W. Licht Exec Researcher Application [UK]

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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 15, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Discord name: RedSpeeds#3958
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 6 months now
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): W. Licht, Kwaad(CI)
Civilian name: Walter Scott
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 CPL (Held), Nu7-CPL LDR, CI-B
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: A few inactive warnings
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?: I think its time for me to improve my rank within the research department so i can engage in longer more in-depth researcher into the anomalous and setup larger changes and additions to the research department which i couldn't do as a SR
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?: I believe that id be suitable for Executive researcher due to the fact im very capable in performing in depth research into various topics and im also quite capable of performing trainings and lectures for fellow researchers and ive been involved in many projects
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?: At the moment i have 3 excellent rated documents. What makes a document excellent is formatting and proper use of grammer, creative writing and proper use of images while also remaining unique and not replicating stuff found on the wiki
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?: My responsibilities are to enforce the directives given to me by the DoR while also being a guide and teacher for fellow researchers and a mentor for those in need. Id accomplish this by hosting lectures, organizing research events and mass-tests on SCP subjects
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Name: Wolf Licht
Clearances: General CL4 | CHEMCL4 | ProjectOccultus5 | ProjectPata5
Assignment: Executive research at site 65
Former Position: [REDACTED]
Current location: Site 65
Id#: 5321-65315
Profile: Specialized in theoretical and memetic based SCP. Has exceptionally high resistance to memetic affects caused by his interaction with [REDACTED] also show interest in proto-normalcy era and history
History: Wolf Licht is a researcher obtained from the university of technical research located in the Netherlands. The cover story of his disappearance is that he was the unfortunate victim of a car crash
History: Dr Licht is not who he says he is... Luckily for you he doesnt remember.... Im writing this down for you and for myself should it eventually be revealed to me my name is Wyatt licht and im or was the director of the pataphysics department. Our moto is "Killing our gods" and that is exactly what i tried to do and if your reading this i have succeeded in doing something what that would be i dont have a clue. If your reading this it means you are from the same layer of reality or perhaps even higher than the one i once occupied. It also means my life and my future belongs to you, my will and mind however... Thats another story. If your bored and i did theorize correctly it means you have a chance to assist me in reestablishing the department that seeks to kill you and free us from your grip. Its very likely ill do the same thing i did all those years ago even though i have not observed the results you must have or not should it have failed. This addendum was casted into a higher narrative using patahology constructivism so if your reading this your my creator and im your puppet will you cut me loose?
Incident log: After a anomalous explosion at patalab-15 all onsite staff were found to have disappeared without a trace including council member O5-10 however after the incident character with similar characteristics and likeness have appeared on the popular sandbox game GMod. After investigation by the pataphysics department its determined that all staff on site have descended a narrative levels and that recovery is currently not possible due to the high usage of the narrative constructs of the characters in various RP servers. The developers have been contracted to produce a sequel of the game in a attempt to free up the narrative constructs so character retrieval and reconstruction into baseline narrative layers may be possible.
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