Denied Ze' case of ze' 079: Get him his tool back. Get rid of his unfun turbine spam.

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

- Gives SCP-079 access to his previously held Breach Tool SWEP.
- Whenever 079 enters the turbine room, it TPs him back to his CC
(not RC, just to prevent any risk of a hack. Think of a containment blocker but on crack).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Really dumb suggestions have been made before to buff 079 while he still has access to turbines. This is different because it proposes an overall strength nerf to 079 in exchange for fun value.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- 079 is far more fun to play against from an MTF standpoint. Turbines literally remove the way you recontain 079, and it's highly annoying for all parties.

- 079 has far more options for a unique breach, like he had access to before his rework
(I.E 457, 173, 912, 049, 966, 9000s, etc).

- Gives 079 more of an active role in containment breaches. 079 always had things to do prior to his rework, such as hacking lights, hacking turrets, faulting certain doors for SCPs, etc... If anything, you'll have more to do, since turbines literally kinda fuck 079 over and remove his access to 90% of things, in exchange for being literally the most oppressive thing on the server for MTF to deal with.

- Gives 079 back his old feel. 079's main draw is watching SCPs get to have fun, and in that sense, you have fun as well. It's nice to see people having fun because of something you did.
Now, that feeling instantly gets dampered on when you see the rest of the site having the worst time of their lives because of turbine spam. I've peeped the numbers, and 079 is one of the SCPs that breaches the least now because of this. He's the perfect example of something that is unfun to play, but also overpowered. With turbines, SCPs can easily reach surface and or dominate the site well into ERT spawning. God forbid something like 7722 protect his CC & turbines when need be, because then that's literally a guaranteed nuke. Unironic here, there's zero counterplay even w/ ERT.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

- 079 is overall weaker. I personally can't see how he'd be stronger, considering turbines are far more valuable than an extra SCP. Of course, in hyper-specific circumstances where turbines are already down when 079 CBs, this may be an objective buff, but that's a highly rare what if.

- 079 mains miss the turbines. Right now, the turbine spam is unique to only 079. However, it's unique in the same way 106 can dominate ERT without counterplay, or in the same way 096 is the only SCP that can spawn camp D-Block. It's not fun, and if it can be removed in exchange for something less overall powerful, but for something more fun and in line with 079 players values, why not remove it?

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

079 deserves to be fun to play against and as. When you crunch the numbers, it's only one extra SCP compared to if 079 just played something else. 079 deserves that much at least.

Thoughts from SCP mains & MTF players:

  • "The fact that 079 can hack the turbines is kinda stupid. You know, it does make sense, that he can turn the turbines off. But for balance reasons, it's atrocious" - O-1 member's response (DM for more info if need be)

  • "Yeah. I mean, 079 would probably be more fun to play if this was changed. I think that the turbines are not fun, and SCPs are actually fun to fight. Nobody likes sitting at a Level 1 door for 30 seconds trying to open it, only to die and have to wait 5 extra minutes for the nvg cooldown. I'd love to be able to breach the LCZ dudes during CBs, that'd be fun af" - 035 main

  • "I mean, If you crunch the numbers, 079 literally doesn't get any value with hacking SCPs since you can just already play those SCPs and breach as them with the same result unless its a solo breach. He's even worse during a triple breach. He kinda only exists for the turbines. That's a bit dumb. Nobody likes that except SCPs." - E-11 member's response (DM for more info if need be).
there is a 079 rework in the making which would probably get this denied

There's always constantly reworks on the way, but Cloak specifically said last community meeting that no full on SCP reworks were even close to being on the way. Not only is it not even in the dev tracker, but additionally, I haven't even heard mention of it on forums... I'd rather something easy like this get done in 2 weeks to a month than have to wait 2 years for a full out 079 rework, especially when SCPs like 457 / 173 / others deserve it more first.


Tech experts are the hard counter to SCP 079's turbine activities. In my experience two or three tech experts flag on as soon as 079 breaches, and all they do is bumrush reactors to repair them. If nobody is doing that, you should take that job on to help end the breach.

If you are competent at hacking you don't need a breach tool (it's literally faster to do the CL4 hack that everything is capped at than to waste 2 minutes using a breach tool).

You underestimate how powerful 079 can be. All hacks are capped at level 4, including hostile ERT turret targeting.
You can kill entire ERT waves (I have, so can you)

SCP 079 is a support SCP. Making breaches harder to contain is his main purpose, that's why he can hack any SCP out. All it needs is coordination from MTF's side.
If doors are hard to open, hack them open.
If you can't get to his cell, focus on recontaining the SCP stopping you from doing so.
etc etc

How does 079 not have these options already?

Again, what does this mean? It's waffle - You can do all of these things even if turbines are closed? I'm confused on what this suggestion changes other than 079 not being allowed to hack reactors (which never happens outside of his breaches)

Has there been an 079 rework that I'm missing or something?

Recall that camping is against the rules & that heavy containment is a VERY LARGE place. As an SCP you either have the choice of staying in HCZ to keep 079 breached, or going to the surface and abandoning him.

When you play 939, do you feel bad for the people you kill? Why would CI care about the gensec they kill while holding D-Block? SCP 079 is an SCP,.

