Denied vespara "gale" night character bio

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Jun 27, 2022
Name: vespera "gale" night
Hight: 5’6
Sex trans female [perfect biological due 6113]
Weight: 120 pounds.
Eye color: brown
Born in Britain on a military base. His father Crossen [Nato grms] and his mother {redacted foundation}. then was taught by his mother in the templar ways and on the anomalies world after his father supposedly died in the events of red tulips. joined the foundation when he was 18 and became e-11. his mom left soon after that. learns his father did not die that day but years later to a note left by his mom the day after that.
A week later a Goc raid aimed at able comes in and my tale nearly ends at the hands of Goc only stopped by Cain. The Goc attempts to leave with able however Cain kills him. The Goc then Exfill without there prize Then I encounter 6113 on the day I come out as trans in e-11, after a lot of maintenance staff insults me. then there after i am vespara "gale" night and a she.
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