zero hero's Site Advisor Application

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Zero Hero

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 15, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:571768

Discord name: Don’t forget Hawaii#8207

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I have been playing Civil Gamers SCP RP for over 2 weeks and have been playing it non-stop. Specifically, 65 hours of playtime.

18 years old.

In what country are you located?:
United States

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Kyle Ringer, Silvio Fonti

Civilian name:
Alexander Deacon

Do you have a mic?:
  • Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • N/A
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
  • I am applying for Site Advisor because of three reasons. The first reason is due to the fact that I know that it’s enjoyable. I have been Site Administration before during my time in other servers, and that serves me to know that being Site Administration is some of the most fun you could have as a member of an SCP-RP. The second reason is due to my experience. As mentioned before, I have experience as Site Administration and would suit the role well. In addition to my hands-on experience, I am also very well-versed in SCP lore and have been with the SCP community for many years. The third and final reason is due to the fact that I am looking to advance my standing within the community, and I’d like to become more connected to Civil Gamers as a result of my presence in Site Administration.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
  • As mentioned previously, I am suited well for Site Administration because I have previous experience within the role. In addition, I have made myself very familiar with the server, and I know how almost everything functions and operates within the site. I have been a member of the SCP community for many years, and have gained a lot of knowledge on how the SCP Foundation operates and what my role as a Site Advisor would be. In summary, I am suited best over other candidates due to my experience in the role, my familiarity with the server and it’s many features, my knowledge on SCP Foundation operations and lore, as well as my preparedness for the role as a Site Advisor.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
  • The Site Advisor is the middleman. He is there to assist the Site Director in conducting the day-to-day operations within Site-65. His duties are to consult with the Site Director on site-wide issues, and prepare procedures to provide solutions to said problems. The Site Advisor is also entrusted to act for the Site Director if the Site Director is not available. These duties would involve working with the site directorate to maintain peak operating capacity and efficiency. Breaches and raids are too common, so it is my job as a Site Advisor to be prepared for the worst, and take the necessary action to put a plan in place which will utilize all resources to solve the problem.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Kyle Ringer was a mid-level Department of Intelligence Agent originating from Site-██, working on filing paperwork and keeping relations top-side friendly and without breach of secrecy. His duties often consisted of working with hostile Groups of Interest to resolve matters within the Foundation’s interests without escalation to violent force. As he rose through the ranks, he became more and more interested in dealing with Site Affairs, and he dedicated himself to handling issues within the site as best as his position would allow. However, being an Intelligence Agent meant that he had to leave most operations within the Site up to the Department of Internal Affairs. This lead to Ringer wanting more out of his career, forcing him to one of two options, either stepping up his game to try and impress his superiors, or resign to his role as an Intelligence Agent.

Ringer couldn’t be left out of the chance at advancing his career, so he eventually climbed up the social ladder until he scored a position as an Intelligence Ambassador. This allowed him to take lead on operations involving GoIs, making him stand out among his peers as one who could solve issues with a plan and strong resolve. This continued as his duties for several years until a near-fatal incident with The Serpent’s Hand, where an Intelligence operation to find stolen SCPs ended in a large-scale ambush, leaving Ringer morbidly injured. He lost the ability to walk normally, and often carries a cane around to assist his mobility. This incident left Ringer unfit as an Intelligence member, and he packed up his office thinking his life with the Foundation was over, until an email popped up onto the terminal on his desk.



“Greetings, Ambassador.”

“Of course, we know you don’t expect to be known by that title anymore. Neither do we. While you’ve seen your better days, you know it’s time for a change.”

“Your exploits in the Department of Intelligence makes you more than a worthy applicant, it’s time to hang up that hat and move on to greener pastures.”

“I hear you asking, ‘applicant?’ Yes, whether you accept it or not, you’re much better suited elsewhere. Perhaps you could just achieve your goals of becoming a member of Site Administration? That’s right, we’ve known your interests in it for years now, but wouldn’t bother to consider you seeing you fit perfectly as a member of the D.I.”

“Thankfully for you, perhaps that ambush only furthered your goals, even if it took a piece of you with it.”

“Enough with the pleasantries for now, Advisor. You are to report to Site-65 immediately. A UH-60 from MTF-██ (“Royal Chauffeurs”) is en route to deliver you. Report to O5-█ upon arrival. Do not keep us waiting."


Being a newly appointed advisor, Ringer would still be well-suited in his old role of managing relations externally, making him eligible for story lines involving GoIs and external forces. His encounter with the Chaos Insurgency also makes him vengeful, feeding a possible flaw within his character to view the Chaos Insurgency with more emotion and emphasis rather than reasoning. Only time will tell.​
Last edited:


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 8, 2022



  • Extremely well written application
  • No warnings
  • Mature
  • Good interactions in roleplay with.


  • Unsure on activity IG/TS


  • N/A
Good Luck.

Stephen Gevanni

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 5, 2022

I haven’t seen much of you RP yet. Given I only play on the weekend, I think you need more than just starting the server a week ago before you should apply for site administration.

Pan Police

Well-known Member
Oct 5, 2021
Can't say I've seen you in game or TS
No RP interactions because ^

Your app is looks good and is detailed


CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
+ Support

+ Activity, both in-game and on teamspeak
+ Maturity
+ Rule knowledge
~ RP Ability

I've spoken to you yesterday regarding the Site Administration position, and I'd say you would fit well with the job. I haven't seen you that much in RP, so I'll leave that at Neutral for now. You seem like a mature person and are quite active, which is essential for such a position.


Civil Gamers Expert
May 31, 2021
skype headquarters
Application Denied

Good evening, @Zero Hero, thank you for your time making this application.
However, after careful consideration with senior members of the Foundation, your position has not been approved.

We would like to see you improve your activity both in-game and in Teamspeak, as most of the people I have spoken to have not seen you enough.

Additionally, we would recommend that you try and get experience as an Ambassador or another CL4 job alike, as it'll show that you've had concrete evidence of being able to handle power and responsibilities.

Once again, thank you for your time.
You may reapply in two weeks.
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