• Thread starter Deleted member 3849
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Deleted member 3849

Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: U.S.A

Time zone: UTC 10

Character name(s): "Zeta" (Foundation) {By the way I'm not Zeta I'm "Zeta" so if that means anything to you} ("Ten Piedad") Civi

Civilian name: I still have no idea what goes here. so "Ten Piedad"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:

- yes Sir

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- Held:
Site Advisor
UNGOC Sergeant

096 whitelist

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- No warnings I have successfully removed all of them, my slate is so clean

Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?

- First off, I want to say even though I have not been a part of medical leadership in a while, through some observation I've noticed very little change. Sure, you have HH-3 and HH-11, but you just turned one subdivision into two, just changed one thing into two, doesn't really help that much in my opinion. I don't really know what medical leadership is planning in the background, but I haven't seen many changes except the movement of the ammo box and spawn of medics. Which aren't really rp improvements which makes sense this server is said to be more combative focused while site 9 will be more roleplay focused. I'm apply for the Director of Medicine position, because that is still one of my goals when I joined medical a long time ago. I'm here to try again after 6 times of trying to get it which has to have sort of merit right? If I get denied it will be the 7th time, then I'll apply again. Time zones is something that has always sucked for medical because the people chosen for Director of Medicine always plays on active hours and would rarely on off hours. I'm applying because I think I can help attempt fix the drought of experience people might be experiencing when playing medical. The Medical part of the server is an extremely important part of the server, I find it seeming to be pretty boring for rp standards, cuz it's just medicine and est. Sometimes you will get that rare rp thing for psych tests but though are rare in between that I've seen. I still think UNPOPULAR OPINON that the person if paying for medicine because doing est if someone has a cold IS SO MUCH easier and more money effective because it's free and legal, I think. To fix this issue I think it would be reasonable for there to be some payment on the side of the person that has the disease that's not willing to do est or deal with it if its super minor and just annoys them while having no real complications to overall.

What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:

- Having no current whitelist in any medical fields may put me in an advantage compared to the other applicants. I did have a lot of experience as a consultant. I have already tied with power of my site advisor role a long time ago where I might have been removed for unfair reasons. My time there was interesting, and I learned how departments are managed so with meetings with advisors to discuss the department I think that communication can be better established. Sub-Divisions are an interesting case which I have the ability to create, which was the case of the Therapy Division which is something that I would like to have reinstated if I am chosen as the Director, because I honestly miss it, I still have all the documents all it needs is like ethics or site admiration approval and bam it's back. It will be smaller then, the subdivisions of HH-3 but it will have that small rp interactions that make Medical a more enjoyable for everyone to enjoy, because right now it feels like an identity crisis since most of medical is now thought of as HH-3 or just combat medics. I really want medical to be enjoyable for people to enjoy so they aren't just spending hours on making chems or just est/heal bots. Throw in a couple rp surgeries, new subdivisions and I think a better new Medical will be on our way. The one downside I will have to agree to what people might said is that I'm lacking in activity, and I whole heartedly agree with it. While currently my activity is lacking because the server feels so dull these days, but if I do get selected, I'll be on often during off hours because I'm busy with life, during the main hours. When I'm online i'll try to create memorable experiences for people. I don't want to make jobs and stuff on the server feel like real work, because then why are playing then if your just working in a game. If this means being more lenient on people but still keeping the expectations, I'd rather have that then rule with an iron fist. Good luck to the other applicants(Also I can somewhat play the scp theme on the piano on dark rp if that means anything)

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:

- In RP the Director of Medicine is the highest-ranking person on the whole site, having executive command over anyone in medical. Director of Medicine have the ability to remove anyone even level 4 personal from the Med Bay if their behavior has been deemed inappropriate. Main directive for Director of Medicine is to oversee all medical operations to make sure the medical/med bay is running efferently and smoothly. For this to be effective you should also be open to answer any medical related question that a consultant or other medical staff might ask you. Since if medical has any errors in it, it needs to be dealt with, in an efficient manner. Directors of Medicine have the ability to give out the medical test like consultants to trainees, that have fulfilled the requirements. Another way effective measures can be made is making special medical rules, and solutions to help ease up on neediness of high class personal if none are online. One of the main aspects of being a Director of Medicine is to train the Consultants since they are the extensions of Higher Medical Leadership. If it still exists Director of Medicine's will be placed in a meeting with Site administration, and every other Department to dicuss the health of the site metaphorically.

