VIP on Duty guide [translated]


top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
This is a tutorial for those wondering about what VOD is, how to get it and how to effectively answer sits and patrol around the map. [THIS IS A CG THREAD translated from enjin.]

What is VOD?
VOD is an acronym for 'VIP on Duty.' It is a role where you get to help out the staff team without being formally staff, you get fewer commands then the regular staff member however you have a sufficient amount of commands to carry out a sit efficiently. VOD is only accessible by Diamond VIP's and above (the £20 package) and only senior staff members can grant you the role in-game. If you want to be staff, then this is a really good test to see if it's for you. [diamond vip, platinum vip, and super vip only]

How do I get VOD?
VOD isn't really a role that you can snap your fingers and get. If you are VIP and wish to get VOD you need to inform one of the seniors online, that being one of the following: Admin, Senior Admin, Super Admin or Management (but bear in mind, you don't instantly need to go to the highest rank online. If a senior admin is on, there is no need to contact management for example). However, the senior staff member may deem that there is no need for a VOD at that time, so you will not be able to become the role. To see if a VOD may be needed, glance at the bottom left of your screen, just above where it shows your HP. There it shows how many players are online and how many staff are on. Also, it shows two numbers i.e (1/2) or (2/5). The left number is how many sits are being taken, and the right number is the total of sits. Thus, if you see (3/5) then there is 3 sits being taken, and 2 sits pending. So, if you want to know an ideal time to become VOD, ask when there is few staff compared to the flow of sits coming in. [always be polite to staff and don't break rules for a larger chance to become vod]

What happens if I get VOD?
If you request to go VOD and the senior allows you access, a few things will most likely happen. The senior should ask you if you have been VOD in the past. If it is your first time they should take you through a few things, and describe what to do, generally. What you are told is subjective to which senior you ask. But one thing, typically, stays the same. You are spectated by the admin+ that set you as VOD, sometimes that senior asks someone else to spectate you, so I'd recommend asking who is spectating you so you can PM them for any advice/guidance. [always listen to the staff member spectating you, they know best]

What do I do as a VOD? (Patrolling)
Once you are given access to VOD, when sits are called at the top left of your screen a small, noticeable box will appear giving you the option to go to them or bring them to you. Yet, as I'm sure you've seen, when you aren't answering sits you have to patrol around the map, whilst cloaked. When patrolling as VOD you can not interfere with RP. My advice is to no-clip at the height of the tunnels around the map, and make sure you don't dip below that as you could potentially fly into someone. Make sure that you don't have any accessories equipped, your flashlight is turned off and you sustain a sufficient height at all times. [remember to uncloak whilst in a sit and to cloak while patrolling]. If you see someone breaking any rules you can intervene, but make sure you don't cause any damage to roleplay.

What do I do as a VOD? (Answering Sits)
As mentioned previously, once a sit is called you will immediately see it in the top corner of your screen. In the box, it will show many important factors: the time the sits been up, why they called the sit and what urgency is it. Typically, you will take the sits that have been up the longest to prevent further waiting, however, some sits can be taken before that, for example, a stuck sit, as they take minimal time and cause immediate prevention of RP for the player. Also bear in mind that as a VOD you can not answer every sit, by this I mean there are certain sits than your VOD rank can not handle i.e signing people out of maxnet [sa+], VIP abuse [admin+], and admin abuse [admin+]. Leave those sits to the sufficient rank.

What do I do as a VOD? (Conducting Sits)
When you get moderator, you get mentored by a more experienced member of staff so you can settle into the role. However, as a VOD you tend to get little to no mentoring. So, I'll give my general view on how a sit should be conducted. Firstly, once you answer the sit you need to uncloak yourself. Then you need to take them up to a roof so you don't interfere with surrounding roleplay. Once they are on the roof, be as nice as possible to them, and ask them to explain what happened. Whilst they are explaining you browse through the correct logs (I would screenshot what the logs look like, however, I am not staff and I doubt it's allowed anyway) and gather as much intel about what happened as possible. After you have done this, bring the person being accused into a sit [before you do this make sure that they are not in rp!] and explain to them what happened but DO NOT instantly accuse them of anything. I've seen plenty of sits where VOD's open with "Why did you RDM this guy?" when they didn't even RDM anyone. Rather than that open with a nicer, more general phrase like "Hi <player's name> why did you kill <other player's name> ?"

If the player did break the rules
If they did break the rules you need to inform them that they are in fact in the wrong, however, just because they broke the rule doesn't mean they need to be warned. Before you come to a concluding verdict think about and check a few things. Type /warnings <player's name> in chat to view their warning/ban record as they may have broken the same rule in the past. Then think about how they acted in the sit, if they were understanding and non-mingey then you can let that alter whether you leave them with a verbal warning or a written warning. If they are obnoxious and show no regret, that can sway your decision to whether they deserve to be warned. [giving someone a warning is not a punishment, jailing them is].

If they didn't break the rules
If they didn't break the rules explain to both parties why you have come to this decision and clear everything up. If either of them had a bad attitude in the sit tell them to cut it out for future reference. Ask them if they need anything else, if not then return them.

DISCLAIMER: Every single sit is unique, this is more of a foundation for a general sit. You will learn to adapt to different sits and create your own style on how to efficiently handle them over time.

Do not include the <>
!warn "<player's name>" "<reason for warning>"
!jail "<player's name"> <time in seconds>
/warnings <player's name>
!gag "<player's name>" (Disables their voice chat)
!mute "<player's name>" (Disables their text chat)
!uncloak ^ (CRUCIAL WHEN IN A SIT)
No-clip should be bound to V
To avoid having to constantly type commands in chat you can create binds for them to ease your time as VOD. Make sure not to click them while off duty.
Open up your console in-game and type 'bind <key> "say !cloak ^" for example. Use that formatting on all commands you wish to use (!cloak, !uncloak, !return @)

I hope this thread helps, if you think I've missed something or want anything clarified you can contact me.

Kind Regards.


MRP War Criminal
Dec 31, 2020
yes, verry nicely made. now can you also make a MRDM tutorial for me?

@Thorn SA of MRP said no to VOD's on MRP cuz they dont wanna give VIP power's (to easily abuseable)


MRP War Criminal
Dec 31, 2020
mmm guess that could be possible but i dont think they will, they dont really need VOD's on MRP tbf