[USA] Wrath's Site Advisor Application

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May 17, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:96070938
Discord name: .k.e.n.n.e.t.h.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5.2 million seconds (~1500 hours)
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: CST
Character name(s): Wrath, Jonquavious Joseph Jangelton
Civilian name:Varies
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCPRP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Currently Holding:
MTF A-1 LCPL “Wrath”, Overseer Assistant, DEA Special Agent, SCP-096, SCP-22415
Former Holdings: MTF A-1 LT, Event Team Server Leadership, GSD Senior Captain, MTF Nu-7 SGT, GOC SGT, x6 CI Alpha
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I received one warning for FearRP in 2023, I do not remember the circumstances.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I have always expressed interest in site administration ever since I first got into A-1. I remember having conversations with Randal and Thorn about it back when they were -1 and -2, and Squirrelly and Clown when they were both chosen for SA out of A-1. Furthermore, I believe that it is a natural stepping stone for where I am overall trying to go with my time on the server and the goals I have set out for myself ever since I first started exploring the server more when I was a meer GSD Captain. Site administration was originally going to be my next application when I was a member of SL and an A-1 LT, however I sadly ran into real life issues that caused me to have to resign from both positions for a little bit. I believe I have firmly established myself within the community, and that this is a natural step.I feel like this is a good time for me to apply given I have established by this point my intentions to return to the server were not a quick “relapse” if you will. There is also another out of character reason which I have no problem sharing to site administration if requested, but I would prefer to keep out of the public forums.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I believe one of my strong points both in and out of character is that I have always been someone who is generally a branch between different groups of the playerbase. What I mean by this is that everyone within the community seemed incredibly comfortable approaching me with their issues and problems, whether it was addressing problematic players, to branching the divide between the player base and SL/Staff, or departmental relations. This is crucial given that a chunk of site administrations responsibilities are assisting in dealing with departmental issues/goi relations.

I believe at this point in my career, I have a very good understanding of how all aspects of the player base function and the struggles each individual group faces. I generally have an ear in every group, and I believe this in combination with people’s willingness to go about issues would be a valuable tool for a member of site administration. While the RP responsibilities of Site Admin allow for jurisdiction over departments, most people do not know about the true backend work that contributes to those conversations. I understand I am not the traditional applicant having not ran any departments before, I still believe my overall mentality on the server and the overall trust I have had established from multiple different groups of the playerbase shows an incredibly valuable skill I would bring to site administration in order to better the site overall.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Site administration adopts the general responsibilities of CL4 personnel like managing the advanced armory, lockdown procedures, arrests, and personnel management. In addition to this, site administration has additional authority such as determining new senior cl4 personnel, departmental oversight of most (exception of ISD) departments/MTFs, GOI/Interdepartmental relations, effective communication between multiple department leaders regarding issues/policies, and in general assisting with a wide array of tasks throughout the site. Site administration also generally has OOC responsibilities of communicating certain issues to Senior Server Leadership when necessary.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

The Fight Against Evil Joese
Kenneth Sanders had a normal life for the typical American kid. At the age of 22 when he graduated college, he was recruited as an officer into the United States Army. However, while working for the army as an intelligence officer, and he was part of the military unit that contained SCP-4510. Upon the military releasing SCP-4510 into the SCP Foundation's custody, Lieutenant Sanders was recruited out of the United States Army into the SCP Foundation by REDACTED. Lieutenant Sanders began working in security as a security guard stationed at Site 19 working in securing several of the safe class SCP's stored within the site. However, upon being transferred to site 65, now Sergeant Sanders began working within the security wing in charge of D-class personnel. He was eventually promoted to a captain within GenSec.

However, during his time within the foundation Captain Sanders has seen several instances of GOI's assassinating high clearance personnel. Most notable of which was Evil Joese taking out several members of the DEA leadership, Site Administration, and Site Command. After seeing this treasonous behavior from Evil Joese, Captain Sanders started pursuing a career within the department of external affairs to try and prevent Evil Joeseand others like him from entering the site and killing these high ranking personnel. While Sanders has beheaded several members of the Chaos Insurgency over his time within External Affairs, he still remains focused on his one true target, EVIL JOESE. In order to complete his hunt, Sanders feels the need to advance within the department of external affairs to be able to uncover more information on who Evil Joese is and how this brutal assassin can be stopped.

*********The following information is redacted to members of The Overseer Council*********
During a mission debrief where Special Agent Sanders took out one of Evil Joese’s right hands, Evil Bohemier, the room went black. The agents within the room noticed a smog appearing through the vents and men in black and white suits accompanied by heavily armored men in all black. The men in armor kidnapped Special Agent Sanders, while the men in suits quickly replaced the mission debriefing slides to how Special Agent Sanders was fatally shot with a SVD to the heart, before all the mysterious men quickly disappeared into the shadows leaving the external affairs agents to forget the last hour of events.

It was here where Special Agent Sanders was going to learn the true evil he was hunting his entire life. A man in all black armor with a beret unblindfolded Sanders. He said; “You have been given the opportunity to serve the Overseer Council, to learn the truth of everything you have been curious about, should you succeed in this tryout, everything in your life will be changed, do you wish to participate?” Upon successful completion of this tryout, Sander’s officer instructed him that everyone who ever knew about him believes he's dead, and that he should choose a code name to go by., Sanders chose “Wrath”, as it was all he could think about serving to Evil Joese when he finally caught up to him.

Wrath rose through the ranks of Alpha-1, where at the rank of Lieutenant he was given a special assignment from The Chief Overseer, this assignment was simple, impersonate a member of External Affairs Command and lead a strike team into CI Cell 65 where Wrath would find the target has been after his entire life, Evil Joese. During the raid however, Evil Joese once again got the upper hand on foundation, shooting Lieutenant Wrath with an SVD Completely blowing off his right arm. While the mission was not a total failure, as this resulted in the death of the CI Cell Commander Rowling, Wrath struggled back to the Overseer Council where he was awaiting his fate, afterall, failure is not an acceptable outcome to the Overseers. However, the Overseers gave Wrath mercy for the countless times he saved their lives in assasination attempts, and decided to reassign Wrath to be one of their assistants, and where Mr. Sanders currently resides today.
May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Wrath
Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Greetings Wrath,

We thank you for showing interest into the Site Advisor position by taking your time to submit an application for the position. Unfortunately, I must relay to you that you have not been accepted as a Site Advisor.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at (Skyfire1355).

You may re-apply in two weeks should there be an opening position.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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