Walter Unrich's DoIA Application x2

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Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:461543746

Discord name: Heyola 2.0#5475

For how long have you played on CG SCP: January 5th 2023

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: GMT +0

Character name(s): Walter Unrich

Civilian name: Alan Unrich

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: I do.


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Director of IA
Ethics Committee Member

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No.


Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
I wish to become a Director of Internal Affairs, because, I feel as if I have a duty to lead this department forward, I am applying, because I believe that I fit perfectly into this role, from Internal Affairs Ambassador, after long dedication in my past, from the Committee which was my sole purpose to iterate what is right and wrong from a legal point of view, which I have enjoyed, 6 months as Site Command was my prime, and this is where I am needed again, a fall down in rank, a reach up in responsibility to fix what is long forgotten, it has came to me that I am ready for a comeback, but not any ordinary come back, a comeback that everyone needs in Internal Affairs, a comeback that everyone DESERVES, ready to learn and experience more than my previous roles in Internal Affairs, in the Committee, and in the server as a whole, as it is an experience in itself when it comes to fixing a problem that is so deep, that its seen as normal function, when it isn't, by applying, I will achieve this, my time in IA has not came to an end yet, and it will not come to an end for months to come, I have many Ideas that I had in the past, a new Sub-Department that I wanted plastered into IA, getting the agents involve, that's what I say, this role would allow these Ideas to work, for a fix to be implemented, Internal Affairs needs a strong arm to rest on, and who better than that, than me

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
My severely extensive experience when it comes to the Legal Codex, Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, my very recent and extensive experience that landed me in Site Command for 6 months straight, running to near perfect, my Political skills, my ways of moving policies and ideas forwards, carving what is needed and necessary not of me, but everyone else, I seek this role not for myself to be a Director, but to better everything around me, I am not a selfish person, I raise everyone up with me, giving skills and advice to those under my wing, knowing how the chain works from a measly chef, all the way up to the Site Command leaders themselves, I've been in all places that make me a perfect Director, for I was the one who written the laws, interpretated the laws, and soothed headaches that no one else had to bare with, this is what makes me suitable for Internal Affairs Director

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
Director of Internal Affairs is responsible for Overseeing the department, ensuring the Efficiency of Administrative personnel is kept to the highest standard possible, this is done by enforcing the creation, and distribution of their Duties is in order, they ensure this remains on a fine standard, nothing short of Perfection in most cases, Another duty of DoIA, would be the Creation, Maintenance, and refinement of documents within the department of Internal Affairs, ensuring this too, is stating correct up-to-date information.
Directors of Internal Affairs also have the power to initiate a Tribunal, meaning they have the power to start the process of a Tribunal, this includes being a judge. [Cases not involving IA] Being Director also includes the task of being an External Figure head for IA, for public relations purpose, meaning they must ensure a somewhat relationship with other departments of the Foundation. Directors do also have final says on Ambassador Apps, since they are the one solely responsible for Denying/Accepting new Ambassadors of IA. This being said, A Director of Internal Affairs is solely responsible for what happens within their department, they have the power and responsibility to wield that power to change what happens within the department, for the betterment of their Operations across Site.

Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Biography/Before Foundation.

Walter Alan Unrich is an Inspirer, Inspiring those to become a better version of themselves, his Key Initiative in situations that need him never seems to faulter, he loves a good lecture, especially when it feeds his strive for knowledge and personal Growth, he is a man of Strong Values on what makes him, HIM, in a room, you will notice him, and he will stand out as someone who is different from the rest, with this being said, he is private about himself, and his past, No one really knows where he truly came from, but his Birth place lies within Northern Ireland, Born and Raised, his arrival within Canada is striked as Unknown, with his Career at the Foundation being the only thing attaching him to his whereabouts in Canada, he stands at 6,4, weighing around 113 Kilos, Hazel Eyes with a Dense but partly refined body, Short Brown hair, Bearded Jawline, his cheeks being slightly marked from that of a scolding knife.

