Xavier "Ghostpower" Smith's Moderation application #1 [US]

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Well-known Member
Jun 9, 2023
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): trollr123
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 1 Week, and 3 hours.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Xavier "Ghostpower" Smith
Chaos name (include your rank): "BlackGhost" Conscript
Civilian name: [MC&D]"Flash"
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:193092655
Discord ID (name#0000): trollr123
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I was playing as 912 and was ordered to kill any d class with weapons and i was reported for farming and told said admin to warn and i would appeal it.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:

Throughout my journey, I have had the privilege of being a staff member in several incredible communities. Let me share my experiences working with TheRedLineNetwork, Unlimited Interactive, and LemonBread Studios.

When I joined TheRedLineNetwork, I found myself immersed in a vibrant community driven by a common interest. As a staff member, I actively contributed to the growth and development of the network. I took on responsibilities such as moderating discussions, ensuring a positive and inclusive environment, and addressing user queries and concerns. Collaborating with other team members, I played a key role in organizing engaging events, contests, and interactive sessions, fostering a strong sense of camaraderie among community members. It was a fulfilling experience to witness the community thrive and to contribute to its success.

Transitioning to Unlimited Interactive, I became part of a community focused on interactive media and technology. As a staff member, I worked diligently to manage forums and online platforms where users could share their ideas, projects, and experiences. Facilitating discussions on emerging technologies and encouraging knowledge-sharing were among my responsibilities. I found great joy in providing guidance to community members seeking advice or feedback. Alongside developers and content creators, I helped organize workshops, webinars, and tutorials, fostering an environment of continuous learning and skill development. The spirit of collaboration and innovation within this community was truly inspiring.

My journey also led me to LemonBread Studios, where I joined a creative team dedicated to producing unique content. As a staff member, I contributed my skills in various areas such as game development, graphic design, writing, or marketing. Collaborating closely with other team members, we brainstormed ideas, refined concepts, and brought projects to life. Managing project timelines, coordinating with external partners, and ensuring the smooth execution of creative endeavors were some of my primary responsibilities. The satisfaction of delivering high-quality content that resonated with the studio's audience was immeasurable.

Overall, my experiences as a staff member in TheRedLineNetwork, Unlimited Interactive, and LemonBread Studios have shaped me into a well-rounded community member with a diverse skill set. These opportunities have taught me the importance of fostering positive community interactions, facilitating knowledge-sharing, and contributing to creative projects. I have gained invaluable insights into collaboration, communication, and problem-solving. I am truly grateful for the experiences and growth I have achieved through my involvement in these remarkable communities.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

In my previous experiences with serious roleplay, I had the privilege of being part of three exceptional communities: TheRedLineNetwork, Unlimited Interactive, and LemonBread Studios. These immersive roleplaying environments provided unique opportunities for creativity, collaboration, and storytelling.
Within TheRedLineNetwork, serious roleplay took center stage. As a member of this community, I actively engaged in rich and intricate narratives, bringing fictional characters to life in various settings. Working closely with other roleplayers, I contributed to the development of compelling storylines, character arcs, and intricate relationships. TheRedLineNetwork provided a platform where we could delve deep into our characters' emotions, motivations, and struggles, resulting in captivating and immersive roleplaying experiences.
At Unlimited Interactive, the serious roleplay community thrived with a focus on interactive media and technology. Here, I had the chance to explore roleplaying in dynamic virtual environments, such as video games, virtual reality, or interactive simulations. As a participant, I fully immersed myself in the roles I portrayed, adapting to different scenarios and collaborating with fellow roleplayers to shape the outcomes of our stories. The blending of serious roleplay with cutting-edge technology allowed us to push the boundaries of immersion and engagement, creating memorable experiences for both ourselves and the audience.
My involvement with LemonBread Studios further expanded my horizons in serious roleplay. As part of the creative team, I contributed to developing narratives and scenarios for games, storytelling projects, or even live-action roleplaying experiences. Collaborating closely with fellow enthusiasts, we crafted intricate worlds, designed captivating characters, and devised compelling storylines that resonated with the players. The studio's dedication to creating immersive and thought-provoking experiences pushed me to continually refine my roleplaying skills and strive for excellence in storytelling.
Across these communities, serious roleplay served as a powerful catalyst for creativity, self-expression, and community building. It allowed me to step into the shoes of complex characters, explore different perspectives, and craft narratives that captivated both myself and others. The experiences I gained in TheRedLineNetwork, Unlimited Interactive, and LemonBread Studios enriched my understanding of storytelling, character development, and collaborative world-building within the realm of serious roleplay.
Overall, my previous involvement in serious roleplay within TheRedLineNetwork, Unlimited Interactive, and LemonBread Studios has left a lasting impact on my creative journey. It has nurtured my passion for immersive storytelling, honed my collaborative skills, and deepened my appreciation for the transformative power of roleplaying in building vibrant and engaging communities.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I mainly do around 5-11 hours a day.(Unless im helping out family)
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:

