Wybert application for special agent 2

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Steam ID: 0:1:587655060
Discord name: Cityismy#2966
For how long have you played on CG SCP: since 6 may 2023 ~453 hours
Age: 18
In what country are you located?:Scotland
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Wybert "Goober" Lucien, Gerald "Goober" Claytan
Civilian name: Abdulrahman "Goober" Crawford.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What are your total levels?: 104

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Senior agent DEA, Agent IA.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- FearRP, Toxicity, FailRP/FearRPx2 FearRP, toxicity, Toxicity (1 day Ban), FearRP, ARDM/FailRP, FearRPx2, FailRP B, FearRP C and then banned for FearRP (D)
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?
- 4 weeks
Why are you applying for Special Agent?
- I am applying for Special Agent as I wish to progress further in the Department of External affairs. I have played on most teams in the server and I have found DEA to be the most enjoyable out of all of them, another reason that I am applying is that I have heard that DEA is looking for Special Agents and management personnel, I would also really like a sniper rife.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:
-One thing that makes me suitable for the role of Special Agent is that I am extremely dedicated to the department and getting my job done, I have spent over 100k on DEA things such as negotiations for kidnapped personnel, I have been told numerous times that I have great leadership skills and also I am on the server almost daily for hours at a time, also Rook told me to re apply after cooldown.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- I have currently not written any documents in DEA. Things that make a good document include good formatting and also a lot of detail
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:
- Special Agents have many responsibilities in RP, the main one I believe to be being a good role model for new Agents and Operatives, Another responsibility of Special Agents would be to ensure that good relations are kept with Groups of Interest, and also to help lead raids and other missions.
Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Name: Wybert 'Goober' Lucien
Childhood Background: Commune child
Adulthood Background: Diplomatic Foreign Service Member
Early in his life Wybert was born to a commune stationed in the upper corner of Yukon, where he and he and his family fished day in and day out, earning their keep in the 'Mama Mia Moon Munchers.' The MMMM (pronounced mhm) was originally a commune of nomads, but after losing all their money to the Yakuza of Canada they settled down, opting for a reclusive life of living in RVs and shitting in the woods.

Life in the MMMM wasn't easy, as Wybert was the smallest of the Lucien brothers, and would have his fish stolen, as a 'little man tax' from his strongest brother, Dieudonné le Gros Cul. This brought Wybert a lot of guilt, and even pain, as his father would strike him upon realizing he wasn't bringing nearly as much fish as the other four.

Refusing to give up what he knew, he found his own fishing spot, where he would spend most days, and some nights. Here, he mastered the art of garum- a fish paste condiment, enjoyed in Rome. Through the garum trade, he would bring his family out of poverty, forgive Dieudonné, and poison his father, making him the Big Fish.

Life was good, as the garum trade allowed the Luciens to escape their frugal living. Their rich lifestyle brought upon unsavory clientele, one of them being the Queen of Whitehorse, a local greaser known for being the most muscled muscle around. The Queen of Whitehorse enticed the youngest of the Lucien brothers, Cramer, who would fall in love with her, upon seeing her viciously spear throw Wybert who attempted to court her with his 'second favorite rod.' Little did she know, this was all a ruse so that the Luciens could rise in the brutal hierarchy of Yukon, Canada.

Their relationship would be short-lived, as the Chief of MMMM would disapprove of the Lucien's plans, leading to a brutal shootout with the White Horses Whitehorse, and the expulsion of the last three remaining Lucien brothers.

Dieudonné would continue to grow his muscles, as he grew his faith in Christ. Ultimately, realizing how weak the Christian faith had become, and would eventually lead multiple attacks on the Muslim community of Quebec. The two brothers who haven’t been spoken of, Aloïs and Harold, would both end up in Groups of Interest. As the two were inseparable, they would eventually run away after securing their lifestyle and safety with Dieudonné and Wybert. As both were mere masters with their hands, Harold would please a Serpent's Hand operative while Aloïs would sneak in, and steal from the pants laying defencelessly on the ground. From this luck, Harold would be indoctrinated into the Serpent's Hand for his skills. Although, Harold was sought after by the Global Occult Coalition, who after hearing his sob story, offered him a position so that he may one day stage a raid, and rescue his brother. Both know not of how to find the other brother, besides that they are now connected to the anomalous community.

