Denied VKeycard Rework

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove

This Rework would come in 3 Parts.

Part 1: Changing the models
The current cards are nice for what they are but I feel they're a bit obsolete in design and are retextured EFT cards.

Currently the keycard only shows clearance level, Job prefix & name. Issue is the name being displayed is completely obsolete as the only comparison you would have to go off is job prefix due to the only names you can "ID" check from is from off above their head which is technically considered as metagaming.

The models I have in mind are already fully made however if the remodel of keycards alone is accepted They would need to be slightly touched up to involve 2 Lines for text. Line 1: Job title / Job Prefix, line 2: player name.

Currently Safe Class SCP's just get a specified Clearance keycard despite it not really making much sense giving an SCP the same keycards as staff / site personnel. With this in mind and part 2 of my suggestion giving SCP's their own keycards would also massively benefit the server as SCP's will be kept in area's that SL can justify either of the 3 SCP's entering, this also means keeping them out or away from more restrictive low clearance zones that a safe class SCP shouldn't really be around. On top of that this would stop SCP's letting out D-Class which is currently a majorly reoccurring issue for both the player base and a waste of time for staff to deal with.

Part 2: Keycard Zoning

Currently the only thing stopping people from going to area's is clearance levels which does work for "categorising" area's easier however also makes it harder for specialised jobs who are not the correct clearance to get into area's for their job. Having keycards tied to the role you are will allow simple necessities such as Tech Experts or Engineers being able to get into Electrical centres to begin repairs when required instead of the current system of "can i get a lvl 4 to [x] EC plz ;-;" then waiting for an unreliable amount of time and that's if the person heading to you even makes it to you. This would also mix things up for Hostile GOI's making "keycard raids" more of a necessity as planning out a raid will require specified cards to get to their goals which I feel is going to be complained about as it complicates the current system that no one really sees an issue with.

on top of this keycard zoning i feel would could enhance RP as you would need to actually interact with other roles if you require to do a task in a specific area your role does not have access to. on top of that trespassing for department or regiment specified zones will be enforced a whole lot smoother and all around cut down the potential to be a general nuisance just because you have the clearance to enter somewhere despite not being allowed.

I believe in-terms of "how will [x] set the zone restrictions" i believe keycard scanners should add the ability to assign an area groups in the keypad editor such as CCTV / Monitors have it as this will be simple and leave the chance of "human error" minimum when mass assigning keypads.

I shall leave the process of assigning "who belongs where" to content/SSL+ as we all have different views of where people should be able to go and who shouldn't. i do however believe IA should have complete site wide (maybe not o5's rooms) jurisdiction considering they are essentially the sites police and restricting their access to mostly public area's makes 0 sense as it'd inhibit them from carrying out a pursuit against someone who has access to zones they don't. I Also believe Biohazard suited jobs would be the only ones to have access to contamination related SCP's.

Part 3: Scrap Dealer keycard.
currently the scrap dealer only sells a Clearance 1 [250 scrap] and a Clearance 2 [500 Scrap] and quite frankly could be improved to make a lot more sense for a black market / prisoner "vibe"

my change suggestion in-terms of this is to add a Multiple jury-rigged "keycards" for each general zone.
this would add an LCZ jury-rigged keycard [500 Scrap], HCZ jury-rigged keycard [650 Scrap] and a EZ jury-rigged keycard [800 Scrap]. a jury rigged keycard would access the entire area it belongs to with a "hacked" aspect to it to void specified zone access.

Here are screenshots of all 7 keycards

- general jury-rigged keycard design (will have to be touched up to specify which zone it covers where "keycard" is)

- Keycard for SCP's

- Clearance 1

- Clearance 2

- Clearance 3

- Clearance 4

- Clearance 5

Possible Positives of the suggestion
- Would freshen up one of the most used parts of the servers
- Could add a lot of RP points in-terms of regiments / departments having to interact with each other
- Would make Ventz's unique keycard system a whole lot more unique and appealing
- Would give specific jobs more of a reason to be clocked on as currently you can just do anything anywhere as anyone pretty much
- Could create more investigation RP opportunities for IA if people are in an area that doesn't make sense for them to be in.
- Keycard zoning restrictions can be changed anytime by a Senior Admin when requested properly

Possible Negatives of the suggestion
- setup time
- Development time
- Would make CI's routines change to something that actually requires thought
- Could overly complicate a simple system everyone is used to
- Would restrict people who want to go somewhere but don't have the keycard
- Keycard scanner colouring would need to be changed to match the new keycard colouring which might throw people off

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
based on the positives I believe this should be considered as this would shake up a core piece of the server that is commonly not thought about and is just accepted from how it is.

For part 1 (Changing the model)
I believe the current version of the keycards are outdated and run off a base model that has nothing to do with the SCP universe regardless of which "lore" you look into. Without disrespecting ventz / whoever modelled the keycards i feel like they were just completely ripped from their original game and half assed to be slightly changed to match the vibe of SCP.

For part 2 (Keycard zoning)
I feel the current system of "if you have the clearance you can enter" is very simple and encourages people who don't intend to "RP as their role" to fuck about to do a funny and make the games experience worse for those who actually try to feel immersed into the servers "serious RP"

It also doesn't really make sense for a Director of Research to have the ability to go into floor 3, a highly redacted area regardless of your knowledge or the sites reactor room just because he is able to it only causes issues and headaches for people in charge of the area especially given the player base would rather shoot someone for looking out of place than investigating and leading them away.

I Feel not being able to get somewhere would also feed into the curiosity of people which could be a huge incentive to start playing in roles that have jurisdiction in the area just so you have the ability to investigate given you put in the effort.. or yknow just asking a friend who can go in to let you in lol

For part 3 (D-Class scrap trader)
I believe the current way D-Class get cards it only incentivises people to get caught trying to MRDM to get a keycard which makes you noticed easier however with the jury-rigged keycards it would incentivise more of a thought out / sneakier escape attempts. it would also provide D-Class with an appropriate looking keycard other than something they just found to give the impression they've been preparing to escape for a long-time instead of "here's a keycard go set a new record champ"


Active member
Jul 14, 2023
Although I don't completely agree with the keycard models, It's a great idea.

(This should be the back ngl)1690093007326.png
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 15, 2022
Id like to add onto this idea:
Add a unique number onto the keycard which personnel can check thru the tablet on the personnel tab. This is a similar system as used in MRP which i believe is a way better way of checking ID


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2022
Hello @Dinklesprinkle

Just wanted to let you know that we are still discussing this suggestion; it hasn't just been left to linger.

I will lock it for now.

kind regards

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