I have a strong desire to become a moderator for CivilNetwork due to several reasons, including witnessing multiple individuals break the rules and a genuine aspiration to make a positive change within the community.
Throughout my time as a member of CivilNetwork, I have observed instances where certain individuals have disregarded the established guidelines and rules of conduct. This experience has left me with a deep understanding of the negative impact such behavior can have on the community as a whole. It has also sparked a sense of responsibility within me to help maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all members.
As a moderator, I believe I can contribute significantly towards fostering a positive change within the community. I am motivated by the opportunity to play an active role in upholding the rules, ensuring fair play, and promoting respectful interactions among members. By actively addressing instances of rule-breaking and enforcing consequences when necessary, I aim to create a space where everyone feels valued, respected, and heard.
Moreover, I genuinely care about the well-being and growth of the community. I am passionate about supporting the community's development by fostering healthy discussions, encouraging constructive feedback, and promoting inclusivity. As a moderator, I would strive to engage with members, listen to their concerns, and provide guidance when needed. By facilitating open dialogue and resolving conflicts in a fair and impartial manner, I hope to contribute to a positive and thriving community environment.
Additionally, I understand the importance of setting a positive example as a moderator. By consistently demonstrating integrity, empathy, and professionalism, I aim to inspire other members to embrace the values of CivilNetwork and uphold the community's standards. I am eager to lead by example and work collaboratively with other moderators and community leaders to establish a strong foundation for growth and success.
In summary, my aspiration to become a moderator for CivilNetwork stems from my observation of rule-breaking behavior within the community and a genuine desire to foster positive change. I believe in the potential of this community and the positive impact that effective moderation can have. By upholding the rules, facilitating constructive discussions, and promoting inclusivity, I am committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment where members can thrive and contribute to the community's growth.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
  1. Strong communication skills: Effective communication is crucial for a moderator. Highlight your ability to express ideas clearly, listen actively, and convey information in a respectful and inclusive manner.
  2. Excellent problem-solving abilities: Moderators often encounter challenging situations and conflicts within the community. Emphasize your ability to analyze problems, think critically, and find fair and practical solutions.
  3. Empathy and understanding: Showcase your capacity to empathize with community members, understand their perspectives, and provide support when needed. Demonstrating empathy fosters a welcoming environment and helps build positive relationships.
  4. Conflict resolution skills: Conflict is inevitable in any community. Highlight your experience and skills in managing conflicts, diffusing tense situations, and facilitating productive discussions to reach resolutions that satisfy all parties involved.
  5. Knowledge of community guidelines and rules: Familiarity with the community's guidelines and rules is essential for enforcing them effectively. Emphasize your understanding of these guidelines and your commitment to upholding them consistently and fairly.
  6. Active community involvement: Demonstrate your engagement and participation in the community. This can include contributions such as organizing events, providing valuable insights, assisting other members, or being an active presence in discussions.
  7. Reliability and professionalism: Highlight your reliability, consistency, and professionalism in handling moderation responsibilities. Show that you can be counted on to fulfill your duties responsibly and maintain a respectful and unbiased approach.
  8. Adaptability and flexibility: Communities evolve and change over time. Illustrate your ability to adapt to new situations, handle unforeseen challenges, and be flexible in responding to the evolving needs of the community.
  9. Time management and availability: Moderation requires time and dedication. Showcase your ability to manage your time effectively and express your availability to be present and address community issues promptly.
  10. Passion for community growth: Convey your genuine passion for the community and your commitment to its growth and success. Share your ideas on how you would contribute to fostering a positive and thriving environment.
Sep 22, 2022


Quick tip, if you are going to use ChatGPT then lie about it, make your writing style across all your forum posts more consistent. I have looked at your previous writing styles where you have actually written something it is nothing like what you have posted here. Honesty is one of the most important attributes a member of staff can have, and you have proven by denying that you have used ChatGPT says that you are untrustworthy.

Moving on, a lot of what was said in your application was waffling nonsense. Reading it tells me nothing about what kind of game or even game mode you played, one of your paragraphs mentions that you were a developer for a video game? another says that you roleplay in 'immersive simulations'. My point is ChatGPT is easily detectable, this is because it likes to make up a lot of stuff. I recommend that you ask to have this application closed and create a new one written by yourself before you are unable to write up another one for two weeks.

Best regards,

Jul 23, 2022
Application Denied

Hi Xavier,

Thanks for taking the time to make a moderator application.

Whilst we were considering your application, it was brought to my attention that you had...assistance with your application via ChatGPT. I would strongly encourage you in your next application not to use such programs, as they are obvious and show a lack of care when applying.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks​
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