Time within Foundation.
Walter Alan Unrich, enlisted within the Foundation, within the Department of Internal Affairs, his keen eye for Disobedience, his ability to spot a mistake within regulations, made him a perfect candidate for Internal Affairs, endeavouring into what he enjoyed, as an Operative, his independent ability to enforce what was right, was astonishing, seen by many, his knowledge grew with experience, learning everything necessary, and far beyond that, this, leading to his interest in the Role of Ambassador, a new rank he had his eye on, he knew, understood, and took on the task of IA Ambassador with no doubts and regrets, flourishing in this new position, his leadership skills, his initiative to help others, pushing IA to the limits, his motives were the motives of the Internal Affairs, his duty was to deliver that, of what was expected of him, long hours, hefty debates, and many many duties later, it was time for the spot of Director, he felt ready than ever, his Experience made him a key Candidate.

Director of Internal Affairs.
Director of Internal Affairs, he made it this far, but there is no stopping now, Walter Unrich had a will to grow with compassion, respect and prosperity, within his role of Director he saw problems that needed fix, he knew problems before they were even there for others to see, with a task at hand he got to work, the first implementation was the rework and revolutionizing of the Internal Affairs baseline infrastructure, this included a way to track the activity of his Ambassadors, showing near perfectly accurate results on the working hours of his CL4 administrative team, this not only improved the activity from a huge margin, but also increased the daily work load that Ambassadors took on. Internal Struggles were met with corrections, from the improvement of Agents, pushing an agenda that agents come first, making it known that agents aren't just our ground force, but the soul of the department itself, Walter had a plan in mind, integrity of the department is always the first step to a successful department, understanding that there was always one thing lacking, professionalism, a department as of which enforces that of the CoE, CoC and the Legal Codex, it is without a doubt one must be professional in a high regard for these responsibilities to earn respect and take place, an announcement was made, internally at first for opinions, one that would set out a "No Tolerance" for everyone with Internal affairs, towards one of our biggest problems, Professionalism, a No Tolerance to the breach of integrity of the very grounds the department was built on, Publicly announcing DIAs next agenda, full enforcement and control for what makes IA, IA, its professional standard to do it correctly, in a calm and understanding manner.

Ethics Member Walter Unrich.
The Committee was an interesting experience within itself, the politics, the problems and the walk arounds hit on a deeper level of anger, problems and situations of mass unprofessionalism sparking from sheer incompetence, sheer stupidity that it is sickening, on further note, my record speaks for itself, and what happens in the Committee, stays there.

"The Return of the Director"
The Walter Unrich has returned, for a call of hope from an unlisted source, a need for help to reincorporate what was once prosperous in the dawn of time, a past that needs brought back, a past that grows ever so closer, the dictation, enforcement, discipline, and prosperity of Internal Affairs will return by my hands, with the help of all who wish to grab a peace, Walter knows what is wanted, what is needed, and where to get it.
+/- Support Leaning +Support
Great app
More than qualified
Fantastic member of IA (When he was on)

Activity is the main issue
There are candidates I believe to be more appropriate for DoIA, such as those who've been specifically gunning for the position.

Walter would be a great Director, he has IA experience, he's more than qualified, and the application is well made. Never personally had an issue with Walter, and seeing as he almost sent Sledge to Guantanamo bay for being a vampire, him being his direct superior would be hilarious.

With that aside, I personally would prefer the position go to someone who has been actively working toward it for some time. More notably, the Ambassadors who have been active and pretty much main IA. And I personally haven't seen him since he resigned so, much like the others, I have to agree that just leaving and coming back expecting a Sr CL 4 is wild.

That is my piece. Good Luck to you Walter
From the Ethics Committee of Site-65
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Walter's DoIA Application.
Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Director of Internal Affairs, the Committee agrees that you're suited to become a DoIA, please get in contact with me for further information.
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