(USA) Weebe's Director of Research Application

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Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024

Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I’ve been playing on the server on and off since July 21st 2023 when I first joined the server and mained Gensec. However, I started playing more this summer when I committed fully to the server in particular researcher as my current level sits at 39. In total I have 1,577,940 seconds in game or 438.3167 hours or 18.26 days with my Vtime for the month being 11 days.




In what country are you located?:

USA, Texas

Time zone:

CST (Central Standard Time)

Character name(s):

Will ‘Weebe’ San & Wilhelmina ‘Citizen’ San

Civilian name:

Wilhelmina ‘Citizen’ San

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Senior Executive Researcher (Holding)

Board of Education Lead manager(Holding)

CI-B & CI-SREN R&D (Held)

Lawyer License(Passed in game bar exam, Holding)

Medical License (Doctor + Combat medic, Holding)


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have 0 warnings, Bans and Kicks on record.
I have received a handful of verbals but I've never received any warning while also making sits and asking admins for clarification or rules or what I can/can't due to better align with the rules and to avoid trouble.

Why are you applying for Director of Research?

My love for Research: Research since I first joined in 2023 has been something I loved because of the roleplay and creativity involved with coming up with new testing ideas and the individuals in it. During events, I've been called to investigate or research a new anomaly or discover what's going on. My ability to think and analyze in the heat of the moment seen both during events and in my court cases has allowed for roleplay to move forward. There are also individuals in the research team who make it special. I've met many lovely researchers in my time within RSD who have made the research experience far more meaningful, many if not all that I consider great friends to work alongside.

My experience: As of writing this I hold the rank of Senior Executive Researcher on the roster owing to my efforts and commitment to bettering the research department. I've always taken steps to involve myself in RP situations and social situations with others to better surround myself with the opportunities that this server provides. Some examples are my involvement with IA both online and offline in resolving disciplinary issues with researchers, doing cross-tests with E-11 and members of Site Admin on projects currently being worked on, and in general providing a helping hand to my fellow researchers of all ranks. All of these examples alongside countless others have pushed me to do more in Research hence I'm applying for it. The experience has molded me into someone ready to take on the responsibilities and opportunities that the Director of Research has.

My desire to help: As of writing this the toll and actions of the loss of the previous director of research has left our current Director of Research Barry with the weight of the regiment. While he has Site Admin and the Executive team to help I still know due to our close friendship ever since I started playing in the summer the toll it takes on him. I don't want something(Concerning the previous director's actions) to wear our current director out even more hence why I want to help in a more official capacity. Secondly, I've always been someone to help my fellow executives and CL3/2/1 researchers. I believe that a supporting figure such as myself will help the Research Department tremendously during the recent shake-up.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:

My Connections with other groups: So far I've developed great relations with other departments on Site and GOI.

I've had great relations with medical as many of the consultants know me as I invite them many times to my samplings but also hang out with them in general. In particular, I've worked with the Director of Medical Maz on an SCP-6648-2-47 project and an SCP-096 project with consultant Kowaru.
  • With IA I've always been open to help including my discord/email where IA would report issues whenever I or another exec isn't on, I've come to know and call members of IA my friends as I spend a frequent amount of time in Intero assisting and investigating while at the same time spending time in the courtroom defending or sue individuals on behalf of others.
  • With E-11 and Gensec they're both groups that I've had great relations with because of their role in escorting or observing. Most notable being cross tests we've done, transferring documents to E-11 for their regiments records, and helping Gensec with an SGT performance report template.
  • On GOI's I have connections with CI out of character as a former member as I departed due to committing more to my Exec role. Regardless I still know many individuals within CI many of which I call my friends so I always have those connections available should RP pop up. In terms of G.O.C, I've had meetings with them before with Ethics members to approve sampling and cross tests but I'm not too well connected with them but I would love to further develop those connections.

My Senior Executive rank: As one of the three executives who's reached this rank I've worked my way here through my activity, contributions, and overall performance as an Executive. My activity has by far been the most active in terms of hours I've logged and my time spent on the server in large part due to my free schedule with Uni and work. My contributions have so far been in the training of new Jr researchers and fellow researchers with my Jr Researcher orientation presentation, Research team, and you, and party I've thrown to bring the RSD more public and interconnected with other regiments via the open invites. With this also comes fellow executives coming to me for help and advice whenever there's something they need help or clarification. Lastly among other reasons is my performance when taking into account my performance as a helpful executive who's interacted positively with many members of the foundation and was seen as a go-to when on for research and document-related purposes.

