Waltuh 'Hindenburg' Black's Consultant Application (USA)

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Jan 21, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:180053171
Discord name: Royalarson
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Waltuh 'Hindenburg' Black
Civilian name: Waltuh Black
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
- yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- None
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: (The contact SSL ban was supposed to be removed)
- 1731292651012.png
Why are you applying for Medical Consultant?
- I frequently play medical as my primary division and enjoy the rp it brings, as such I want to further my opportunities and help others enjoy the division in the same way I do.
What makes you suitable for Medical Consultant?:
- I have a fairly good knowledge of medical procedures including medical chemicals, surgery, and other tasks. I also have the ability to lead those around me and give instruction, i want to help newer players enjoy their experience the same way I did when i first joined. I'm also very active and am on nearly daily for multiple hours.
Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- My favorite medical procedure is curing the sickness of patients. Typically in order to do this we would take the patient into the back room of medbay and have them lay down to scan their illness. Once you've determined the ailment, we can go to the medbay chem lab and make a mixture in order to cure the patients sickness. However a prepared doctor is a good doctor, and i keep one of every cure on me at all times in order to help more people faster
What are the responsibilities of the Medical Consultant in RP?:
- Consultant responsibilities include but are not limited to: Instructing Trainees, doctors, and senior doctors. Hosting medical license tryouts, working with other CL4 members for medical responsibilities, And assisting the Director of Medical with her duties.
Please give some lore about your Medical Consultant character and what storylines they would be involved in: Waltuh Black originally because his life in Albuquerque, New Mexico. However his parents were unable to afford raising two children and Waltuh was put up for adoption. Thankfully Waltuh was quickly taken out of the foster care system as an infant by two loving parents. His mother Rosalyn Black was a chemist who worked for the United Nations tirelessly working on finding cures for modern illnesses, and his father Dwight Mustard worked for the foundation as a researcher at the time was not in Waltuhs life much due to his work. As Waltuh aged he stuck around his mother very often, frequently coming to work with her and being amazed at her efficiency. As Waltuh aged it was very clear he was above his other peers in school graduating a year ahead and moving to college where he would receive his Doctorates Degree in chemistry. This would allow his father who had recently been promoted to recommend him to the site advisor as a staff member. Waltuh soon after received an invitation from the SCP foundation to come aboard as a doctor for the foundation. Only time has told what happened next.

Weebe San

Well-known Member
Aug 10, 2024
If I remember currently you're currently in an active tribunal right now and you got banned 5 days ago for ERP per your screenshot alongside 3 separate warns for it. Waltuh I've seen a lot of good from you but per your warns and in game actions there's a pattern of getting yourself into trouble. I'd suggest waiting a couple weeks then reapplying alongside getting your act together. As a consultant you're a representation of medical leadership and we/you have to ensure that we're looked upon as role models. Please work on improving your image and stay away from the ERP please.
-Wilhelmina 'Weebe' Johnson
Last edited:
Jan 21, 2024
If I remember currently you're currently in an active tribunal right now and you got banned 5 days ago for ERP per your screenshot alongside 3 separate warns for it. Waltuh I've seen a lot of good from you but per your warns and in game actions there's a pattern of getting yourself into trouble. I'd suggest waiting a couple weeks then reapplying alongside getting your act together. As a consultant you're a representation of medical leadership and we/you have to ensure that we're looked upon as role models. Please work on improving your image and stay away from the ERP please.
-Wilhelmina 'Weebe' Johnson
I'm not in an active tribunal it was resolved and I'm all good. as for the recent erp i was banned because i pressed w and s behind someone twice. The first two were for inappropriate jokes


Well-known Member
May 1, 2024
- Support

While I enjoy a good joke on occasion, the professionalism displayed is not what we would like to be reflected on in our leadership of the department. Given the repetitive nature of you getting in trouble, at this time I do not believe you would make a good Consultant as of now.
The primary thing to do; Read up on Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, along with medical procedures and rules and reapply when you've painted yourself in a much more positive light.


Well-known Member
Aug 17, 2024
- support

In character: Whilst committing crimes consistently you always stay respectful which is something I really appreciate and you are always willing to answer any questions I may have. You have the potential to do great things but are currently going down path of crime which is not behavior you would like to see from a Clearance 4 personnel.

OOC: An ERP ban within the week you are applying does not look great on the application. Like I said you know how to roleplay but the way you are going about it is a bit wrong, I would say wait a week or 2 and find your footing in the server and really hone in on the professionalism before making your application. I hope to see more RP from you in the future (Hopefully not selling illegal drugs to tech experts agian)


Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 11, 2023
Mixed Support

- Have never had a bad interaction and is always very nice with me.

- I keep finding unprofessional documents hung up all around site, the first page keeping us aware of the dangers of flouride and to get a your booster shots to keep yourself safe only to read the next page which in all caps says I cannot drink the water from the site's water-system because it's filled with flouride and I will die if I do so...

I've taken down these documents several times due to their unprofessional nature and you have continued to keep putting them up.
Jan 21, 2024
Mixed Support

- Have never had a bad interaction and is always very nice with me.

- I keep finding unprofessional documents hung up all around site, the first page keeping us aware of the dangers of flouride and to get a your booster shots to keep yourself safe only to read the next page which in all caps says I cannot drink the water from the site's water-system because it's filled with flouride and I will die if I do so...

I've taken down these documents several times due to their unprofessional nature and you have continued to keep putting them up.
I haven't put any documents up for 2+ weeks lmao. How are you still finding them and where 😭

Sky Johnson

Well-known Member
Jul 10, 2024

Major -Support

Any time I have seen you on or off the job has been nothing but unprofessionalism and with the warns and the most recent ban too makes me a bit iffy about you joining the medical leadership. But personally I don't think your fit to have a CL4 position and I agree what people have said on this form and ill just be repeating what they already have said.
Apr 15, 2023
To: Waltuh 'Hindenburg' Black
From: Director of Medicine
Subject: Consultant Application

After review of your application and discussion with the leadership team, we have decided to have to DENY your application. Please reach out to a director via email (antibambi) for more info if needed.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Director Sammy Peppers
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