Going by this logic E11 should let SCP 173 breaches go wild because "That feeling of recontaining SCPs gets dampered on when you see 173 having the worst time of his life"

As I've said many times, SCP 079 is the ultimate support SCP. That's why people don't like playing him, they don't want to be the supporting player. Stopping them from hacking reactor makes 079 an even worse support SCP, which would make less people play him?
1. ye techies counter turbines going down, but techies aren't always going to even be able to reach HCZ if a lot of SCPs are out / mass breaching.

2. the tool is supposed to be in combination w/ the hacking, like 035

3. i'm not underestimating how powerful 079 can be. I literally said in the post he's the most overpowered SCP objectively, yet least fun to play.

4. ye ik 079 is a support SCP. combined i have the most 079 cbs in the US server racked up

5. he has those options, but he's spending most of his time on turbines to keep MTF / techies in HCZed.

6. camping is against the rules, yeah. but you can peep 079's chamber every now and again and have the same result, it usually takes a minimum of 3 minutes for someone to get 079 RC'd.

7. obviously 079 is an SCP, so maybe most other people don't care about the experience of the other side you're playing against, but your other points are strange. Combat is fun. You know other people are having fun trying to RC you as 035, its a huge thrill because you're such a glass cannon yet such a powerful breacher you're target #1. Every SCP is unique in their own way, yet fun to fight. Compared to 079 which has zero combat potential and instead makes it so you physically can't see things.
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There's always constantly reworks on the way, but Cloak specifically said last community meeting that no full on SCP reworks were even close to being on the way. Not only is it not even in the dev tracker, but additionally, I haven't even heard mention of it on forums... I'd rather something easy like this get done in 2 weeks to a month than have to wait 2 years for a full out 079 rework, especially when SCPs like 457 / 173 / others deserve it more first.
Also i dont think 079 should be just completely unable to disable the turbines, which Im pretty sure were added with 079 in mind so he could do more damage to the site, also I made a suggestion and yes, it is on the dev tracker, #443.

The last thing 079 needs is a nerf, which is why I will be leaving a -Support

Yes I am aware that your suggestion gives him a breach tool, but your suggestion nerfs 079 overall as most 079 players can breach SCPs in roughly the amount of time it takes to use the tool, they removed it specifically due to the fact that 079's swep was buffed.

Tech experts are the hard counter to SCP 079's turbine activities. In my experience two or three tech experts flag on as soon as 079 breaches, and all they do is bumrush reactors to repair them. If nobody is doing that, you should take that job on to help end the breach.

If you are competent at hacking you don't need a breach tool (it's literally faster to do the CL4 hack that everything is capped at than to waste 2 minutes using a breach tool).

You underestimate how powerful 079 can be. All hacks are capped at level 4, including hostile ERT turret targeting.
You can kill entire ERT waves (I have, so can you)

SCP 079 is a support SCP. Making breaches harder to contain is his main purpose, that's why he can hack any SCP out. All it needs is coordination from MTF's side.
If doors are hard to open, hack them open.
If you can't get to his cell, focus on recontaining the SCP stopping you from doing so.
etc etc

- 079 has far more options for a unique breach, like he had access to before his rework (I.E 457, 173, 912, 049, 966, 9000s, etc).
How does 079 not have these options already?
- Gives 079 more of an active role in containment breaches. 079 always had things to do prior to his rework, such as hacking lights, hacking turrets, faulting certain doors for SCPs, etc... If anything, you'll have more to do, since turbines literally kinda fuck 079 over and remove his access to 90% of things, in exchange for being literally the most oppressive thing on the server for MTF to deal with.
Again, what does this mean? It's waffle - You can do all of these things even if turbines are closed? I'm confused on what this suggestion changes other than 079 not being allowed to hack reactors (which never happens outside of his breaches)

Has there been an 079 rework that I'm missing or something?

I've peeped the numbers, and 079 is one of the SCPs that breaches the least now because of this. He's the perfect example of something that is unfun to play, but also overpowered. With turbines, SCPs can easily reach surface and or dominate the site well into ERT spawning. God forbid something like 7722 protect his CC & turbines when need be, because then that's literally a guaranteed nuke. Unironic here, there's zero counterplay even w/ ERT.
Recall that camping is against the rules & that heavy containment is a VERY LARGE place. As an SCP you either have the choice of staying in HCZ to keep 079 breached, or going to the surface and abandoning him.
- Gives 079 back his old feel. 079's main draw is watching SCPs get to have fun, and in that sense, you have fun as well. It's nice to see people having fun because of something you did. Now, that feeling instantly gets dampered on when you see the rest of the site having the worst time of their lives because of turbine spam.
When you play 939, do you feel bad for the people you kill? Why would CI care about the gensec they kill while holding D-Block? SCP 079 is an SCP,.

Going by this logic E11 should let SCP 173 breaches go wild because "That feeling of recontaining SCPs gets dampered on when you see 173 having the worst time of his life"

As I've said many times, SCP 079 is the ultimate support SCP. That's why people don't like playing him, they don't want to be the supporting player. Stopping them from hacking reactor makes 079 an even worse support SCP, which would make less people play him?
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Derek White

Super Administrator
Super Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Oct 12, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Caesar Kuznetsov ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We have denied this due to the fact that he can already hack out three SCPS with breach tools so we do not see this as a needed addon to 079.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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