Denied what would be some interesting sci fi weapons to add that wouldnt be overpowered

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Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
possible candidates i can think of include black hole grenades that suck people hiding into them door blockers that have like 3k health that people can use to hold people and scps back for stuff like using 914 or hacking an acid gun that leaves acid on the floor that kills anyone who walks though it for a while an ice gun that freezes people that can then be saved by another new weapon a flame thrower a bomb implanting neck injector with a radio that forces people to do your bidding or die a zombie grenade that unleashes zombies from another realm until its destroyed and a reanimation device that can see dead bodys even after they respawn and force people back into their old bodys so they can be put in prison or interrigated these are just random ideas for what could be interesting if they were extremely nerfed in the comments leave what weapons you would like to be added to make rp more interesting

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
adds more weapons to the server for more diversity
are super cool and interesting to use on enemys
these are just ideas of what could be added not ones that will be i just want you to add more interesting weapons

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
could be overpowered which is why im just giving you ideas not saying you have to add any of these specifically if anyone has some interesting weapon ideas tell me in the comments and they should be classed as part of the suggestion
i would say coding would be hard but come to think of it im pretty sure almost all of these weapons already exist in gmod so not really it would just be downloading their files from workshop
me having to read comments of people saying im crazy or this suggestion sucks because they failed to read it fully and understand that i just want any cool new weapons it doesnt have to be any of these and any you leave in the comments will be part of this suggestion

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
this should be accepted because theirs no down side adding new interesting weapons would just make the server better and more fun i just dont think we have enough cool unique weapons yet plz leave your weapon ideas in the comments below


Well-known Member
Mar 13, 2023
yep as expected people who didnt even fully read my suggestion making fools of themselves as usual
yep as expected people who didnt even fully read my suggestion making fools of themselves as usual
so here ill go down the list of possible weapons you mentioned

-black hole grenade: bruh cmon man

-door blockers: we have scp shields for them, and to hold people back would kinda just be a nuisance (and plus you can just do that with a gun)

-acid gun: not acid but i could see something like a molotov work where you throw it and it leaves part of the ground on fire, but would take a long time and probably not gonna happen

-ice gun: bruh no this is just op if used in combat, and if not you can just handcuff somebody and drag them so they cant move

-flame thrower gun: idk bc literally 457's ability in a nutshell, and its op at short range and useless at long range, plus idk if theres even a flame gun in gmod

-bomb neck injector: just hold somebody under fearrp, and for the radio long-range part people are just gonna abuse it and die to it anyways bc an o5 would rather die than nuke the entire site (hopefully)

-zombie grenade: highly unrealistic and the zombies would have to be npcs, which in an rp server is kinda odd, and plus this is literally a 008 grenade

-reanimation device: just use defibs to bring them back to life

overall few of these weapons would actually make sense in an rp format, but i would see a molotov like thing coming in, but most of the other ones would be either unrealistic (remember this is an rp server not a 3000 space star wars sci fi fight server), or just op


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @samhartley,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. While a cool idea, the suggested weaponry would be very imbalanced.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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