Accepted Vaguer Health Status

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Replace the health indicator above people's heads with vaguer indicators (healthy, injured, wounded, dying, etc.) rather than specific HP.

100% of spawn health, or higher, would just appear as "Healthy", 75-99% as "Injured", etc.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes. The same sort of thing was suggested as part of this suggestion. This isn't really different, other than being about one specific part of the suggestion, but I do dispute the rejection reason. Usually, when people metagame based on health and the like, it comes in the form of simply avoiding the person, being more alert than usual around them, etc. - you can't call a sit on someone because "they didn't pick me for a test" or "they reacted quicker than they should have been able to", a mod isn't going to (and shouldn't) warn someone for that, and it's basically pointless. Calling a sit isn't at all a useful thing to do for this form of metagaming, and so it doesn't make sense to reject this feature based on that "reason".

Edit: A similar feature was also previously put on the dev tracker, but then closed as "not planned" without any info being given as to why.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Prevents metagaming health amounts, even subconsciously, to learn somebody is a TB/thaumo, has ADB effects, is a D-class brute in disguise, etc.
  • Gives people a better indication of what they know IC about someone's condition (do you know they're injured if they have 99HP?, and even OOC it would be difficult to know a brute is injured if they're on e.g. 100HP)
  • Less metagaming means less sits called, wasting players' time less

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Tiny amount of dev time

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would prevent a form of metagaming that is basically impossible to catch as-is, and would minorly improve RP interactions around medical stuff.
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but I do dispute the rejection reason. Usually, when people metagame based on health and the like, it comes in the form of simply avoiding the person, being more alert than usual around them, etc. - you can't call a sit on someone because "they didn't pick me for a test" or "they reacted quicker than they should have been able to", a mod isn't going to (and shouldn't) warn someone for that

This is a fact and I love you for saying this.

anyway +Support
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