Deleted member 3849
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:240476062
Discord name: OldSport#0109
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
A good amount of time,
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone:
Character name(s): Zeta{TH-D](Foundation Character), Constatine(Civi Character), Constatine "Ozymandias" Ozzy (UNGOC Character)
Civilian name:
-Mr. Zeta
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): Overseer Assistant
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Advisor
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I have not, gotten any warnings that I know of, if I do, please dm immediately so that I can change this.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?
- I have a great clearance level 4 experience with having consultant and site advisor. Although my time in site advisor was short lived due to some internet issues, I had really enjoyed my time there. I've also had experience with commanding a division since I'm currently the leader of the therapy subdepartment. So, I know how to manage over a small division and my site advisor experience gave me the insights on the inner workings of each part of the foundation. I'd say that I'm pretty dedicated to whatever role that I'm playing on. Another thing is that I'm pretty active during the later parts of the server when no one is online, I know I put this in all my applications but it's true. Which means I can help with situations when there is an absence of people online. I've got experience with writing documents and paperwork in that fieldwork environment I'd say my work is pretty decent.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibility of the Overseer Assistant to act on the behalf of the Overseer council, when they are onsite or off site. The Overseer Assistant must act in the most professionalism no matter what task that they have been given to them. These tasks may include writing papers, investigating situations, and handling situations while reporting everything to the Overseer Council. Acting somewhat like the hidden eyes of the Overseer Council.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Zeta's Big Day (SCP Tales from the foundation)
The sparkling moon light flickered as a consultant was escorted out of the facility, as moon light beamed from the heavens illuminated the prisoner cuffed and injected with anomalous drugs to turn them off. Some of the Foundation members had waved goodbye to this consultant they did not know why they were being taken away but knew if they questioned, they might forget. The soldiers shoved the consultant to the ground leaving him in the snow to as they called a special number before leaving the consultant with his thoughts. Zeta didn't know why this happening he had served the foundation.
When the sun arose illumining the snow-covered land creating a mirage of colors as the frozen body of Zeta was laid before the sun. A car covered in colors, so bright that they made the sun look dull arrived, picking up the body and placing it within the trunk as it drove towards a factory hidden beneath the snow. The automobile would drive straight through a maze of trees, as it seemed to shift into an entrance, flowing like water into a door. Parking the car Infront of the door they opened the trunk and removed the thawing body of Zeta, placing him over an assailant's shoulder and marching through the door.
As the door swung open it showed a normal looking hallway, the moment they had entered the door slammed shut behind them, as it slammed shut the door shattered into a million pieces. Zeta eyes started to flutter open as they did their body started to animate as cracks as the frozen limbs started to function. Zeta was placed within a chair Infront of a ████. Zeta's eyes opened wide before a single syllable would exit their mouth, ████ would place a finger to their lips shushing Zeta. ████ would exclaim.
"Mr. Zeta, you have proven your worth within the SCP Foundation and I appreciate your work in helping Wondertainment© create a great relation within the foundation. For our next step we need you to find buyers within the foundation so we shall be implanting you with knowledge about Wondertainment© ads. "
Zeta looked quite confused as he was handed a document activating their anomalous ability and memorizing the advertisements. Zeta would then try to speak but all that came out from his mouth was an Ad for the Wondertainment© Dragon Snails. ████ looked quite pleased with the matter before flicking their hand and Zeta was knocked out, waking up back at the facility. Zeta approached a member of the foundation and spouted some ads. To deal with this current situation Zeta is to be administered Class C amnestic everyone in a while. The Codename for this is Ad Blocker. Due to this situation, it was considered to give a different position which was easier to overseer the condition and make sure that they are truly loyal.
The End
Discord name: OldSport#0109
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
A good amount of time,
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone:
Character name(s): Zeta{TH-D](Foundation Character), Constatine(Civi Character), Constatine "Ozymandias" Ozzy (UNGOC Character)
Civilian name:
-Mr. Zeta
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): Overseer Assistant
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Advisor
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I have not, gotten any warnings that I know of, if I do, please dm immediately so that I can change this.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?