My adherence to the laws: As an individual who's been in intero when requested by IA or when questioning a researcher I've come to always have the code of conduct, code of ethics, legal codex, and the Research Policy open on my second monitor in case I ever need to consult it on a matter. These situations and practices have given me knowledge of the legality of most things at the top of my mind. Also as an individual who's passed the BAR exam by the Department of Internal Affairs which made me a licensed lawyer. While I still do on rare occasions get confused or make a mishap I'm still for the most part well well-versed in our Site-65 legal system. This comes in handy whenever there's a case relating to a researcher but also ensuring that the actions of the Research Department are ethical, legal, and correct.

My mindset: Last but not least is my mindset. I've always been a calm individual, a mediator, and a social person. Having a person, especially for Director of research who holds these traits is important. As the Director of Research, we're at the top of the RSD chain of command before it goes to Site Admin or Site command (Per 0.01 Chain of command) so it's important to have the resolve and ability to solve issues before they get out of hand. Secondly, as a director, there'll be times when there are multiple perspectives and ideas so having the natural and experienced ability to mediate that I've had all my life and showcased as an executive is key in sitting two or more groups down and coming to a compromise. Lastly, there are the social skills of the many friends and connections I've made that make it less intimidating and in fact, welcoming should someone have to approach a senior CL4.

Also on a small note in real life, I am an English Major in Uni rn but that's something I talked about in my executive application back then so I don't wish to reuse something already known about me in an extensive manner but it helps in writing and creativity which can help a great deal in documents and rp. : )

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:

Senior Clearance 4, as a director of a department and a senior clearance 4 we're entrusted with more responsibilities and duties. This comes with handling major issues, acting as the face of the department, and having access to more information. These are extremely sensitive and important responsibilities to have so when choosing someone for a said position that individual has to have shown a level of trustworthiness and ability to handle such tasks I believe both through my actions on site and application that I'm ready for such a responiblity.

Overseeing & Delegating Research, Overseeing the research department to ensure it adheres to the abovementioned legal section of my application is very important to ensure compliance with site policy. While at the same time making calls in coordination with fellow Directors of Research on delegating duties and projects to both Executives and sometimes Senior Researchers who show potential. Ensuring that as the Director no member is getting burnt out or having too much pressure placed upon them is key to a healthy and lively department.

Creation of documentation and development of new forms & guidelines, Creating documents, especially after a recent event has led to the necessity to write up new and improved documents to ensure that all members of the RSD and outside know what we can and can't do. The importance of these documents is especially important because they have to adhere to the code of conduct and code of ethics to ensure compliance. That's why for someone who has a lot of experience as an English major and as seen in my applications I can write extensively and in cohesion to ensure a smooth reading experience. At the same time, my legal background in games helps with awareness of the aforementioned codes.

Choosing the next executives, Choosing the next executive in cohesion with the other Director of Research is key both keeping the command team alive but also filtering and ensuring good applicants get in. It also requires being able to tell individuals what they can work on and improve which is something I have experienced as a member of the Board of Education as I assist individuals with their work.

Resolving issues among executives and major disciplinary cases, In my experience Directors are individuals we go to whenever we're having an issue with another executive and when there's a major issue that requires more than a 3 day ban. For both instances with the former being recently where I had to gather evidence and presented both to the Director of Internal affairs and my Director when an Executive was telling a chef and D-Class to kill an Overseer Site Inspector and placing hits on foundation staff. Likewise on the latter I've had issues where an individual was plagiarizing other peoples documents and passing them off as his own which lead to a 1 week research ban. While I won't name names, these experiences have helped made me realize the importance of compiling evidence and giving it to the appropriate person, which translates well should I receive this position as I'll be able to work in cohesion with my Research Director on handling they issue.

Relations with other departments and GOI, Lastly there is at time approving major projects, deals and miscellaneous projects/events with other departments and GOI. This can be more on the bureaucratic side like creating documents and going back and forth with people but it's something I've done before. As mentioned previously I've made documents before for transferring documents to E-11, A SGT performance template with a security Captain, working with medical on SCP research studies and GOC sampling/testing documents.

