Using Player Models


Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2022
Is it considered meta gaming if you lose eye sight on a D-class after seeing them with contraband and kill them solely based off their player model/player name? I have heard mixed opinions on this rule being real or not.


Oct 11, 2022
United States of America
I feel like this question would've been answered quickly by a staff through a sit, nevertheless, this has been sort of a gray area.
  • Player Names - Usually for me when I see peoples names hovering above their character I would tend to ignore it and ask what their name is for more interaction (Unless they have an ID on their character through PAC3).
    In the case of playing as a D-Class Personnel, you have a numeric tag (D-XXXX) slapped on the front of your chest. So in a sense you can identify and distinguish which D Boy has what.

  • Player Models - D-Class Personnel have very limited model choices. Guards can easily do a process of elimination on figuring out who has the contraband. They can act on it by observing and recieving confirmation from other guards that said person has a contraband. In the case of losing line of sight of a person with contraband, it only takes one person from a group to confirm that they still have eyes on them. Of course you wouldn't know that if you were to play as a D-Class.

1.6 Don’t Metagame - Using information gained from an out-of-character source to gain an advantage against others. Some examples of third-party/OOC sources are:

  • Discord
  • OOC & LOOC chat

I don't think the meta game rule would apply if its solely based on the rule definition itself. But this is my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.
Metagaming is when you use OOC information In Character.
Seeing a D-Class with contraband like a weapon or keycard gives you a reason to shoot them.
This is not metagame as realistically, people dont have the same faces or physique all the time.
You gained the information about this D-Class in character and you also saw them.
The only case where you can get in trouble for this is in D-Block if they enter showers. If you just wait for a D-Class to leave showers and then you kill them, you might be accused of RDM because there are like 3-5 people in showers just running around.

(I made this comment to solely strengthen the validity of the post above.)


Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2022
I feel like this question would've been answered quickly by a staff through a sit, nevertheless, this has been sort of a gray area.
  • Player Names - Usually for me when I see peoples names hovering above their character I would tend to ignore it and ask what their name is for more interaction (Unless they have an ID on their character through PAC3).
    In the case of playing as a D-Class Personnel, you have a numeric tag (D-XXXX) slapped on the front of your chest. So in a sense you can identify and distinguish which D Boy has what.

  • Player Models - D-Class Personnel have very limited model choices. Guards can easily do a process of elimination on figuring out who has the contraband. They can act on it by observing and recieving confirmation from other guards that said person has a contraband. In the case of losing line of sight of a person with contraband, it only takes one person from a group to confirm that they still have eyes on them. Of course you wouldn't know that if you were to play as a D-Class.

I don't think the meta game rule would apply if its solely based on the rule definition itself. But this is my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.
I did make a sit BUT I was given two different answers. One staff member had basically said no matter what the circumstance, you can use a player model as justifiable cause to shoot someone who had contraband and the other staff member warned the player who had shot me solely based on him remembering what I look like/my name. This is clearly a grey area if staff give two different answers so I decided to make it public to address the issue.

If this isn't a rule then why do Guards not shoot D-boys every time we quick peak the airlock and then put our gun away and talk to them? They know I just shot them, they 100% remember my name, but they don't shoot. I would say they don't shoot because it would be really low chances in roleplay that they would ever realistically know 100% who just shot at them unless they had them in their line of site the entire time.

I would consider it meta because you are realistically not reading the numbers on the D boys chest, you are just reading the name even if you recognize the player model, you are only certain it's me because of my name above my head which is not in-game knowledge unless requested by the player and given to the player in rp.


Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2022
Metagaming is when you use OOC information In Character.
Seeing a D-Class with contraband like a weapon or keycard gives you a reason to shoot them.
This is not metagame as realistically, people dont have the same faces or physique all the time.
You gained the information about this D-Class in character and you also saw them.
The only case where you can get in trouble for this is in D-Block if they enter showers. If you just wait for a D-Class to leave showers and then you kill them, you might be accused of RDM because there are like 3-5 people in showers just running around.

(I made this comment to solely strengthen the validity of the post above.)
As I said above, you only know 100% I am the one with the weapon if you use out of game knowledge (my floating name above my head). Now if they kept line of sight I totally understand them shooting but if I manage to get out of your eye sight and into a group of some D-boys, you should do what anyone IRL would do (since this is a ROLE PLAY server) and not shoot them because there's no way you are CERTAIN that is the same person. Why would this not apply in places that aren't the showers? D-boys are running around quite literally everywhere half the time. I am super confused why waiting for them at showers vs shooting them when you lose site of them in airlock or something in different? With your argument, you know what they look like so if you shoot them out of showers you are ok.
As I said above, you only know 100% I am the one with the weapon if you use out of game knowledge (my floating name above my head). Now if they kept line of sight I totally understand them shooting but if I manage to get out of your eye sight and into a group of some D-boys, you should do what anyone IRL would do (since this is a ROLE PLAY server) and not shoot them because there's no way you are CERTAIN that is the same person. Why would this not apply in places that aren't the showers? D-boys are running around quite literally everywhere half the time. I am super confused why waiting for them at showers vs shooting them when you lose site of them in airlock or something in different? With your argument, you know what they look like so if you shoot them out of showers you are ok.

I never mentioned names, only Player Models. If you see a D-Class with a gun and they run around a corner you either follow them and kill them or you leave and call it in comms, those are your only two options.

Also about the “You are not certain” is just proving my showers point. You wouldnt shoot someone unless you were certain… thats one of the reasons why Scout or Brute models differ from normal ones.


Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2022
If you're close enough to see their name it's not metagaming they'd have "D-XXXX" written on their outfit
Ok so if I see someone with a gun out and then lose them but find them like 10 minutes later I can blast them? There really should be some specifications on this because right now it just seems like a big grey area. What's the time limit before you can no longer shoot them for the weapon that you saw them with or is there none, are there certain scenarios where you shouldn't blast them because in RP you would never know who was who in a big crowd of D-boys, etc?


Well-known Member
Oct 11, 2022

I never mentioned names, only Player Models. If you see a D-Class with a gun and they run around a corner you either follow them and kill them or you leave and call it in comms, those are your only two options.

Also about the “You are not certain” is just proving my showers point. You wouldnt shoot someone unless you were certain… thats one of the reasons why Scout or Brute models differ from normal ones.
I mentioned names because that is the only way really to remember who had the weapon if they fled into a crowd and you lost vision of them.

Obviously you follow and kill or leave them but I am confused as to where you are and aren't allowed to use a player model for a reason to kill. Is there a time limit to when you can shoot them because you saw there player model with a weapon, do you have to keep visual on them to be able to shoot them if they get into a crowd where you could mistakenly shoot the wrong person, etc?

You're kinda proving my point as to why you shouldn't shoot someone based off player models, you agree you wouldn't shoot someone unless you are certain, but in roleplay the D-class models are very limited and multiple people play the same model, so if you lose eye sight on the person you should RP and not shoot them because there's no way in hell (without using my floating name above my head) you know for certain that's the guy you saw with the weapon.
Apr 2, 2022
Ok so if I see someone with a gun out and then lose them but find them like 10 minutes later I can blast them? There really should be some specifications on this because right now it just seems like a big grey area. What's the time limit before you can no longer shoot them for the weapon that you saw them with or is there none, are there certain scenarios where you shouldn't blast them because in RP you would never know who was who in a big crowd of D-boys, etc?
I mean, I guess you could, however its a risk because if they died in that period and haven't done anything that life you will most likely get warned