Partially Accepted VCraft Chemicals Enhancements

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
1. In addition to the planned fumes, add other effects that can be caused upon mixing two chemicals. Examples include:
  • Blinding flash of light - maybe needs medical to fix the blindness, or it decays over time
  • Fumes that don't just kill you, but do other things like damage, amnesticate, make you cough, make you lose vision, etc. - maybe have some new damages that can be fixed by medical
  • Explosion that destroys the container and the chemicals in it, and damages the equipment it's in/near
  • Deafening bang - requiring medical, or decaying over time
  • Spits out liquid that affects people nearby while mix is ongoing - e.g. chemical burns
  • Breaks container and spills liquid - could maybe cause effects, like when the Hume bubble chemical is broken
These effects might also still result in a successful chemical mix (whether the chemical is a regular liquid chem or the gas produced when mixed is another thing), or they might just not do anything else of use.

2. As implied above, another thing I would like to be added is the ability for chemical equipment to be damaged or broken. This would happen when the equipment is damaged by e.g. gunfire, chemical mishaps, etc. - and maybe just after a lot of use. This could have some variation, e.g.:
  • Vacuum chamber can be damaged (slower due to bad seal/pump/whatever) or outright broken (door glass broken, electronics damaged, etc.)
  • Bunsen burner can do things like release natural gas into the room (toxic and flammable/explosive after a while, can be smelled before this stage), or be too high intensity flame (damage containers, cause issues, etc.)
  • Beaker holders either can't be used or, if damaged but not broken, putting a container in it has a chance to break it and drop the container
  • Mixers might not work, or break the container by moving wrong, or splash chemicals at people nearby
  • Centrifuge might do similar to mixers when damaged/broken
This would be able to be fixed by the Repair Tool.

2A. To make the above a bit less havoc inducing, chemical rooms could maybe have a fume extractor and emergency stop button. You press the button and an alarm goes off, fumes are gradually removed, and all equipment in the room is disabled until somebody scans their keycard to reactivate.

2B. Not sure about this, but maybe an option in the interface to mark a piece of equipment as Out of Order, which would put a sign over it or something.

2C. Allow a way for somebody to deliberately sabotage chemical equipment in a specific way, e.g. using a T.E.-5, or something else

3. To allow deliberate use of the effects added by part 1, add some kind of container or something that you can essentially use as a grenade. E.g. you throw it, it breaks and mixes the chemicals, and does something like release a tear gas equivalent. You can put two chemicals in, they won't mix, and you then have the option to throw it while holding it, leading to the chemicals mixing on impact as the container breaks.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
The existence of fumes has been, I don't think the rest has.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • More repairs and interactions for E&TS to handle
  • Adds new things to discover, like when chemicals are added
  • Makes the process of discovering new chemicals not as easy or risk-free - you shouldn't just be able to mix every chemical and see what happens without anything going wrong. This both makes chem discovery a bit more balanced, and makes it a lot more interesting.
  • Makes the chemical mixing process much more interesting - right now, it's usually just boring and tedious.
  • Potential deliberate sabotage could be a new thing for e.g. CI to do, and could allow new assassination methods
  • New effects for medical to deal with, e.g. blindness, fume inhalation, etc. - might be solved by just new medical chems, or new mechanics entirely - gives medical more to do
  • New throwable with chemical interaction effects has a lot of potential - makes combat a lot more interesting, and allows for entirely new tactics and the like.
  • Amnestic gas as a concept, especially combined with the throwables idea (or maybe just spawned by staff) would also be a major RP enhancement for when SC get staff to csay "Amnestics flood through vents" for mass amnestication. Instead, several amnestic grenades could be thrown into D-block or wherever by ISD.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • Could be abused to annoy others making chemicals - staff and/or IA can deal with this as needed
  • Combat balancing needed for throwables
  • Could make chemical mixing more annoying, e.g. you want to discover new chemicals in peace and it just fucking explodes and kills you (imo not a negative, makes it more interesting)
  • Broken equipment could prevent people from mixing chemicals (just call E&TS to fix it)
  • Chemical cost balancing needed, especially if throwables added - e.g. amnestics grenades should not be cheap, or it could be easily abused

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This would make the chemical mixing and discovery process much more interesting, as it's currently quite boring and entirely risk-free. It would also add new things to be discovered and made by chemists, and new problems for medical to deal with/cure. It would add more for E&TS to do, as they are often left without anything to do. The throwables idea could also add a lot of variation to combat and tactics - you could essentially craft things like tear gas, flashbangs, amnestic gas grenades, etc.
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If they have a reason, it's an IC issue. If they don't, it's FailRP or like ARDM or something.

I personally like the ideas, But I prefer if a breakdown system was added; it wouldn't be detrimental to factions which don't have as much activity (GOC/CI) as they don't do a lot of chem work- So whenever someone wants too, they have to get it repaired or deal with slowed returns.

I'd also like to see 'buff's; that could be provided to certain things, such as a 'Motor Overclock' for the centrifuge which makes it work faster for (x) minutes *or* (x) rotations [ Rotations being uses when all vials are in the centrifuge and have >100mL ].

Overall a interesting idea but I think it'd cook better as two seperate suggestions that
1. Adds to *just* VCraft Chem effects
2. Adds a Breakdown system


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Dec 20, 2023
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi @Zen ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

Whilst we like the idea of adding additional effects when creating/dropping chemicals, we also believe adding the ability for equipment to be broken would be far too convoluted and time consuming to be added.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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