'Zeta' Special Agent Application #8 [USA]

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Well-known Member
Jul 11, 2023
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For how long have you been playing Civilnetworks?

55-56 weeks



In what country are you located?




Character(s) Name(s)?

Civilian - 'Theta' Abbott
CI - 'Demon' Anderson
Foundation - 'Zeta' Anderson
GOC - Zanden 'Zeke' Anderson

What sever are you applying for (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)?


Do you have a mic?


What are your total levels?

Total - 138
Combat - 43
D-Class 31
Research - 15
SCP - 15
Support - 34

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held

Nu-7 SPC

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I used to minge a lot when I first get here, since February of 2023 I've made an attempt to stop minging. Most of my recent RDMs were from honest mistakes that I've corrected


How long have you been a Sr Agent?

(I have nearly 6 months of experience as Sr. Agent)

Why are you applying for Special Agent?

I'm applying for Special Agent for several reaons, the first reason is my extensive period in the Department of External Affairs. I've worked under this department for nearly 2 years now, at the start I never really thought about going any higher but now that I've worked so long I want to be another helping hand for this department to ensure agents are following the CoE the CoC and the rules set in DEA, and to also help ensure that things are running smoothly. My second reason is because I see a lot of issues with the GOIs we have around our site and I feel like I could definently help to secure those relations with different GOIs I have had many encounters with GOC and even though the situation may seem stressful I always find a way to calm everyone down and make sure there's no bad blood in the end. My final reason is I want to fight for change and I want to join in the fight to make DEA stronger and for example better equipment, new loadouts, possibly a new bunks, and definently add in a more paperwork heavy part of the job so we have things documented incase we forget something.

What makes me suitable for Special Agent?

I have several reasons why I think I am suitable for special agent, my first is my leadership skills. If I am ever the highest DEA official on-site I always round up all my other agents and assign different jobs for example just the other day I had three DEA one was escorting an MC&D and I assigned the other two agents to courtyard duty, and while they guarded courtyard I would do a sweep of F2 to Delta-wing return and then switch out and rinse and repeat that process to ensure no CI or Infilling GOC could get on-site. My second reason is my sweeping skills, I've done many trainings with Dpt Manager Peasant on better DEA sweeping skills when it comes to raids wether it be attack or defense, and in the past it has helped me a lot to find hostiles who are hiding. My third reason is my professionalism, whenever I need to be professional I put my best foot forward giving those higher ups the respect they deserve and even when it comes to meeting civis, CI, GOC, you name it. Always be professional and respectful no-matter who you're talking to. My fourth and final reason is my knowledge on SOP guidelines and things involving it, wether it be an MC&D on-site without a permit or a negotiation with CI or MC&D. Even if I forget something I always have my negotiation sheet and DEA handbook on-hand if I ever need to check something.

How many documents have you written?

In my time on-site especially in IA I've written many documents sadly all lost to time, and even in DEA even though it's not required I still take my time to write Civilian capture reports or Incident reports whenever an incident does occur, and even when I don't I still ensure to set up a meeting with a high-ranking official and give them the whole report on word of mouth.

What makes a document good?

Correct information
Proper format (Making sure everything is readable)
If it's involving people involve names and job titles
Professional writing
Do not write your name as someone involved your signature is more preffered
Quotes and statements from people

What are the responsibilities of Special Agents in RP?

Ensuring agents are doing their jobs properly and not breaking Code of Conduct or Rule of Ethics
Hostage Negotiations (Whether on-site or with other GOIs)
Witholding a professional attitude
Assisting with Codes
Patrolling Courtyard down to Delta-wing
Surface operations (Infobreaches, scouting, and kidnapping fleeing personnel)
Combating certain GOIs when they've become hostile
Guarding SCP-914 CC
MC&D Permits and Escorting

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in


Zeta is also tied along with the Project Emissary storyline where Zeta was teamed with a Exec. Morgan Blackhand by Site Advisor Alexei Raven Romanov to attempt to combat a new reality warping entity known as "The Lurker" under Project Emissary during his time in this project he lost his friend Morgan due to "The Lurker" taking his life leaving Zeta in shambles causing him to blame himself for his death. In Morgan's absence he made a new friend along the way GSD Sgt James S Carter, who he's teamed up with to continue to combat "The Lurker". With the final wave incoming Zeta is faced with several new challenges he has to face to finalize his dream of avenging his friend.

(Storyline still ongoing)
(See me or Triton for extra details on Project Emissary storyline)​


Active member
Aug 17, 2024
+SUPOOORTTT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- THE absolute most dedicated DEA player
- phenomenal at creating rp/rp situations with fellow players
- this is long overdue someone accept this now!!!
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Mar 7, 2024
Have seen issues of professionalism and removed from Snr agent not long ago. Additionally has not improved too much. Yes you are good at RP! but it's all based around you having some type of kill or be killed persona and does not show to me at least that you are fit for special agent.
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Harold Hawks

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Mar 12, 2023
CL4 can’t just be handed out, apparently due to the comments of professionalism and behavior there’s still more to be desired. If that were fixed though, you would be the most qualified candidate out of anybody I’m certain.
Apr 10, 2023
Zeta is SO dedicated and is 100% the most deserving person of Special Agent. This guy has been on DEA for so long and is AMAZING at RP. Zeta should have been approved a former app but 8th times the charm for realsies 🙏
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Weebe San

Active member
Aug 10, 2024

You’re a very dedicated role-player Zeta. When I first met you, it was a bit strange given the way you acted but once I got to know you, I realized just how committed you are to your lore, the roleplay and the stories you tell. From the time we talked about a special project with Site Director Marvin (R.I.P) to the time in the CL4 Chem lab with that bird. You’re quite a creative individual and considering the stories you’ve told me with GOI’s I’m certain you’d make a great Special agent.
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