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Adding on top of my lore from my executive post and the lore I'm currently in the process of writing my character named Will 'Weebe' San will continue in their research duties but, I wish to take it down a bit of a crazy scientist path who obbseeded with research and the unknown on the possibilities. My character through this possible promotion will begin to develop an internal conflict while keeping it all together in the name of the betterment of the Site and research department. In a sense, a hint of an overworked mad researcher who's holding it all together. This is something I've explored a bit during events such as a recent one involving salt and ghosts in the facility where my character went around placing salt from the chef NPC to do what they believed was helping out and protecting the site from an unseen entity. Likewise, I'll also have in RP my character develop a broader perspective for the office politics and workings that the foundation does under the surface hidden by Senior CL4 similar to what happened with the ISD war but in this case, developing my character further on seeing the nature on some topics. This will of course all be rp and internal development rather than me going crazy crazy or treasonous. I want to specify as I have been doing involve my friends in the creation of my lore especially Director lore because their history and actions with me will be sown into my lore to develop who my character is and shape.
With the clip presented below as well as your limited experience, I have decided I will be negatively supporting your application. I would recommend applying at least 1 month into your term as executive so you attain a more in-depth feel of how the department functions, as well as demonstrating an understanding of the Code of Conduct, which you clearly violated in the clip attached below.



Well-known Member
Jan 16, 2024
With the clip presented below as well as your limited experience, I have decided I will be negatively supporting your application. I would recommend applying at least 1 month into your term as executive so you attain a more in-depth feel of how the department functions, as well as demonstrating an understanding of the Code of Conduct, which you clearly violated in the clip attached below.


Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024
With the clip presented below as well as your limited experience, I have decided I will be negatively supporting your application. I would recommend applying at least 1 month into your term as executive so you attain a more in-depth feel of how the department functions, as well as demonstrating an understanding of the Code of Conduct, which you clearly violated in the clip attached below.

In relation to this clip, it's part of an ongoing investigation relating to E-11 and myself revolving around an ambassador who was disguised as a tech expert on our screens miscommunication happened when I gun pointed the individual while a member of E-11 was going to amnesticize him improperly. I will admit that I shouldn't have gun-pointed the individual and it's something that one of the directors of internal affairs corrected me on. Alongside that the day after I was shown this clip by a member of internal affairs I discussed the situation with a fellow executive and my directors where I reflected on the mistakes I made. A recent update I received was from an ambassador who told me that IA was investigating the member of E-11 more heavily due to the type of amnestics rather than myself since I was misinformed and pointed a gun at a foundation member without taking into account that they didn't threaten me.

This is a mistake I made and I admit to it but such a mistake shouldn't overshadow what I talked about in my application nor all the good I've done.
Here's a clip from my side of the story to show he was a tech expert https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/c...W/d1337AHDpyoz?invite=cr-MSxLU0ksMzgwMzM3Nzks

+ / - Support

I dont have any real issues with you but you been exec for less then a month
With the clip presented below as well as your limited experience, I have decided I will be negatively supporting your application. I would recommend applying at least 1 month into your term as executive so you attain a more in-depth feel of how the department functions, as well as demonstrating an understanding of the Code of Conduct, which you clearly violated in the clip attached below.

In relation to being told that I've been an executive for less than a month and my limited experience I find this to be true yet unfair given the points I made in Why are you applying for Director of Research? where I talk about my experience specifically, What makes you suitable for Director of Research?: and What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?: In both, I provide extensive points detailing each one. Secondly I'm only 6 days from reaching my 1 month of being an executive researcher as I was approved on the 21st of last month and it's the 15th as of writing this. I ask that you please reread my application before pointing out my lack of experience considering I received the Rank of Senior Executive Researcher for my performance, commitment, and role to the Research department of which there are only three who hold this rank as seen in OOC info spoiler. Secondly in terms of the lacking understanding of the code of conduct I talked about this extensively in What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:, specifically My adherence to the laws:. I will again admit that this was a mistake on my part.

I ask that you reread my application and consider the points I've made there and here. Regardless thank you for your feedback and points.


Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2024
I will be giving +support as I have taken the time to read through the application. Weebe has a very good work ethic and is Sr. Executive. He has been in RSD for about a month. I will note the video and behavior is unacceptable. We all make mistakes and you can’t take away the fact that he works hard.
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Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Aug 5, 2024
+support ive only had good interactions with weebe, and he likes making fun of my documents which in term forces me to make them better for the next review, also knows his research tasks very well
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Active member
Jul 27, 2024
+ Support

Weebe is the friendliest face for Research I've probably seen apart from Keagan. The only thing I could say as a con to this application is his newness to Exec, but that's the only bad thing anyone could say about this app.
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