- I have a great clearance level 4 experience with having consultant and site advisor. Although my time in site advisor was short lived due to some internet issues, I had really enjoyed my time there. I've also had experience with commanding a division since I'm currently the leader of the therapy subdepartment. So, I know how to manage over a small division and my site advisor experience gave me the insights on the inner workings of each part of the foundation. I'd say that I'm pretty dedicated to whatever role that I'm playing on. Another thing is that I'm pretty active during the later parts of the server when no one is online, I know I put this in all my applications but it's true. Which means I can help with situations when there is an absence of people online. I've got experience with writing documents and paperwork in that fieldwork environment I'd say my work is pretty decent.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibility of the Overseer Assistant to act on the behalf of the Overseer council, when they are onsite or off site. The Overseer Assistant must act in the most professionalism no matter what task that they have been given to them. These tasks may include writing papers, investigating situations, and handling situations while reporting everything to the Overseer Council. Acting somewhat like the hidden eyes of the Overseer Council.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
LOGIN: ████████
PASSWORD: ██████████
{??'?? ??? ????? ???????? ????????, ??'?? ??? ????? ??? ???'? ???????, ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ???? {ADVERTISEMENT from Mr. WONDERTAINMENT ©}
"The hell? Why is there an ad here?"
WELCOME BACK: Mr. ██████████
{???? ???? ??? ?????????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ????????? You must be mistaken, it's nice to meet you Mr. ██████████ I am a representative of the Wondertainment company.
You must be quite curious if you're trying to get information from a discontinued Little Mister line. Although since you are Mr. Ambrose Collector, I guess I'll let this slide.
Name: Mr. Zeta
Sex: Male
Age: Unkown
Height: 5'11
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Unkown
October 27 ████

England, Arkansas
There were some former reports about an abandoned broken factory that used to produce strange toys for the local children filling them up with joy. Until the feds stepped in and shut down the factory due to some conflicts with the lease permits causing, the business to have to move elsewhere. Recent reports state that there are sounds that make the factory seem still in operation, it was thought to be a couple of teenagers sneaking into the factory. Until one day when screams could be heard emitting from the factory, as the old lights started to illuminate. The authorities stepped into the factory to check out what was happening. Within the factory was a pristine clean interior, while the outside has shown an old building that was falling apart. Local MTF Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots"), that were stationed undercover was a part of the team. As the team moved to find all kinds of boxes filled with all types of toys .When entering the main production room, they would see that see some sort of creature flipping the switches when it noticed them it turned hostile and killed 4 members of a 10-member excursion before being put down by light weaponry. Chief Bookums who was leading the current excursion decided that they needed more gun power, so the expedition was called back. When reaching the entrance where they had come from, the team noticed that there was a blood trail leaving some splotches outside, when the trial was followed there was a box on the ground labeled rejected. When prying open the box was a human, a male of Caucasian descent. The man looked to be in his 20s all things about him seem to be normal except on the bottom of his foot would be the word, Mr. Zeta. Mr. Zeta was taken to the SCP foundation for further questioning, Mr. Zeta preferred to go by Zeta instead of Mr. Zeta because he said he didn't like it. In the right-hand pocket of Zeta, was the handwritten note.
???! ???'?? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ℜ????????? ?????? ??????, ? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ??. ??????????????!
???? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??. ??????? ℭ????????!!
At the bottom of the had the listings for Little Misters like how the Little Misters by Wondertainment would be. Although there would be 6 more spaces and all of them were empty. When asked about this Zeta said he has not met any of the other little misters. Zeta seemed to have no anomalous abilities, except for the fact that he could cook anomalous/standard foods, have military combat training, and have immense medical knowledge embedded with him. Agents that have asked Ambrose restaurants about Mr. Zeta were given no clear confirmation whether it was a real product, although it seems like Mr. Zeta would have helped serve food to, and in case of difficult situations deal with the problem. Since Mr. Zeta joined the foundation, they have helped decipher ways to cook strange foods and have joined the medical team. Zeta has been working as a combative medic for a couple of years now, helping ensure the foundation's growth. Zeta has also joined a combative medical task force called HH-3 and moved up to the ranks to Command Sergeant.
