Vox's Game Master Application

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Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Dec 25, 2020
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):
Steam is telling me that my oldest login name is VoXaL

For how long have you played on CN DRP:
I've been playing on the server since 2020 during lockdown and beyond up
until the server was taken down. I was a member of staff for quite a lot of that time.

I am 17 years of age
In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name (regiment and rank):
My player name is Vox
Rank: user

Steam ID:

Discord ID:

Do you have a mic?:

In-game Skills Level?:

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first ever game master application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have recieved 1 warning for RDA which I'm not very proud of

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
I've hosted a few events (some of my own) during my previous time being an Admin on
Civil Networks

Do you have any previous experience with non-serious roleplay?:
Yes I've played on a multitude of other different RP servers
and I've especially played on Civil Gamers DarkRP the most

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
2-3 hours during working days. This is usually at the server's peak
I play for much longer during weekends / holidays

How many events can you host a week?:
as many as needs be. This is also dependant on the player
population at that moment in time.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
because I'm not able to play enough to work as a staff member I've considered
applying to become a gamemaster instead. I have a passion for roleplay on this server and
sometimes I feel that it ceases to exist especially when mainstreet is often empty even at peak
player times. It sometimes hurts to see such unused potential.

I feel that I can interact with the player base much better than most to
preserve players activity on the server rather than losing it. Personally I believe in interacting
more with rule breaking players and make the server more appealing to them, so they
can keep playing on the server with more enjoyment without having to break the rules.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I believe I can help on the server greatly by making player's day to day lives more exciting. As I said I am always
willing to roleplay and have some unique fun with players. I am very creative and I will always be thinking about the next
"great event" that I could build or another player scenario that I can create - the possibilities are endless!

Although, my main goal will and always be to give new players a head start whenever. I want them to be just as immersed
as everyone else in the roleplay and to make sure they come back another day.

Please List 3 small event ideas:

Quite a simple, yet fun event. The players will be placed into teams on separate
platforms with bridges connecting them. The teams have to
stunstick eachother off the platforms to win. The wooden
bridges can be destroyed revealing parkour platforms instead.

Normandy Landings:
any beach or offshore Island can rebuilt and be used for this.
small MG bunkers will be set up around the perimeter as
one team uses them to defend from the attackers
the other team needs to land on the beach/island with
HL2 Hoverboats. Some landers will have force shields/hexshield
to pave the way through. The end goal could be some kind of flag to capture
(maybe planes?)

The players will be put in a linear arena and be split into two teams
S.W.A.T will be given riot shields, HL2 stun sticks and some
can have stunguns or even gas grenades.
most of the rioters will me given fists yet some
will be given axes, pickaxes, and crowbars. A select few
can have a frag grenade or another weak explosive.
The rioters will be in larger numbers.

The aim for the S.W.A.T is to prevent as many people from
passing a certain point as possible. For example if more than
5 rioters pass through then S.W.A.T lose

Please List a major event idea (Involving the whole server):

shipment control event (I'm willing to build upon the current dupe to make it much much bigger as it's old)20210503163553_1.jpg20210503163542_1.jpg

- 3 stages - warehouse, vehicles, drop off location - while being attacked by the opposite team.
This will require a lot of teamwork for the team which is transporting the shipments

- eg they split each other into defenders and people who are placing the items into the car trunks.
Winning team will be the one which successfully attacked the control team or managed to transport all of the items/shipments.
This event would have a gang wars feel to it.

This is only the small scale version though, I want to make it much bigger and more interesting

This can also be done by roping together a HL2 jeep and a carriage to hold the shipments
The defenders would also be able to build defences out of wood as they please for a short
moment in time
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Deleted member 55

Application Accepted

Hi @Vox,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted, please join the Interview Waiting Room in TeamSpeak and put "Waiting for Interview" in your name so we can proceed with the next stage of the process.​
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