Denied Warfund System Rework

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion would be to overhaul the Warfund system in the following ways:

CI and Foundation will now have a Warfund and will their respective groups will receive Warfund for surface ops, not just GOC. This will incentivize more activity with Nu-7/B-1(Or DEA, if they get surface ops)/CI

Adds the "Tactical Tablet" to these specific jobs:
- CI - Officer
- CI - Commanding Officer
- CI - Commander
- O5-1 - O5-4
- Ethics Committee Member
- Ethics Committee Chairman
- Site Manager
- Site Director
- Nu-7 Hammer Down - Commander*
- Nu-7 Hammer Down - Officer*
*These are big maybes, and could be excluded.
This would be more RP Realistic, as both the Foundation and CI are backed by VERY wealthy benefactors and have the funds to call in drone strikes, bombing runs, etc.

Adds a "Trade" feature to the Tactical Tablet to allow CI GOC and Foundation to trade Warfunds for negotiations, deals, etc.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ More use of the Warfund system
+ RP Realistic
+ Incentivizes surface ops for Foundation and CI

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- May be abused (Excessive Force rules apply and may have to be reworked)
- Potentially would imbalance Surface Combat (+May improve surface combat by changing the meta)
- Dev time

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, this suggestion would allow the Warfund system to be more RP realistic and utilized more often which would shake up Surface warfare and potentially even mitigate the "Sniper Meta" that CI and Foundation have found themselves in. Of course maybe the Tactical Tablets offerings for Foundation and CI could be changed so every GoI feels unique.
But I do believe that CIs should have a tact tablet that does not have lethal destruction weapons, it should be more tactical stuff like a smoke screen, supply drops, and even UAV or tactical deployment. Simply because they also suffer low RP and also surface RP main. As I don't really think the foundation to get the tablet even if it is none lethal because of manpower and the enrichment of content underground already. GOC and CI both just simply do not have enough content, as they both can only get RP when CI is by Raid and GOC by the "Power". But I would say this, if it ever comes to a day that CI have their lore-wise SCP like 939s and GOC have their lore-wise SCP that serves as materials of their research and developments and other self-sustainable RP objects then ya I think we can then consider something for the foundation.


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Second,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. We do not believe it's needed to provide all factions with a tactical tablet. While tactical tablet reworks are underway, bomb runs and all would be highly unbalanced and unneeded. As for warfunds, we do not plan on adding a warfund system for factions to barter with.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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