facility and while I’ve achieved that already I’m aware that the planning and execution of that roleplay is at times headed by CL4. Secondly having a CL4 will allow me to approve but also supervise tests that my fellow researchers wish to take part in, I already like inviting Jr. Researchers to come along during my CL2 tests in LCZ and inanimate so being able to bring along Senior Researchers to CL4 tests will allow them to learn and witness the benefits of having a CL4. I have many ideas on tests that I wish to conduct on CL4 SCP’s so being able to achieve Executive researcher will both open new opportunities for me and also showcase to other researchers a friendly face that’ll bring them along to the appropriate clearance level tests more. Lastly, the biggest reason is as a Mentor when teaching a researcher how to write documents or giving the new guys a tour is wishing to give credit when I see good work. I can't think of over 2 dozen times I wanted to credit a researcher when I see them doing a great job such as taking initiative but also presenting and helping others. Acts like that should be rewarded more often to incentivize these role models in the department.
  • The real-life reasons why I want to be an executive researcher is because I love this gameplay and server. It’s so much fun seeing the individuals that make up the foundation, each with their own personalities. I’ve made a great deal of friends during my time here and I strive to continue making more because everyone’s so lovely. SCP lore is also something I enjoy extensively as I actively listen to SCP illustrated, The Volgun, and short films like 096 plus cross tests. They’re a big part of why I know so much about SCPs, which have allowed me to expand my knowledge and inform my approaches to RP. Another real-life reason is that I have some time on my hands since my university schedule isn’t as packed as it was last semester in the spring, so I have some time to invest in my character and the server.​

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

My suitability for being an executive researcher is my accomplishments so far, my irl background, and my role in BoE.

  • My accomplishments that I’m very proud of pushing myself and the reason I’ve waited for this far has been the 7 excellent documents that I’ve managed to complete. It wasn’t easy getting these many and creating new ideas and testing them but I’m glad I did. While it may seem odd that I boast this I truly believe that a researcher who’s been able to test on so many SCPs officially as seen on these documents is a researcher who’s been around and knows about a great deal of SCPs that Site-65 has to offer. To add to this point, an Executive Researcher is someone who has experienced and seen most if not all the SCPs available to them that have made them very knowledgeable about Site-65 to answer any questions or concerns that lower researchers have. Back to my accomplishments so far, I’ve been able to officially mentor 6 individuals through the BoE Mentor program alongside currently training a new Mentor into the subdivision. Secondly, there’s the poster I made which is placed around the research wing encouraging and informing researchers to join the subdivision, lastly there’s the presentation I made by hand and presented two times to both foundation staff and members of site command. I feel like all these accomplishments set me apart from others because I’ve put in the work to get where I am now and will continue to do so by achieving greater things.
  • To my second major point of making me suitable for Executive Teacher is my background as an English Major currently in university and a concertation in education. While I won’t be teaching English on this server, I do believe that my background in real life does help me in this position because of my experience. I have years of writing documents, essays, MLA papers, and presentations. These all make me very efficient and capable of writing documents of large scale from the ground up or stringing them together. Hence why are you reading such a long application. I take pride in my work despite it taking a good chunk of time because I want to ensure that I put my best foot forward when showcasing myself to others like this. As you’ll see in the next question of this application, I’ve written a good handful of research studies, and I will continue to do more cause writing essays as this point is a hobby to me and I enjoy it a lot.
  • Lastly, there’s the Board of Education and my role in it. I’ll be frank in saying that one day I want to run and be the director of this subdivision because of the possibilities it has. At the current moment, it consists of mentors and lecturers as the two primary roles. I currently hold the MM or Mentor manager role where I recruit individuals into the mentor side of the subdivision. However, I believe that this subdivision of lecturers and mentors can do so much more such as hosting side-wide presentations and maybe even helping other departments. At the current moment, the mentors and lectures are more in-house, but I hope that through my actions such as the presentation I made called “The Research Team and You” I’m able to involve more individuals in the research department, increase cooperation and participation of other departments into Research. I love this subdivision so much because of my real-life background too, so I want to not only see it grow but also actively grow it. This is the mentality of an Executive researcher who sees the importance and value that the Board of Education can not only just have on Research department but also site wide health.​