Zeta has resigned from the medical task force to pursue a more pacifist role within the foundation. Zeta was chosen as the Director Of therapy of the new therapy division.
I'm quite surprised that this little mister would take up a position within the medical staff rather than cooking, although in his programming he was created to help people, so it lines up. Director Of Therapy? I guess that lines up with helping people, I guess.
SECRET FILE Anomalous abilities
Did you really think that they only had cooking, medical, and combative skills you must be joking? Here at Wondertainment©, we pride ourselves on fun and entertainment.
Mr. Zeta/Zeta
SCP-XXZZ appearance resembles a human of Caucasian ethnicity, they seem to be around 5'11 in their standard form. The appearance of SCP-XXZZ seems to alter slightly depending on the job that it has been tasked with. These changes mostly change their physical properties, in what seems to be quite painless and seamless. The physical properties of SCP-XXZZ have no anomalous features except for on their left foot, is which the Tattooed name of Mr. Zeta. SCP-XXZZ is capable of speech, writing, and reading multiple languages, depending on who is in the room. SCP-XXZZ is referred to be called Zeta and is most often called this name. SCP-XXZZ seems to be slightly aware of all the other little misters that come from the main lineup.SCP-XXZZ seems to have no other anomalous features, other than being a little mister.
[Check addendum 1] You will find something very interesting. :0
Addendum 1:
SCP-XXZZ has the special ability to manifest foods from an unknown source. An Ambrose Little mister should have the ability to serve customers food at any moment, right? These foods have been classified as SCP-XXZZ-1, these foods can range from a standard sandwich to what looks like pasta made from the ████'s organs. Consumption of these foods is considered safe in moderation, in overconsumption can cause ████. When asked about this ability, SCP-XXZZ simply stated, that he had always had this ability. Do not worry the food is absolutely delicious, I've had it myself.
Addendum 2:
The files of SCP-XXZZ seem to be freely altered by WONDERTAINEMNT© company, all wondertainemnt alterations are marked with purple, while normal documentation is marked with white. We just want to make sure that you don't slander our company. We know all of the products that you house within your foundation is of the highest quality. Do not worry we didn't look at the other files. We also want to let you know that Mr. Zeta is made of similar materials that the food comes from. This makes him more durable and pliable. So, if they ever break just mend them together, although they won't be functional for a small bit.
Addendum 3:
There are no more things to talk about Mr. Zeta, I just wanted to tell you Mr. ████████ that Mr. Zeta would be quite useful to help our operations when dealing with Mr. Redd. Could help both of us if we had someone to be the middleman of our organizations, right? Mr. Zeta obtains the unique ability to adapt to any job given to him, whether you want them to be a combative or one of your site's administrators. Perfect for any job, and since you are Mr. Ambrose Collector, he will follow your orders 100%. So what do you say? I'll be shutting down these files for now. Although I'll let you access them. Good luck with your decision.
"Reload Page"
I want you to think about it first.
"That was interesting, what to do?"
PASSWORD: ██████████
{??'?? ??? ????? ???????? ????????, ??'?? ??? ????? ??? ???'? ???????, ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ???? {ADVERTISEMENT from Mr. WONDERTAINMENT ©}
"The hell? Why is there an ad here?"
WELCOME BACK: Mr. ██████████
{???? ???? ??? ?????????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ?? ????????? You must be mistaken, it's nice to meet you Mr. ██████████ I am a representative of the Wondertainment company.
You must be quite curious if you're trying to get information from a discontinued Little Mister line. Although since you are Mr. Ambrose Collector, I guess I'll let this slide.