(Out of RP, The Director of Medicine are allowed to choose Consultants based on their merits, and discussed with the other Director of Medicine if there is one at the time then through means of a poll, and matching of merits they will be chosen to be consultants.
Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Player lore is pretty interesting in the way it gives you flavor text but really doesn't do much unless you put in the effort to become quirky and interesting. Which I do sometimes since it's harder without pac3 since you have to do more acting than having a model that basically does the lore for you and make you 10 times more interesting than your average joe.


New From Wondertainment©

The perfect worker for all of your needs, Mr. Zeta (Limited Edition)

Working 24/7 don't need to feed them just need give them an item and they will fulfills the purpose of what society deems that object to be connected to.

Perfect for any working individual that wants to become BIG SHOT CEO, or a simple person that just wants to own a mom-and-pop restaurant.


1. Give Mr. Zeta and item (Example, a security outfit, bam will instantly become a security guard with the knowledge of the top security guards in the world.)

2. Succeed in your business

Oh no your Mr. Zeta got into an incident and now sliced open on the floor!?

no worries, simply attach the pieces together and place in a secure location.

Wait a couple of days and your Mr. Zeta will be all fixed using special Wondertainment© secret formula.

Oh no you forgot to eat, because you make the good purchase on buying Mr. Zeta

Mr. Zeta has you covered as he was produced in a collaboration with Ambrose Restaurants. Allowing Mr. Zeta to manifest food from nothing, allowing you to save money. Now like it mentioned earlier that whatever item you give Mr. Zeta it will become. You have gotten a fatal accident but can't pay the medical bills. No worries just give Mr. Zeta a med kit and they will be able to manifest the objects needed to fix you. Have you lost your little mister because they have been stolen by a certain organization? No worries by calling the wondertainment© special line located on the product box it will activate our recovery squad to go in and bring them back to you. For further information please call the line, and we will be happy to help you. The world is your oyster, you are covered for the rest of your life.
Parental Notice: Since Mr. Zeta amazing feature depends on what the majority think that weapon is. A child's collective imagination can be quite terrifying, for example if you were to give them something like a fake laser saber. These is an uncertain possibility that, that laser saber can manifest into reality. Mr. Zeta will listen to their current owner to a certain extent that doesn't violate certain measures we have placed within its mind so that it doesn't cause mayhem. Despite this, Dr. Wondertainment is not legally, morally, or financially responsible for any injuries, death, or property damage resulting from the unsafe use of Mr. Zeta or any other Dr. Wondertainment products.:>


Mr. Zeta was placed in-front of the Site Director with a How to guide on to becoming the Director of Medicine with an old video footage of being a consultant and the site Advisor. This was after being torn apart by 7722 while in the mindset of one of the combative medic's on site.

"Do you remember your time in the foundation "Mr. Zeta" ?"

"Wondertainment @ policy states that memory purposes will be stored in this hard drive"

As "Mr. Zeta" manifests a floppy disk, and enter it into a computer which relays the moment where Mr. Zeta was torn apart in all the details. Then placing that disk back into a pocket

"Currently without the use of direct uses such as Amnesties of the disc being destroyed by current employers all memories are to be recorded."

"Thats quite interesting to know how you would like to become the Director of Medicine?"

"I will fulfill any job that is needed to be fulfilled thank you for your time Director."

Then they became Director of Medicine finally.

Deleted member 3849

Damn I thought I was getting a cease and desist. But just got flamed by cloak

Deleted member 3849

-Hopefully this gets denied so you can finally make it to lucky number 7
Thanks man I really appreciate the support! I can finally get that lucky number 7 number for applications, which improves my gacha luck by 7 percent.


Well-known Member
Sep 9, 2022
Here is a constructive answer.
Firstly, im front the UK site, so I dont even know you.
1stly - you should reapply for consultant
2ndly - get some experience has medical
3rdly - get to know more the community
4thly - improve your app a little bit, for example, you didnt answer some questions in the beggining
5thly - apply for DoM in 2 months or something like that

Its not going to help you if you stay here begging for the role…


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: lunaro@scp.fnd.ca
To: "Zeta"
Subject: Application Verdict


Greetings "Zeta,"

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for the role of Director of Medicine. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied. After much deliberation, Site Administration has decided to deny your application and move forward in another direction.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards, Site Director “Lunaro”
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