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

Out of the 9 I’ve created, 7 have been excellent
1. SCP-087 | Research Study | Test 1 (Good)
2. SCP-330 | Research Study | Test 1 (Good)
3. Weebe San | SCP-457| Research Study |Test 1 (Excellent)
4. Weebe San | SCP-966 | Research Study | Test 1 (Excellent)
5. Weebe San | SCP-409 | Research Study | Test 1 (Excellent)
6. Weebe San | SCP-409 | Research Study | Test 2 (Excellent)
7. Weebe San | SCP-076 | Research Study | Test 1 (Excellent)
8. Weebe San | SCP-049 | Research Study | Test 1 (Excellent)
9. Weebe San | SCP-8854 | Research Study | Test 1 (Excellent)









As the mentor manager, it’s my duty to know and teach how to write excellent documents. Excellent documents while having multiple factors, all come together that turn a paper from good to excellent, they can be summarized into these four parts.​

  • Attention to detail, when writing a document, it’s important to ensure that there are no spelling mistakes, proper separation items, and good grammar. While a good paper has some small mistakes, excellent papers should be perfect or near perfect. They act as examples to fellow researchers and to our higher-ups that we pay attention to detail and care enough to revise our work. Therefore, having the patience and desire to improve our work and showcasing that we’re able to learn from our mistakes can turn a streak of good papers into excellent papers such as my case where I asked researchers like then Executive Researcher Barry Uriah to give me pointers and tips via the mentor program which helped me write amazing papers from the help he gave me that I now teach others.
  • Format, formatting is one of the baseline elements whenever you’re writing a research study, like we see on the wall in Junior Research bunks and in our Research handbook we have to ensure that the basics like an index, SCP information, and so on are all included in a paper. Our goal of study, findings, and conclusion are the most important because they signify what we want to learn, our beliefs, and the outcome of both. Therefore, making sure that no parts are missing is crucial to even have a research study.
  • Content, when creating a document adding images to the paper can elevate it by providing visual evidence that the test occurred alongside visualizing the data. In my papers and the individuals I’ve mentored, I always instruct and teach them step by step to utilize images in their Cover, SCP Information, and Findings. A nice foundation or research department logo makes a document feel like it’s well a more authentic document, an image in the SCP information section can help others who’ve never seen the entity understand how it looks either in lore or in the game. Lastly, an image in the findings shows that alongside the test occurring depth exists within the paper of an actual event that occurred. Reading papers with no images makes it feel like a story or fabrication, but images can make it feel like you witnessed the event as you read along.
  • Discovery, the last and most important factor in an excellent paper is finding out something new. Tests that simply repeat information that was previously known or that add little to no value to our understanding can be good or average. However, information that is discovered that shines a new light or answers a well-constructed question with evidence can showcase the writings of a researcher. As researchers, it’s our duty to discover new qualities, and details and answer questions we have on the many SCPs in Site 65.​

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

Executive Researchers have the responsibilities of at times dealing with CL4 duties, grading papers, assisting fellow research staff, and holding leadership positions in subdivisions or leading projects.​

  • Executive Researchers as the CL4 of the research department sometimes must respond to questions, and disciplinary issues or assist with their level 4 keycards during site-wide situations. At times CL4 holders may be asked to open the PW bunker or HCZ Primary doors meaning that their presence and trustworthiness come hand in hand to the duties of a CL4 holder. Executive Researchers get access to test SCP 035,079,096 and 106 alongside being able to supervise tests on these by Senior Researchers, these are such a high clearance because of the care and safety protocol knowledge that they must possess.
  • Leadership positions, many executive researchers whether appointed or through proving themselves hold a leadership position or lead a project. This is something I admire as I want to move up in the ranks of BoE so taking on the responsibilities of an executive researcher will showcase my ability to be trustworthy in this position and the confidence in those above me to take on said responsibilities. Being a leader is just as much as being trusted by both those below and above you but also in good management and conflict resolution skills. As the Mentor Manager I train new researchers but also train individuals take become mentors when they desire to join BoE.
  • Grading papers is something all executives do as it’s both logged and their responsibility to check the work of those below them, that’s why knowing how to write and check excellent papers is so important because it’s a duty that executives have. Also, as a future teacher, it’s a real-life necessity to have mastery over a subject to grade documents that I currently possess as seen by my track record of documents. This is a vital responsibility of Executive Researchers because the number of papers we grade is logged while at the same time logging it on the roster for the Researcher to showcase their proficiency to their peers by the grade they earn.
  • Assisting fellow research staff is the most important responsibility an executive researcher has whether signing documents, teaching the Jr researchers, or helping Researchers and Sr. Researchers with presentations. Executives are seen as the go-to people when something needs signing or assistance because of their seniority within the research department. Looking in chat you’ll be able to see how many times a researcher asks for an executive. Helping others whether equal or new, is something I take pride in as both the mentor manager and as a senior researcher who has a passion for helping others.​

