Denied Weapons additions

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[This suggestion would add more 'Advanced' looking weapons, as well as just overall weapons, to the server to add some more uniqueness to jobs, and make people feel more like they're in the SCP universe.

While it doesn't have to be these weapons exactly these are a few examples I can provide of what I mean:
^[Common request from GOC]

{This is edited to match Yeke's reply of TFA requirement, can add and remove as necessary.}

[If staff doesn't want links here, I can remove them, but I just figured this was the best way to provide an example.]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[Very likely yes, but after the question being mentioned many times in recent times in things like town hall meetings, and the downtime chat, I feel like it would be good to write this reoccurring suggestion in the proper form.]
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[It would make each job feel more unique and outstanding/desirable to play and get to and would add more immersion to the server. I also feel like it would just overall allow more roleplay around the weapons themselves. Questions like how they work, who made them, how they were made, and other lore. I also feel like some could be added to the Perma weapon purchasable allowing more income to the server, and weapon diversity. I think a real focus area of weapon diversity being a bit lacking right now would be the M249 [it's in every regiment] which is why I included so many LMG types]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[A bit bigger file size to the server and a few more complaints of 'balance' even if both weapons being compared have the exact same stats.]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[I think it would be rather easy to do so, as you could just make their stats the same as current guns in the server already and would add a little more fun for the player.]

Again, any weapons are fine, just a little bit more different weapons to allow more diversity to the server would be nice.
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Yes more guns to buy with money.
Honestly, I'm hoping to see new guns for regiments like E-11, Nu-7, DEA, etc, but even if we just get more purchasable guns I'd be happy.

Ironically the thing that needs new "Advanced" looking guns IMO is ERT. As of right now ERT's only special equipment that only they have is the turrets and shield walls, and maybe the ERAD. ERT pulling up with a Dingo or Gorgon LMG from Bo3 would make them feel more badass, again, these guns can just have copy paste stats so it will basically just be cosmetic.

ventz is going to fund another IA rework with it
Any new content we can get that's funded via this would be nice. While I'm not a IA main, I think this was a overall gain for the playerbase. Here's hoping we see a Surface or NU-7 update next.
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

Unfortunatly, we cannot use those guns and we have ran out of guns to convert into our Vguns addon, as we attempted recently to attempt to add more but instead every weapon we had was riddled with issues, leading us to have to drop the project.

We use the TFA base weapons for this, and it requires a lot of work for conversion

Unfortunatly, we cannot use those guns and we have ran out of guns to convert into our Vguns addon, as we attempted recently to attempt to add more but instead every weapon we had was riddled with issues, leading us to have to drop the project.

We use the TFA base weapons for this, and it requires a lot of work for conversion

Oh, well that's somewhat disappointing, is there anything we as the community can do?

All I can find for TFA is these

While alot of these come from Destiny I feel like for certain jobs you could write it off as a 914 weapon that the foundation adopted into use [See 914 lore] but I imagine this is something that staff has seen and already discussed, it seems all these weapons are older or come from 2021 back.

Moving to another weapon system seems like alot more work than is currently reasonable to expect.
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Oh, well that's somewhat disappointing, is there anything we as the community can do?

All I can find for TFA is these

While alot of these come from Destiny I feel like for certain jobs you could write it off as a 914 weapon that the foundation adopted into use [See 914 lore] but I imagine this is something that staff has seen and already discussed, it seems all these weapons are older or come from 2021 back.

Moving to another weapon system seems like alot more work than is currently reasonable to expect.


All you could find for TFA base? man TFA base is probably Bigger than ArcCW, CW 2.0, MW Base and what ever there is I could give YOU a list of weapons to EQUIP 10 ARMYS and you say THATS ALL YOU COULD FIND? I feel offended...

All you could find for TFA base? man TFA base is probably Bigger than ArcCW, CW 2.0, MW Base and what ever there is I could give YOU a list of weapons to EQUIP 10 ARMYS and you say THATS ALL YOU COULD FIND? I feel offended...
me when your entire -support is 'i can find better guns dud!!!!' instead of actually suggesting something worthwhile
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I could give YOU a list of weapons to EQUIP 10 ARMYS and you say THATS ALL YOU COULD FIND? I feel offended...

Sorry, it's just through a quick search to give a few example weapons and not have duplicates in the suggestion that are already in the server, however if you could provide better examples or a better weapon list for the reply to @Yeke (who I am still hopeful we as the community can get a better understanding and information on the existing prerequisites for additions to the VGuns TFA through and thus allow us to assist in searching for potential additions) for the server it would definitely be appreciated!


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Kevin Ki ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason: We are denying this because we do not want more guns in the server as we already have enough guns in the server.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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