in regards to the allegations of AI usage I have went through some of your older posts and I do believe you know how to write, I am not entirely convinced since I ran the text through a lot of AI Checkers and most of them came out as 60+% of AI with only one being 0%.
If we look at the bigger picture, as SL you help the server run smoothly, you are to set an example for the rest of the moderation team and with cheating you have kicked that right out the window. As SL you have quite a lot of say when it comes to the server and its rules, how can we trust you with that, seeing as you couldn't even handle yourself with in game commands. You've stated that you wish to earn back the trust from NL and not the community you represent, it wasn't NL you cheated against, it was the playerbase.
Within this appeal I fail to see any mentions to why we/they should trust you, yes you have admitted to cheating but what will stop you from doing the same stuff over again. If you want any chance of this being accepted I highly suggest you mentioning how you will refrain from doing such.
Massive -Support