Name: Mr. Zeta
Sex: Male
Age: Unkown
Height: 5'11
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Unkown
October 27 ████
England, Arkansas
There were some former reports about an abandoned broken factory that used to produce strange toys for the local children filling them up with joy. Until the feds stepped in and shut down the factory due to some conflicts with the lease permits causing, the business to have to move elsewhere. Recent reports state that there are sounds that make the factory seem still in operation, it was thought to be a couple of teenagers sneaking into the factory. Until one day when screams could be heard emitting from the factory, as the old lights started to illuminate. The authorities stepped into the factory to check out what was happening. Within the factory was a pristine clean interior, while the outside has shown an old building that was falling apart. Local MTF Epsilon-6 ("Village Idiots"), that were stationed undercover was a part of the team. As the team moved to find all kinds of boxes filled with all types of toys .When entering the main production room, they would see that see some sort of creature flipping the switches when it noticed them it turned hostile and killed 4 members of a 10-member excursion before being put down by light weaponry. Chief Bookums who was leading the current excursion decided that they needed more gun power, so the expedition was called back. When reaching the entrance where they had come from, the team noticed that there was a blood trail leaving some splotches outside, when the trial was followed there was a box on the ground labeled rejected. When prying open the box was a human, a male of Caucasian descent. The man looked to be in his 20s all things about him seem to be normal except on the bottom of his foot would be the word, Mr. Zeta. Mr. Zeta was taken to the SCP foundation for further questioning, Mr. Zeta preferred to go by Zeta instead of Mr. Zeta because he said he didn't like it. In the right-hand pocket of Zeta, was the handwritten note.
???! ???'?? ???? ????? ???????? ???? ???? ??? ??????? ℜ????????? ?????? ??????, ? ??????? ??????? ?????????? ???? ??. ??????????????!
???? ???? ??? ??? ?????? ??. ??????? ℭ????????!!
At the bottom of the had the listings for Little Misters like how the Little Misters by Wondertainment would be. Although there would be 6 more spaces and all of them were empty. When asked about this Zeta said he has not met any of the other little misters. Zeta seemed to have no anomalous abilities, except for the fact that he could cook anomalous/standard foods, have military combat training, and have immense medical knowledge embedded with him. Agents that have asked Ambrose restaurants about Mr. Zeta were given no clear confirmation whether it was a real product, although it seems like Mr. Zeta would have helped serve food to, and in case of difficult situations deal with the problem. Since Mr. Zeta joined the foundation, they have helped decipher ways to cook strange foods and have joined the medical team. Zeta has been working as a combative medic for a couple of years now, helping ensure the foundation's growth. Zeta has also joined a combative medical task force called HH-3 and moved up to the ranks to Command Sergeant.
Zeta has resigned from the medical task force to pursue a more pacifist role within the foundation. Zeta was chosen as the Director Of therapy of the new therapy division.
I'm quite surprised that this little mister would take up a position within the medical staff rather than cooking, although in his programming he was created to help people, so it lines up. Director Of Therapy? I guess that lines up with helping people, I guess.
SECRET FILE Anomalous abilities
Did you really think that they only had cooking, medical, and combative skills you must be joking? Here at Wondertainment©, we pride ourselves on fun and entertainment.
Mr. Zeta/Zeta
SCP-XXZZ appearance resembles a human of Caucasian ethnicity, they seem to be around 5'11 in their standard form. The appearance of SCP-XXZZ seems to alter slightly depending on the job that it has been tasked with. These changes mostly change their physical properties, in what seems to be quite painless and seamless. The physical properties of SCP-XXZZ have no anomalous features except for on their left foot, is which the Tattooed name of Mr. Zeta. SCP-XXZZ is capable of speech, writing, and reading multiple languages, depending on who is in the room. SCP-XXZZ is referred to be called Zeta and is most often called this name. SCP-XXZZ seems to be slightly aware of all the other little misters that come from the main lineup.
