[USA] (WITHDRAW) Hueman Frued Exec Research Application

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Active member
Aug 11, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:495392308
Discord name: Zulu
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1-2 Weeks
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: MDT
Character name(s): Hueman Frued
Civilian name: Hueman Starvn
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
None currently, only verbal warnings from Agents and Operatives
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I believe that I can make some interesting research documents based around certain topics, not only that but to improve the roleplay experience with unique and fun interactions with players and site members
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
The effort that I put into my documents, not only that but by insuring complete control and understanding of protocols based around the foundation. Understanding the experience and learning from experiments as a D-Class and a researcher to further improve the roleplay experience.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
Currently I have two excellent-graded documents I believe, and many more as long as I continue doing more research on various SCP's. As to what makes a document excellent isn't just presentation, but the effort and time you put into the certain document.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Doing lectures to teach lower clearance researchers (which are the new players of the server) the tasks of Research and how to do the Research role right and properly, Approving of tests on CL4, Approving cross tests, Approving sampling, the creations of Subdivisions, working together with lower clearance researchers to create a fun and enjoyable RP, and completing orders handed down by the higher ups. (The Directors, SA, EC and O5)
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

It was a dawn of a new day for Hueman Frued. He looks over at where he began. A picture from picture day, taken by Photographer Dan. Oh how he looked so happy to start working on site. He remembers being so excited to wear that lab coat.
However, he doesn't know who he was before he was brought on to research. He does remember distant memories of his childhood. The memories suddenly came back to haunt his mind. The verbal abuse, children making fun of his name, bullies who picked on him, the sadness, the madness, the anger.
He snapped out of the trance, realizing he was staring at a wall for at least a minute or two. Putting on his glasses and getting his clipboard ready to start the day, he took one last look at the younger him, wondering if it is still him. In case he needs to remember, he has a paper with his younger self on it.

Hueman Frued: Born 20##
Biological Parents: Unknown
Possible Alias? Undetermined
Original location of POI: CO
More Information needed, inaccessible due to POI's memory loss, however has sudden flashes of his younger self.



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- lacks experience
- bare bones application

I would recommend as already stated actually gaining a higher level in Research as you aren't even a Sr researcher, and to have only experience being an RSD Cl1. You lack the experience to elevate to being a Cl4 member of RSD. Also, you have played for only 1-2 weeks on the site which is not even close to being experienced to elevate to any position close to exec, level up maybe join and MTF become Sr researcher actually experience what the site has to offer as in 2 weeks you couldn't have done all of that which is why I am leaving a -support


Active member
Aug 11, 2024
Yeah I just realized after I posted this thread that I needed more experience and needed to be Sr Researcher after asking about it in-game. Just heard from a few people that I should try to apply. Also I'm still a bit new to the application sort of thing so I wasn't sure what I could and couldn't add, especially the thread in general because I couldn't find the delete option on here. For the lore I didn't want to feel too excessive with it of my character, but also just trying to make it sound cool in general (even though it doesn't now that I look over it again)
As Executive, I +Support this.

The application will not likely be accepted but I strongly believe you are one of the most dedicated researchers we have on the team right now. I would say that once you achieve Research Level 20 and have experience on RSD, then re-apply.

What you lack in quantity (Levels), you make up for in quality (Experience).

Best of luck, hope you make the team.
  • reaction_title.7
Reactions: Pirate McPirate
Feb 22, 2024
As Executive, I +Support this.

The application will not likely be accepted but I strongly believe you are one of the most dedicated researchers we have on the team right now. I would say that once you achieve Research Level 20 and have experience on RSD, then re-apply.

What you lack in quantity (Levels), you make up for in quality (Experience).

Best of luck, hope you make the team.
that was lovely to read ngl


Active member
Jul 27, 2024
- Minor Support
- Really nice, funny, and interesting guy to play and talk with. I truly enjoy having you around, but please just get more time on this server before applying for such a big role. I think you may have what it takes, you just need significantly more experience beforehand.


Active member
Aug 11, 2024
- Minor Support
- Really nice, funny, and interesting guy to play and talk with. I truly enjoy having you around, but please just get more time on this server before applying for such a big role. I think you may have what it takes, you just need significantly more experience beforehand.
of course, I'm doing the best that I can to my extent to learn about multiple roles and different types of experiments. I've been getting better over time.

also, I still have no clue on how to delete a forum post. Since I wanted to delete this and then upload another application when I am more than well equipped for the role, like previous stated Sr. Researcher role and more days into the server.
of course, I'm doing the best that I can to my extent to learn about multiple roles and different types of experiments. I've been getting better over time.

also, I still have no clue on how to delete a forum post. Since I wanted to delete this and then upload another application when I am more than well equipped for the role, like previous stated Sr. Researcher role and more days into the server.
you can't delete forums posts, you can just say you'd like to withdraw the app and then you don't have to worry about it


Active member
Aug 11, 2024
you can't delete forums posts, you can just say you'd like to withdraw the app and then you don't have to worry about it
Ah okay, yeah didn't know I couldn't delete forum post. I assume you put the withdraw app in the forum title so I'm gonna do that. Thanks.


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
FROM: Friedch@site-65.int
TO: applicant@site-65.int
SUBJECT: Executive Researcher Application Outcome

Application withdrawn

Warm regards,

Director of Research, Site-65 Research Department

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