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

While I sadly haven’t had the chance to write my lore as I’m going to save the big one for a pac-3/lore post, however, I do have a general idea of my character. Weebe San is an individual from the United States with two parents from Norway and Germany hence the odd name originating from the German name “Wiebe” but Americanized by Weebe’s parents as part of the cultural assimilation during World War 2. While I will elaborate a great deal more in my lore post I’ll talk about my time here. Weebe is a Senior Researcher aiming for the position of Executive Researcher who wishes to make an impact for the greater good of all foundation staff. Through their research studies they’ve placed a particular focus on understanding the behaviors of SCPs, and also testing new methods of containment and safety protocols when SCPs interact with D-Class. Their belief is that if more safety protocols are put in place with adequate research, D-Class termination and fatalities during tests can decrease. Weebe also highly admires those on the Board of Education because of their duties in training new individuals, which he admires because of their commitment to the newer generation of researchers. This inspired Weebe to take the initiative and try out for the Subdivision in the Research Department that was headed at the time By Executive Research Barry Uriah. Upon passing their mentorship, Weebe strived to prove himself alongside his colleague Senior Researcher Michigan who's a lecturer in the Board of Education. Weebe has so far been able to reach the position of Mentor Manager at Site-65 Board of Education as they interact with the newer members starting off their journey at Site-65. Alongside that Weebe has met countless guards and medical personnel during his tenure as a researcher and the tests he's conducted. He's come to both respect and admire others for their commitment to the foundation. Weebe in short has made himself a role model for the newer members as they admire his passion to guide them along their journey. Weebe in turn admires his fellow foundation staff as he sees his employment at the foundation as more than just work but a community.

Thank you for reading my application <3


Active member
Jul 27, 2024
+ Support

Crazy fun at the event yesterday. Suggested a lot of good ideas and all around had fun. I’d say he’s pretty overqualified for this position.

Also… 3am…? Sleep please
Last edited:


Active member
Apr 5, 2024
Incoming Message...
Message Received!

From: BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
To: WeebeSan@Foundation .org
Subject: Application moving onto next phase: Interview

Dear Weebe San,
thank you for your application into the position of Executive Researcher. I am happy to inform you that your application has been approved for the next stage of the promotion process! Please reach out to me (ratgod101 on the discord) or Friedhart (g4rp1ays) to schedule your interview. We are excited to speak with you, and hopefully welcome you into Research Leadership if the interview goes well.

Sincerely, Barry 'Blue' Uriah | BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org

Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024
Incoming Message...
Message Received!

From: BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
To: WeebeSan@Foundation .org
Subject: Application moving onto next phase: Interview

Dear Weebe San,
thank you for your application into the position of Executive Researcher. I am happy to inform you that your application has been approved for the next stage of the promotion process! Please reach out to me (ratgod101 on the discord) or Friedhart (g4rp1ays) to schedule your interview. We are excited to speak with you, and hopefully welcome you into Research Leadership if the interview goes well.

Sincerely, Barry 'Blue' Uriah | BarryUriah11011@Foundation .org
Thank you.

+ Support

Crazy fun at the event yesterday. Suggested a lot of good ideas and all around had fun. I’d say he’s pretty overqualified for this position.

Also… 3am…? Sleep please
I appreciate that a lot, yesterdays event was pretty fun even if I thought initially I was gonna test on SCP-008. I still insist to this day that those were lobsters. Also I greatly appreciate you saying I'm overqualified, while some aspects of that may be true I believe that I should earn and prove myself as mentioned in the application, also I spent a whole day going back and forth on editing and revising this essay application so I ended up finishing at 2:36 AM (-_-)zzz

To anyone reading this and the Deputy Directors message I ask that you still reply and react to this post. Whether it be + or - the feedback you provide is very valuable to me on both my application but also as an individual. This is an application I've worked really hard on and I want to know what my fellow community network members think of me and how I can improve. If by any chance they end up closing this thread you can message me on discord at weebesan . Thank you
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