[Check addendum 1] You will find something very interesting. :0
Addendum 1:
SCP-XXZZ has the special ability to manifest foods from an unknown source. An Ambrose Little mister should have the ability to serve customers food at any moment, right? These foods have been classified as SCP-XXZZ-1, these foods can range from a standard sandwich to what looks like pasta made from the ████'s organs. Consumption of these foods is considered safe in moderation, in overconsumption can cause ████. When asked about this ability, SCP-XXZZ simply stated, that he had always had this ability. Do not worry the food is absolutely delicious, I've had it myself.
Addendum 2:
The files of SCP-XXZZ seem to be freely altered by WONDERTAINEMNT© company, all wondertainemnt alterations are marked with purple, while normal documentation is marked with white. We just want to make sure that you don't slander our company. We know all of the products that you house within your foundation is of the highest quality. Do not worry we didn't look at the other files. We also want to let you know that Mr. Zeta is made of similar materials that the food comes from. This makes him more durable and pliable. So, if they ever break just mend them together, although they won't be functional for a small bit.
Addendum 3:
There are no more things to talk about Mr. Zeta, I just wanted to tell you Mr. ████████ that Mr. Zeta would be quite useful to help our operations when dealing with Mr. Redd. Could help both of us if we had someone to be the middleman of our organizations, right? Mr. Zeta obtains the unique ability to adapt to any job given to him, whether you want them to be a combative or one of your site's administrators. Perfect for any job, and since you are Mr. Ambrose Collector, he will follow your orders 100%. So what do you say? I'll be shutting down these files for now. Although I'll let you access them. Good luck with your decision.
"Reload Page"
I want you to think about it first.
"That was interesting, what to do?"
The sparkling moon light flickered as a consultant was escorted out of the facility, as moon light beamed from the heavens illuminated the prisoner cuffed and injected with anomalous drugs to turn them off. Some of the Foundation members had waved goodbye to this consultant they did not know why they were being taken away but knew if they questioned, they might forget. The soldiers shoved the consultant to the ground leaving him in the snow to as they called a special number before leaving the consultant with his thoughts. Zeta didn't know why this happening he had served the foundation.
When the sun arose illumining the snow-covered land creating a mirage of colors as the frozen body of Zeta was laid before the sun. A car covered in colors, so bright that they made the sun look dull arrived, picking up the body and placing it within the trunk as it drove towards a factory hidden beneath the snow. The automobile would drive straight through a maze of trees, as it seemed to shift into an entrance, flowing like water into a door. Parking the car Infront of the door they opened the trunk and removed the thawing body of Zeta, placing him over an assailant's shoulder and marching through the door.
As the door swung open it showed a normal looking hallway, the moment they had entered the door slammed shut behind them, as it slammed shut the door shattered into a million pieces. Zeta eyes started to flutter open as they did their body started to animate as cracks as the frozen limbs started to function. Zeta was placed within a chair Infront of a ████. Zeta's eyes opened wide before a single syllable would exit their mouth, ████ would place a finger to their lips shushing Zeta. ████ would exclaim.
"Mr. Zeta, you have proven your worth within the SCP Foundation and I appreciate your work in helping Wondertainment© create a great relation within the foundation. For our next step we need you to find buyers within the foundation so we shall be implanting you with knowledge about Wondertainment© ads. "
Zeta looked quite confused as he was handed a document activating their anomalous ability and memorizing the advertisements. Zeta would then try to speak but all that came out from his mouth was an Ad for the Wondertainment© Dragon Snails. ████ looked quite pleased with the matter before flicking their hand and Zeta was knocked out, waking up back at the facility. Zeta approached a member of the foundation and spouted some ads. To deal with this current situation Zeta is to be administered Class C amnestic everyone in a while. The Codename for this is Ad Blocker. Due to this situation, it was considered to give a different position which was easier to overseer the condition and make sure that they are truly loyal.
The End