A few years after being split from his family, Wybert lives most of his life day by day, working for an exploitative company who got him hooked on adderall. Wake up, go to work, go back home. Every day was the same for Wybert, all until he had one small time Chinese adderall saleswoman come by. Her name was Bai ‘白族’ Lin. Seeing Wybert working with all his might, she knew she had to have him. With her vast collection of adderall, it was simple convincing Wyberts boss to have him be officially employed under her, of course she paid handsomely for this ‘transfer.’

For almost a year Wybert lived with the Chinese drug lord, who made him straighten up and lose his addiction. After this, though he was still owned by Bai, he was productive and refined. Using her ties, Bai got her husband a job as a small-time diplomat, using his connections to further her own ring of influence.

Though, she would use him without his consent often, playing with him and oftenly injecting him with various drugs at a surprise. This habit of abuse would continue throughout the entire relationship, happening whenever Bai felt sadistic, or bored. This was until he and Bai were at a social gathering of diplomats, and she finally stuck him full of an experimental hotshot. Within minutes, Wybert grew the courage to steal his freedom, by eating Bai. Sprinting out into the wilderness, tuxedo ripped off, Wybert roamed the woods, occasionally sneaking into a town to eat stray dogs. This is where Wyberts official story ends. A few months after the murder of Bai Lin, police authorities were still unable to find Wybert. As he lived on a commune his entire life, there were no official documents of his life before his diplomatic job. It was as if he disappeared. But eventually, there were reports of a Wendigo roaming the western parts of Canada, eating large mammals; dogs, Meese, or even bears. Upon seeing the mutilated bears, the Foundation wasn’t about to risk a possible massacre, so they sent agents in to find the cause and contain it; but they weren’t expecting Wybert Lucien, high off his ass. This is where his recognition as a diplomatic envoy came in, and the Foundation granted him a second chance at life, recruiting him into the Department of External Affairs because of his experience in diplomacy. (He still occasionally trips off shrooms with Foundation Personnel)

johnstone 36

Active member
Jul 9, 2023
+takes responsibility for tasks
+spends alot of time on DEA
overall cool guy, hope to see him come far in the DEA

yours truly.. john "hornet"
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Reactions: cityismy
Apr 4, 2023


"Goober" has had a rocky history on site, all sorts of wild behaviour, however as of the past month and a bit "Goober" has shown dedication to his department and to the Site, becoming a much more respectable and reliable member of the foundation.
He can be a fun and silly guy at times but professional when needed.
Overall I hope you get this "Goober", best of luck too ya!

Plus that lore is wild and I love it.
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Blacklisted Player
Jun 21, 2023

+Improving a lot.
+spends a lot of time on DEA

Goober you have shown improvement and I feel you deserve a chance as special agent.
-Ag Manager. Charlie Freddo
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Reactions: cityismy
Infoleaked O5-1s codename (Likely Metagaming) and then didn't follow FearRP when A-1 tried to cuff him, setting a bad precedent for his department. Not fit for a Cl4 role in my opinion.
Alright, i thought that the site manager would have known O5-1s codename, i do not know how this would be metagaming as it has been said to me many times in character, I did not know that A-1 were going to cuff he, i had assumed that they were going to execute me and decided to fight back, as far as I was aware no orders were given to me in the brief period i was under gunpoint.
it has been said to me many times in character, I did not know that A-1 were going to cuff he,
Whoever said that was also metagaming then. It also doesn't matter if you think someones going to cuff you, you should still follow FearRP.

Again, as Cl3 you know about the council and not to mention them at all, if you were to find out an O5s name then it would obviously make sense to not talk about it ever

Department of External Affairs

Dear Wybert Lucien,

We regret to inform you that after a thorough review of your application for the position of Special Agent, we have decided to deny your application. If you wish to know the reasons for your denial, please email me directly for further details.

Best of luck with your future endeavours,
Marco "Benvolio" Portson
Department of External Affairs, Deputy Director

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