West's OSA Application [UK]

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Well-known Member
Sep 1, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:593562948
Discord name: West
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Joined July 22, 2024. (So around 8 months.)
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Yoral West (Civillian), Jerimiah "Westski" XI (CI), 'West' (Foundation)
Civilian name: Yoral West
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
- No.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI Gamma (Held), CI Alpha (Holding), SCP-22415 (Holding), Nu7 SGT (Held) DEA Senior Agent (Holding), O1 LCPL (Holding).
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received two warnings. My first warning was when I was relatively knew and playing as a dclass janitor, I went to 914 with a cl2 I had without a escort but found a SCU who was waiting in 914. At the time I was not aware that Dclass followed FearRP and I went into 914 and ignored the SCU's warning. The second warning I received was when I was playing 7722 and got myself stuck in the bathrooms with combatants surrounding the place. Due to this I used Thirdperson to see where people were and use my crossbow to shoot at them.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- I believe I am suitable for this role as in my time of playing on this server ive played as roles that has provided me with useful skills to be a OSA. Some of these skills include working with other departments, negotiation, Document creation, and taking part in RP. During my time playing on the server I have played as RSD and 22415 which has given my knowledge on writing documents (although not the best) interacting with departments which will be useful for OSA for meetings and such. I am also open in improving with the areas I am not skilled in. I have also played as Nu7 and DEA which has given me the necessary skills of passive and surface RP such as hostage negotiation and regular negotiations. Which will be crucial as a OSA keeping departments in check and assisting with the will of the O5 Council. I also have time in CI as a medic on the US server which has given me a understanding of medical RP and how to RP with others. I also am a O1 which has given me skills such as interrogation and knowledge on how AO in a whole works.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the Overseer Assistants are to understand the will of the O5 council and deliver it to departments and CL4 personal without compromising secrecy with the O5 council and who the O5 council truly are. The Assistants are the people who deliver the orders of the O5 Council while the Council is busy with high value things that they cannot risk compromising their time over. The Assistants are to report back anything that they see that could pose a threat to the Council's Affairs. The OSA is also to manage A1 when no O5 are currently on site to give orders and they are to assist the site when they are able.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Joshua 'West' Reed was born in International Falls, Minnesota. Johsua at the age of 16 was roaming in the forest near his house with 3 of his childhood friends. While exploring however, they found themselves a cave near a hill deep into the forest. It was wide enough for a person to enter the cave. His friends wanted to go inside and explore. Joshua was hesitant however, he felt...something off about the cave. With this superstition Joshua felt they should go back home but his friends insisted they explore the cave. With enough peer pressure Joshua caved in and followed in pursuit of going inside the cave. The cave was big enough for them to enter one at a time. Joshua and his friends explored the cave going deeper and deeper. Joshua felt as if something was watching them. His friends assured him it was because he was nervous, but Joshua couldn't shake off that feeling of being watched. Upon reaching a dead-end Joshua turned around and found that one of his friends was missing. Just as soon as this realization sinked in with Joshua and all of his friends they heard it. A screech, it didn't sound human to Joshua it didn't sound like a animal. It was faint but deafening. It wasn't far away but almost like it was muffled almost as if it was stopped by something. Joshua's friends investigated the sound from the cave. They went into a different part of the cave deeper; they then found a small crawlspace. Joshua knew that they shouldn't crawl down there as they could get stuck down there, but his friends ignored his pleas and warnings. When they reached the end of the crawlspace, they found an opening big enough for them all to stand up in. That's where they found it, a body with what seemed to be blood scattered among the walls and a hole in the stomach, with an almost deerlike creature looking at them with yellow glowing eyes. Joshua got back down on his stomach crawling back into the crawlspace to find his way out of the cave. He heard his friends screaming and flesh tearing from whatever that "Thing" was he didn't look back. Joshua managed to get out of the cave alive although he could not say the same about his friends.

After this Joshua began to study the paranormal trying to find what that creature could have been. Not long after studying solo he had learned of a group of sorts in his home town, The Parawatch Association. They too had information on the paranormal that they shared with Joshua. Joshua learned from them and studied along side them. 3 years later when Joshua turned 19, The Association had assigned him to go and look into a strange compound that they had little to none information about. All they knew about the place was that it was called the "Foundation". Joshua scouted the layout of the facility finding a vent at the back of the facility. It was barely wide enough to fit through however it was possible. On the day of the infiltration of this facility Joshua was tasked with finding anything in there that could mean they are affiliated with the paranormal. Joshua made his way into the vents wandering aimlessly not knowing where leads where. He then found a small vent grate that would lead him into a small room. He broke open the vent and jumped down. Joshua was nervous breaking into this facility. He knew that there was something off about it. However, Joshua knew he had to gain information on the monsters that murdered his friends. Joshua looked around in the room and found a poster board of a document alongside a vending machine labeled "SCP-294". On the document it said that the vending machine could produce any liquid including things such as liquid iron and gold. Joshua thought this was insane. Just as he finished reading on what the vending machine does, he heard footsteps. Joshua looked around for anything to hide with but it was too late. Joshua saw a suited man in a white coat and a man with a gun and a vest with the words labeled "G.S.D" on it. The Guard aimed his gun at him and told him to put his hands behind his back and was put into a room. In the room a stange man in a black suit came in and took a seat infront of Joshua. The man exclaimed that he was impressed with Joshuas ability to find a way into the facility and make his way into a containment chamber. The man exclaimed that he wanted to give Joshua a job. A job that would give him the ability to research anomalous objects. The main exclaimed that he would start as a Jr. Researcher and if Joshua proves himself he can work his way up to the ranks. After another 3 years of working for the Foundation Joshua was asked to become an assistant to the O5 Council and assist in site-65.

Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello @WestIshere

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. Reach out to this email for further details.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
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